The Law of Correspondence

chapter ornament

Today I create my own reality based on the
beliefs within me. I will shine and excel in joy.

The Law of Correspondence states that the laws of the physical world regarding motion, light, vibration, and other scientific ideals have a corresponding law in the spiritual universe. The Law of Correspondence is stated in the Kybalion as “As above, so below; as below, so above.” It is also often stated as “As within, so without” and in the shortened version of “As above, so below.” What, exactly, does this mean?

As Within, So Without

As within, so without means that how you feel inside, at your true spiritual core, your beliefs and thoughts, are directly reflected on the outside through your actions and behavior and will absolutely affect your experiences in this realm of existence on the earthly plane. That is why, in order to be successful, you must make sure your inner world is running smoothly, without drama, with positive intent, and is abundant in happiness and joy because those are the things you would want to experience in your physical reality. If your inner world is in a state of constant unrest, with too much drama, worry, and continuous struggles, then that’s what you’ll experience in the physical. Because your inner life is reflected into your outer life, you must take care of your emotions, thoughts, and how you look at the physical world. If these are out of balance, then your physical reality, including the relationships you have with other people, your career, the amount of money you’ll be able to make, how much you’ll be able to prosper and succeed in life, all of these things will be out of balance as well.

If you notice you’re experiencing a lot of negativity in your physical world, then there is negativity within you. The Law of Correspondence helps you find inner negativity so you can eliminate it once and for all. You may have buried negative feelings like anger, jealousy, or fear so deep that you’re denying it even to yourself. This is when you need to uncover every nuance of negativity within so what is reflected without is positive. Think of it as spiritual spring cleaning. Once you do this, you’ll see changes in your external environment. If you had a fear of people leaving you, now they no longer leave but instead stay a part of your life. If you had been holding anger inside, people no longer take their anger out on you but are pleasant. If you let go of your lack of trust in others, now you’ll find people are more trusting of you. When you change yourself, others change to mirror your internal changes. What you believe is reflected into the universe and your physical reality so make sure you believe in your utmost success.

As Above, So Below

As above, so below. This means that the physical world corresponds to the spiritual world and the universe. There are many layers of existence, such as the spiritual universe, that we are unable to see and are unknown to us except through the Law of Correspondence. This law allows us to achieve harmony through understanding and receiving spiritual truths between the spiritual realm and the earthly plane of existence. In essence this means the spiritual realm is mirrored in the physical realm. Many religions have the ideal of on Earth as it is in heaven which is a reflection of the Law of Correspondence. Consider for a moment the amount of love and positive energy in the spiritual realm. This directly corresponds with the amount of love you feel in your heart for the world around you, the people in your life, and the things you enjoy doing. Since you are part of the whole, then it’s easy to see the connection between the spiritual realm above and yourself living on the physical realm below.

In the spiritual realm, we are each responsible for our unique essence. We are there for one another but we are not responsible for each other’s path. Every entity’s path is uniquely their own. It’s the same below. You are not responsible for the path of anyone else. You can offer assistance and guide others, but ultimately they will make their own decisions that will affect their path. You are only responsible for your own path and spiritual growth. While you may want to try to help someone who is going down the wrong path, the only thing you truly have control over is your own self, the way you feel, how you think, and the things you do in life.

If you feel stuck in a rut and don’t know what to do to change yourself the first thing you must do is take responsibility for your actions. If you’re wrong, admit it to yourself. You don’t have to admit it to anyone else right now, although you might want to later, but you have to be honest with yourself. It’s really easy to claim responsibility when things are great, but what about when you do something wrong? Are you putting blame on others when the fault is really yours? It’s easy to lay blame elsewhere and hard to accept when you’re in the wrong. But the more you accept responsibility for what you’re doing, thinking, saying, and feeling, the easier it will become. Make a thorough examination of your life. Look at where you’ve been and where you’re going. Think about how your thoughts and actions have affected your path up until now. Do you see a pattern? Is it positive or negative? Do you need to change your attitude, work ethic, or anything else to obtain a different outcome? If you do, start today to make changes internally so they will affect you positively externally. You can have anything you desire in life but you have to want it and make the changes necessary to achieve it.

Every situation is an opportunity to learn something new about yourself. If you do then you’re continually growing and moving forward, which is part of the purpose of being. It’s your job to make sure you’re taking advantage of every opportunity to learn. Life isn’t sugar-coated. You must take the good with the bad and learn from both. As above, God, the Source, the universe, whatever you call the higher power of creation, wants you to succeed and obtain all that your heart desires, but as below, it’s your responsibility to make things happen with the gifts you’ve been given. I always say the universe works on its own timetable; the things we wanted yesterday will come when the time is right. You can’t force things to happen right now, but you can change within right now. It’s all up to you.

Déjà vu and Synchronicity

Have you ever experienced déjà vu? Have you experienced a really weird coincidence? How about synchronicity, when things happen and seem complexly intertwined but aren’t connected? That’s a message from above for you to pay more attention to what’s going on in your life. To me, déjà vu is an indication that you’re on the right path. It is a sign your Divine self planned while still in the spiritual realm to let you know you’re going in the right direction. The more often and powerful the déjà vu, the more potent the message to keep going forward because what you seek is right around the corner. I personally don’t believe in coincidences. I believe everything happens for a reason even if we don’t know the reason at the point in time when we have the experience. Sometimes the reason will become known later and other times you’ll find it out when you’re back on the spiritual plane. When you pay attention to the signs that are being sent to you, then you are opening your awareness and making it easier to obtain success and achieve your desires. When you ignore these messages then you are missing opportunities that would enable you to obtain what you want faster. Living life with your eyes wide open can allow you to expect the unexpected, to believe in the unbelievable, and attain what may seem unattainable.

Try It Now

This is a difficult exercise but it’s one I want you to really think about while being utterly, brutally, and completely honest with yourself. Choose one thing you want to achieve. Is it a loving relationship, a home, a vehicle, wealth, more happiness in your life, or a physical object? I want you to make a list of the things you do that are holding you back from achieving your desires. Is it your attitude? If so, what aspect of your attitude is holding you back? Are you angry, jealous, overly competitive, feeling undeserving, or are you trying so hard to please others that you’re not following your own dreams? List everything you can think of inside you that is keeping you from achieving your goal and moving forward. Don’t write down anything about anyone else, and don’t place blame on anyone else. If you feel the need to place blame, look deep within and discover what is inside of you that deserves the blame. Once you have your list complete, I want you to write beside each item a positive action you can take to change what’s holding you back so you begin to move forward. Evaluate this list regularly, and do the exercise over from time to time. By being aware of what’s inside, you can change and create a new reality for yourself.

Practical Application Tips

See Also Chapter 20: The Law of Cooperation
