The Law of Thought

chapter ornament

My thoughts are positive, harmonious, and powerful. They guide me to achieve my goals and enable me to create strength of character to help myself and others.

The Law of Thought means that your state of mind, positive or negative, is reflected in your external reality. Thoughts are made of energy that can be targeted toward a specific outcome. This means to change your state of mind is to change your reality. If you don’t like how your life is going, take charge of your thoughts and change directions to a path of prosperity and happiness. Philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Heraclitus, and Parmenides of Elea had theories about the Laws of Thought that were based on contradiction and non-contradiction and were often a source of great debate. Heraclitus believed that things changed so they must already contain what they would change into, whereas Aristotle believed that nothing could exist and not exist at the same time. If you apply these two theories to New Age spirituality, you already have whatever you want to be within you and negativity can’t exist when there’s positivity.

I’ve always believed thoughts are living things you send out into the world to do your bidding so you can accomplish what you want to achieve. Thought is an unbelievably powerful force that can create, heal, and change lives. I always try to keep my thoughts positive and never think of things I wouldn’t want to happen. When you speak your thoughts aloud, you give them even more power to accomplish what you want and those thoughts will eventually manifest in your life. Your intention behind your thoughts is also very important so choose a positive intent when living the Law of Thought.

Comparison and Contrasting Thoughts

When I’m writing, I teach by comparing and contrasting positives and negatives, which isn’t the same as sitting here thinking of doom and gloom or bad things. The difference is that when I discuss something less than positive in my books, it helps the reader recognize something they may be doing that hadn’t occurred to them before that moment. It provides multiple perspectives while learning about the topic. If the reader sees something in themselves they can change, then the contrast worked as a teaching tool.

Consciously controlling negative thought behavior means being aware of negative thoughts that don’t have your best interest at heart when you think them. If you lapse and think negatively, counteract it with a positive thought as an attempt to keep the negative thought from manifesting. If you run into problems or negativity, step away from the situation, run through possible positive scenarios in your mind on how to resolve the issue, and come back to it in a little while. Refreshing yourself will enable you to see the positive in a negative situation. Oftentimes when you return to the situation, you will see it in a new light or it will have resolved on its own accord. Never try to resolve negative issues with negativity. That will always backfire, create frustration, and opposition from others involved. It’s best to step away than to get into an argument or fight over something that can be resolved in other ways.

Be Aware to Maintain Forward Movement

The Law of Thought urges you to always be aware of your current mindset as well as your emotions at any given time. If you’re upset it’s easy to fall back into negative thinking and actions, which you’ll probably regret when your emotions have returned to their normal positivity. To get over any of these negative feelings, do something! If you’re tired, rest. If you’re irritated, frustrated, or bored, take a walk, ride your bike, or do anything to get your body energized. When you’re filled with physical energy you’ll be more positive and energetic. You are not just a product of your circumstances. If you desire to have different conditions in your life, you can achieve them by changing your state of mind to create the life that you want. Your thoughts are creating your external world. Things are not happening to you, but you are manifesting them in your life due to your thoughts. You’re responsible for the life you create for yourself and the experiences you have along the way. No one else can change your life for you; it’s something you have to be willing to do for yourself. Once you make the decision and start changing your thoughts, don’t look back—move forward with strength and determination that you will be successful in everything you do.

Positive thoughts can help you build a strong character. Your state of mind, morals, and intention in life are what will make you stand out as a trustworthy person who does the right thing. When you think of yourself as strong in every area of your life, then that strength radiates outward to affect those around you. When you have a positive effect on other people, it makes them want to be around you more. They respect you and want to see you do well in life.

The Chatterbox in Your Mind

We can’t discuss the Law of Thought without discussing the inner chatterbox that likes to talk constantly in your mind expressing self doubt or jumping from one thought to another, rehashing situations you’ve experienced during the day with multiple alternate endings. It can make you think about what you should have said, action you should have taken, or how you would have handled the situation differently if you’d been given enough time to mull it over in your mind. Unless controlled, this inner chatterbox can create inconsistent thoughts, make you second guess yourself, and it will often wander about aimlessly until it finds another topic to discuss in your mind. This inner talk is mental noise that can keep you in a state of distracted frustration if you let it. Once a situation has happened, the best way to handle it is through acceptance and moving forward instead of rehashing it in your mind. The Law of Thought means to take the time to quiet your mind. If you’re mind is going a mile a minute because of inner talk and you’re thinking about everything under the sun, you will lose focus, making it easier for negativity to sneak in.

Training your mind to think good thoughts instead of negative ones will take a little time. The subconscious mind can be resistant to change but if you keep at it you will succeed and soon you’ll consistently be thinking positive, good thoughts. Clear your thoughts by thinking of something that relaxes or inspires you. When you fill your mind with one thing that you enjoy, everything else just drifts away and quiets down. Another way to focus on positive thoughts is to think of your spiritual frequency. Feel the purity of your being, let the energy of your soul essence wash over you, releasing any negative thoughts you’re holding onto. Feel yourself become lighter in Spirit and filled with the positivity of your soul. The more you can quiet your mind, retain good thoughts and release negative ones, the more peaceful, balanced, and harmonious you’ll feel.

Going after your dreams requires positivity and focus. If your mind isn’t cooperating with you because negativity is slipping in or because there’s constant self-talk going on, then how can you remain focused on your goal? Thoughts are constantly in motion; they can create miracles that will dramatically change your life for the better if you’re actively trying to make your thoughts more powerful, positive, and pure. Your thoughts are part of the universal stream of consciousness. That’s why you are able to come up with unique ideas and ways of doing things. Consider that your thoughts are Divine, dynamic, and sustainable. If a thought doesn’t fit these criteria, then let it go. Negative thoughts may not give up without a fight, but you are master of your mind, and it is your choice which thoughts stay and which ones go. You will prevail and find harmony in your mind through positive thoughts which will change your life.

Try It Now

I use this exercise to shut that little chatterbox up and quiet my mind. See if this exercise works for you. I imagine doors in my mind. Behind each door is a little room with shelves. I name each door accordingly as family, kid activities, the house, horses, writing, and get out. When I think of something that I can’t address at the moment, I mentally imagine opening the appropriate door in my mind and putting the thought on the shelf for the time being. Later, when I have time, I open the door and address what I put inside. The door labeled get out is where I put those sneaky negative thoughts that I want to get completely out of my mind. Behind that door I imagine space with lots of stars. When I put a negative thought behind that door, it travels out into space to become a brightly shining star. Occasionally I’ll open that door just to consider the many stars shining back at me. That’s how many negative thoughts I’ve sent on their way to become something beautiful, bright, and filled with light.

Practical Application Tips

See Also Chapter 21: The Law of Perspective
