The Golden Rule: At its core, the Golden Rule is a natural law, also believed to be a moral truth, which states to only treat others in the same manner you want to be treated.
The Law of Divine Oneness: Everything you see and touch in the physical realm and everything you feel and experience in the spiritual realm are all connected and are part of a Divine whole.
The Law of Gratitude: In order to get what you want in life, you have to be truly thankful for what you already have.
The Law of Love: Love is one of the purest frequencies. You cannot see it, touch it, or contain it. You can only experience, observe, and feel its effects. With your heart filled with love you can reach the highest levels of spiritual awareness and growth.
The Law of Frequency: Pure energy is at the foundation of everything in existence and this energy vibrates at a frequency unique unto itself.
The Law of Intention: The entire universe is made up of energy and information. It means utilizing this information with positive intention for your energy and purpose.
The Law of Attraction: What you put out into the universe will come back to you.
The Law of Abundance: Everything and anything you can imagine is contained in the universe in unlimited amounts, of which you can partake.
The Law of Light: By transforming your consciousness and connecting to your own inner light, the light of the universe, and the light in one another, you’ll open yourself to empowerment, knowledge, and a deeper connection to your own awakened consciousness.
The Law of Unity: We are all part of one spiritual being with each part working together for the whole even though the parts are different and unique.
The Law of Purpose: Everything in existence was created with a purpose and has the ability to fulfill that purpose.
The Law of Harmony: Harmony relates to balance through energy. Everything within the universe is balanced. When you are connected to positive energy you will feel in harmony with the universe and balanced at a soul level.
The Law of Action: Simply put, it means you have to do something in order to achieve something. You must take action to fulfill your dreams, your hopes and desires, and to obtain what you want out of life.
The Law of Affirmation: When you create a positive phrase filled with the intention of what you want, and you repeat the affirmation to yourself on a regular basis, then it will become your truth.
The Law of Clarity: If you are clear about what you want to achieve in life, have clear intentions, and clarity of purpose, then you can attain your desires.
The Law of Success: You can reach any and all of your desired goals whether they are material, emotional, or spiritual.
The Law of Relativity: Everything in our physical world is made real by comparison or its relationship to something else. Everything is relative to one another.
The Law of Correspondence: The laws of the physical world which explain motion, light, vibration, and other scientific ideals have a corresponding law in the spiritual universe.
The Law of Compensation: You will be paid for the energy you have expended by receiving energy back from the universe tenfold.
The Law of Cooperation: As a spiritual being you are in cooperation with yourself, the Divine, and others in order to grow and learn on the earthly plane of existence. It means to make the best of what you’re given without complaint or to take action to bring about change.
The Law of Perspective: Every person has a unique point of view or attitude when regarding something, someone, or a situation, which is relative to their personal belief. As belief changes, perspective changes. Life is how you perceive it.
The Law of Thought: Your state of mind, whether positive or negative, is reflected in your external reality. Thoughts are made of energy that can be targeted toward a specific outcome. This means to change your state of mind, is to change your reality.
The Law of Passivity: There are times in your life when you do not need to respond or take action, yet there are other times when taking an active role and making decisions is exactly what you need to do.
The Law of Sacrifice: In order to obtain something you want, you must lose, or let go of, something you currently have.
The Law of Responsibility: As spiritual beings we are to respond to the situations we find ourselves in and the people we encounter in an appropriate manner. To be responsible means to make our own decisions and act independently while being accountable for our actions without putting blame on others.
The Law of Attachment and Detachment: You can have anything and everything you desire but when your happiness and sense of self-worth is dependent upon that thing then you are attached to it and must let it go, otherwise it controls you.
The Law of Faith: If you believe in something with strong conviction and trust that what you believe in will happen, then it will and the impossible will become reality.
The Law of Attention: Anything you put your attention on will manifest in your life. This is a simple law but is very important in achieving success and obtaining the things you want. When you give something your attention, especially your undivided focus, its energy grows and expands as it is drawn to you.
The Law of Forgiveness: Is based in love and means releasing anger, resentment, hatred, bitterness, or other negative emotions you have towards someone or something; to pardon them for any wrongs done to you, whether known or unknown to them.
The Law of Request: If you need help you must ask for it, be ready to receive it, and should not offer help unless it is requested by another.
The Law of Allowing: Trust in and allow the natural flow of life without resistance.
The Law of Discipline: Doing what you know you must do even when you don’t want to do it.
The Law of Cycles: The universe is made of energy that runs in currents, in cycles, ebbs and flows, vibrating at different rates at different times.
The Law of Prosperity: When one person prospers, we all prosper in direct proportion to the happiness you feel for the other person’s prosperity or your own.
The Law of Patience: All things will happen when the time is right for them to fulfill their purpose in your life.
The Law of Awakening: In order to experience an awakening, whether spiritual, personal, or in any other aspect of your life, become more aware. To achieve awareness maintain self-control, stability, and focus.
The Law of Cause and Effect: Every action (cause) has a consequence (effect). Your thoughts, actions, and reactions (causes) create the consequences (effects), and these effects will physically manifest in your current reality.
The Law of Balance and Polarity: There is a polarity between all things within the universe and between those extreme opposites you find balance.
The Law of Supply and Demand: For every demand the universe will provide the supply to meet that demand, however, without a demand there will be no supply.
The Law of Potential: There is an unlimited amount of possibilities and infinite potential within everyone and everything in the universe due to the connection of energy to universal consciousness.