The Law of Compensation

chapter ornament

As I give, I will receive, be it today,
tomorrow, or at some time in the future.

The Law of Compensation states that you will always be paid for the energy you have expended by receiving energy back from the universe tenfold. This is also known as the Law of Karma which first appeared in the ancient Hindu Rigveda. Even if you’re not expecting to receive anything for your deeds, or even if you don’t want to receive anything back for what you’ve done, the universe will still compensate you for the energy you’ve given out, whether it’s positive or negative … and whether you want it or not.

Think of this law as a vast circle. When you expend energy outward, it affects another person who receives your energy, which allows them to give energy in turn to someone else until the energy comes back around to you. The person who receives your energy is doing so in order for you to be compensated for giving it. It may come back to you in the form of love, money, relationships, material items, happiness, joy, or blessings. To prevent negative energy from coming back to you, try to always send out positive energy. Have you ever heard the saying, what goes around comes around? This saying is usually used when discussing karma but it can also be used to discuss the Law of Compensation. The energy you receive back can be thought of as consequences of your actions. It could happen instantly, in a few days, months or years, or it could happen in your next lifetime. There is no time limit on when the Law of Compensation will pay you back for the deeds you’ve done but you will be paid for them.

If you feel as if there isn’t enough abundance to go around, you may also feel that you shouldn’t receive anything back for the good deeds you’re doing, then you’re setting up a road block not only for yourself but also for those receiving your energy. The energy flows in a circular manner, so you must receive energy back once you give it out. When you tell others not to worry about compensating you, then you’ve clogged the free flow of energy. A good example of this is how you handle compliments. Many people aren’t comfortable receiving compliments from others. While the giver of the compliment is giving out positive energy, when you don’t readily accept the compliment, you’re blocking the energy so that it has a harder time returning to the person who sent it to you.

Abundance Is Infinite

The abundance in the universe will never run out. There’s enough for everyone in existence and then there’s more after that. Abundance is readily available for you if you want it. The universe wants you to have as much as you need and then some. If you were to ask the universe for something to drink and brought a thimble, then that thimble would be filled. If you brought a swimming pool, that would be filled too. It doesn’t matter how much you need or want, you’ll always be able to receive all you ask for and more. The more you give, the more you receive in return.

The Law of Compensation urges us to increase our ability to give and receive. It encourages us to offer praise more often and complain less, to pay for what we receive either with money or in return kindnesses, and to look at the role of others when it comes to compensation. When you’re living the Law of Compensation try not to lay blame on others. Own up to your actions and if you don’t like what you’re seeing, then make changes. Changes in your reality helps you recognize the effects that the Law of Compensation has on you at a spiritual level.

Most people think of money when they consider the Law of Compensation simply because compensation means to be paid. While the law is much more than finances, let’s look at the law in regard to money for a moment. In addition to spiritual giving and receiving, this law can help you understand and handle financial matters and material gains by opening your eyes more fully to the consequences of investments and charitable donations and how you spend, save, and manage your money.

Financial Compensation

For the Law of Compensation to work for you financially, you must first examine the way you think about money. Do you think of your financial state from a place of lack or abundance? If you’re stuck in a lack mentality, you’re unconsciously giving out the energy of lack. In turn you get back the same, keeping you from getting ahead financially. To break this cycle, think back to discover why you are thinking this way.

Consider how you handle money. Do you count every penny without ever giving any away? If you are, you could be causing unnecessary blocks. When you give more, you get more in return. This is true whether you’re talking about money, emotions, thoughts, or the things you say to yourself and others. This doesn’t mean to be irresponsible with your money, but not to hoard it, instead, give some just to give. I once knew a man who would pay for his meals and leave the change sitting on the tray. When he threw out his trash, he threw the change out too. That’s one way you can let go of money but it doesn’t help anyone sitting at the bottom of a trash bag. A way for him to help would have been to leave it as a gift on the table for whoever sat there next. Giving money away, or buying things with your money and then giving those things away to reputable causes or someone in need, is a way to help bring abundance into your life and it makes you feel good about yourself.

The Law of Compensation doesn’t mean you’ll get exactly what you give. For instance, if you volunteered to help someone move, they may not help you move in the future but they may show up on your doorstep the following week to take you out to dinner for helping them. You’ve received something back for your good deed when it wasn’t expected. That’s the Law of Compensation at work. Living the Law of Compensation requires patience. You know the saying; good things come to those that wait? That applies to this law. You may have to wait, but you will be compensated for your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Compensating Yourself

Do you give to yourself? Or are you always giving of yourself to others? With the Law of Compensation it’s just as vitally important to give to yourself as it is to give of yourself. There has to be balance. When you give to yourself you are expressing love for yourself and a deep connection to your soul. Instead of creating lack for yourself because you’re always giving of yourself to others, make sure you take the time to do things that are gifts to yourself. If you need to relax, take a spa day. If you want to boost your self-esteem get a haircut, have a manicure, or go work out in the gym. When you give to yourself you’re recognizing, appreciating, and embracing your spiritual essence, which increases your feelings of self-worth and raises your spiritual frequency. You’re creating a balance in your own energy by giving yourself as much importance as you give others. Treating yourself as you would treat others ensures positive energy coming back to you.

Always remember to be honest and positive in your giving. If you give for the wrong reasons or because you’re expecting something in return for your gift, then you’re setting yourself up to receive negativity back. Give from the heart, with love, and for the sake of helping others and yourself. Then you can receive an unlimited amount of abundance from the universe as a reward for living the Law of Compensation.

Try It Now

For this exercise I would like for you to give something from your heart to another person. You may lend a helping hand, give emotional support, or donate your time to a good cause. Give because you want to, not because you expect something back. Keep a journal of the positive things that happen to you, especially the unexpected. They can be little things like someone holding a door open for you or big things like someone helping you with a difficult situation at your job. Whatever you experience, write it down. This makes you more aware of the energy flowing back to you. This can help you get a handle on how the Law of Compensation is working in your life. This isn’t meant to be a long-term journal, nor are you meant to keep score. It’s simply a guide to get you on the right track until giving and receiving with ease becomes second nature to you.

Practical Application Tips

See Also Chapter 8: The Law of Abundance
