The Law of Harmony

chapter ornament

Every experience gives me the opportunity to grow spiritually. It is my choice to restore stability if I’m
out of balance and to create harmony in my life
which allows me to achieve all I need and desire.

The Law of Harmony relates to balance through energy. Everything within the universe is balanced. The Law of Harmony means the balance between opposing forces, which according to the Kybalion, is the same way harmony is found in the Law of Compensation and the Law of Cause and Effect. These forces can be external to you and within your environment or they can be internal emotions, ideals, and thoughts that affect your actions. The Law of Harmony means that as an energy being you are able to align yourself with universal energy, which opens you to receive supreme abundance. Anything and everything is possible and attainable when you’ve achieved core alignment through the Law of Harmony.

When something is out of balance in the universe events happen to restore the balance and bring harmony back to the situation. Nature is a perfect example. A smooth lake is in balance but if a storm crosses the lake, the wind causes waves and the rain causes millions of tiny splashes which create additional ripples across the surface of the lake, temporarily making it out of balance. As the lake absorbs the new water and the wind dissipates as the storm passes by, harmony is restored to the lake. Because of the storm, it has gained something new, the additional water, and is forever changed by experiencing the storm, but it returns to a balanced, harmonious state.

You can apply this to your life as well. When you experience a situation that temporarily alters your life, as you align yourself with the event you may be forever changed by the experience but you can bring yourself back into balance and restore harmony. Every experience is an opportunity to learn, grow, and reflect. If you’re not living in harmony you may experience fear, problems in your communications with others, or you may feel conflicted, mistrustful, lonely, sad, or alienated.

Letting Go to Feel Harmony

One of the key elements in living the Law of Harmony is to let go of fear and negativity. If you’re afraid of something it will be difficult to feel the harmony of the universe because it is often the basis of other negative emotions like jealousy, envy, and worry. You can choose not to allow anyone to cause you fear or to control you through fear. You always have the ultimate choice of achieving harmony in your life and if it means letting things go, then let them go. Let’s think about negative emotions for a minute and how you can work through them. What if you’re jealous of someone? Think about why you’re jealous. Is it because you feel they may try to take someone you love away from you? Or is it because they have things you want but are afraid you’ll never be able to attain? If you think about your negative feelings you can always determine what’s causing them if you dig deep enough within yourself. Once you know the reason behind negative emotions, you have the opportunity to release them and replace them with something positive. Sometimes that means deciding you will not let another person’s actions make you feel any less about yourself. If the person you love doesn’t love you enough to remain faithful to you, then maybe they’re not the right person to have in your life. If you’re jealous of the things another has because you’re afraid you’ll never be able to achieve the same things for yourself then decide you can either live without them or strive to attain them. Then, instead of feeling jealousy toward the person, feel happy for them that they’ve been able to achieve those things for themselves and let their success inspire you. When you have happiness and joy for another’s accomplishments then you open the door to achieve your own goals, and attain happiness and joy for yourself. You restore harmony into your own life and reap its rewards.

This is how you can tell you’re living the Law of Harmony and are in sync with the harmonious nature of the universe. You’re now intentionally seeking harmonious energy. If you’re not adding to the harmony of the universe then you’re taking away from it through negative actions and emotions. Another way to think about it is that everything you give to others you are creating for yourself. However, it’s important to realize that if you’re giving negativity to others, you’re also creating negative situations for yourself. Remain on the side of positivity to achieve everything you want.

Harmony Is Based on Love and Action

The Law of Harmony is also based on love. When you send love out to everyone and everything around you, then you’ll receive love in return. Love is such a positive emotion that it can lift you from despair into joy. Start by really feeling love for yourself and for the world around you. Then start sending unconditional love to others, from your heart to theirs, and then release it. The energy you send to them will positively affect them and it’s a great way to elevate your own frequency. Another important part of living the Law of Harmony is that your emotions and thoughts must be realized through your actions. Think of your thoughts as physical things that result in action and directly affect you and those around you. To be successful in your achievements, your thoughts, emotions, and actions should all be aligned together. Are your actions reflecting something different than what you thought or felt? If they are, it’s time to dig a little deeper into your true spiritual essence. If you’re truly in harmony you aren’t going to want to treat another person in an unkind manner. If you’re out of balance, your soul searching will help you figure out the problem within yourself and rectify it.

The Law of Harmony means you make conscious choices that will not limit you in any way. If you’re placing limitations on yourself then you’re blocking your own success because you’re making it harder for what you’re trying to achieve to get to you. It’s like building a wall around yourself. To open the flow of energy so it’s easier for you to reach for your goals and for your goals to come to you, try some of the following choices when the opportunity arises:

Once you’ve been working on living in alignment with the Law of Harmony you’ll begin to notice that life is flowing smoothly, everything just seems to happen easily and without much drama. Help comes along just when you need it the most in the form of important information or a helping hand of a friend, acquaintance, or stranger.

Try It Now

Think about an area of your life that feels out of balance. First think about a reason why this area is out of balance. Once you have the reason, decide on an action to take that will help bring this area of your life back into balance. Once you have the solution keep considering the area that is out of balance. Is there anything else you can do to bring it back into balance? If the answer is yes, think about it again. Repeat this until you feel you have exhausted all avenues to bring harmony to the area of your life that’s out of balance. I suggest doing one area of your life at a time so that you can write everything down afterwards without forgetting anything, but if you feel drawn to do more than one area, go for it. At the end of the exercise you will have a plethora of ideas that will help you regain a sense of harmony in your life. Move forward with a sense of purpose and harmony surrounding you. Write down your discoveries and take action to bring them to fruition.

Practical Application Tips

See Also Chapter 5: The Law of Frequency
