The Law of Attention

chapter ornament

I am fully aware of where my attention is
focused and will keep it positive and in forward
motion to bring myself happiness and joy.

The Law of Attention states that anything you put your attention on will manifest in your life. This is a simple law but is very important in achieving success and obtaining the things you want. When you give something your attention, especially your undivided focus, its energy grows and expands as it is drawn to you.

What is attention? It is the ability to concentrate, to keep your mind on task, to focus. It is what you think about, the use of your words, and the actions you take based on those thoughts and words. The amount of time you spend thinking and talking about something also adds to the focus you’re giving it. The more time and energy given to something, the more likely you’ll achieve it. In Meditations of the First Philosophy by Rene Descartes, published in 1625, the author states that everything can be doubted. When objections to this concept arose, Descartes responded by stating that it is only when we pay attention that clear ideas provides a place where doubt does not take hold.

If you find your thoughts turning toward the negative then turn those thoughts into positive ones to regain your focus and get your attention back on the matter at hand. We all have different expectations from ourselves when trying to attain goals because we have different ideas about what the outcome of reaching that goal will be. Some people may push themselves to the extreme, take on too many tasks, and thrive on the excitement and hard work of doing a lot of things at once. Others need to take it slower, not have too much on their plate at one time, and while they still work hard, it’s at a different pace. Some people may work on the goal for a while then take a long break before coming back to it. There is less urgency in reaching an end result. We each create our own reality based on our unique connection to the Divine and the energy we put into giving our attention to reaching our goals. What is right for someone else may not be right for you. There may be other things pulling your attention away from a much desired goal but the other thing may really need more of your attention at that moment in time. That’s life. That’s how things work. Even if you have to pull your attention away from something for a while, it’s okay. You can always go back to it later. The main thing is that you never give up on your dreams and always keep giving them your attention in your mind even if you can’t actively give more of your attention to the work needed to reach the end result.

Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

I’m sure you’ve probably heard the saying, be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. Be careful with your thoughts and words. Keep them powerful, positive, and filled with light. Work through any feelings of fear or negativity instead of ignoring or repressing them. That way they don’t dominate your thoughts as worst case scenarios When you are always afraid of what might happen, then you’re drawing those things to you according to the Law of Attention. You’re giving those negative things power over you by thinking about them, talking about them, and letting them fester inside of you when there’s no reason to let that happen. Fill your mind with positive attention on the things you want to happen instead of negative attention about what could happen in a worst-case scenario. Hold a vision of what you want in your mind, give it your full attention and ask it to come to you.

Self-fulfilling prophecies can be created by giving what you want your focused attention. They can also be created by giving what you fear too much attention. Which would you rather have? Most people prefer the self-fulfilling prophecy that gives them what they want in life instead of what they fear. So why put your energy and attention on something you fear? That’s just defeating your own purpose isn’t it? When you think of giving something your attention in this manner it helps you to see clearly how to manifest what you want. You don’t want to achieve something that you wouldn’t want to happen, so why would you give those possibilities your attention? Don’t. There’s no reason for you to have a negative experience in life because you’re letting fear and worry get inside you and mess up your positive thoughts.

As spiritual beings, our ability to focus our attention on something and then gain that something because our energy draws it to us, is a gift from the universe. If we’re unaware of the true nature of this gift, and how we can use it to get ahead in life on the physical plane, and to understand the principles of the spiritual plane so we can connect to the Divine, then we are doing ourselves a disservice. Within our frequency, at the core essence of our beings, we know all of the spiritual laws of the universe. We understand how they work and what we should do to make our lives in the physical realm successful so we learn the lessons necessary to grow spiritually. It is our job, right now in this moment, to remember this information, especially how to use the Law of Attention. As we seek out information from the Divine and search for answers to our individual existence, our purpose, and how we can become more connected to our true spiritual essence, it is mandatory that we conduct this search with our eyes wide open and our attention focused on inner truth.

We always have complete control over our attention. It is mandatory for our survival. Wild animals must keep their attention on their environment at all times in order to remain safe from predators and live. If they let their attention slack, they become prey. It’s the same with humans. Look at how many people have hurt themselves because they put their attention on their cell phones instead of paying attention to where they are walking. When you put your attention onto something so much that you’re no longer paying attention to your safety, and you notice this happens repeatedly, then it’s time to evaluate what you’re doing. If the phone is causing you that much distraction and taking your attention away from your job or your family, you may find yourself out of a job and in arguments with family, but you’ll probably be doing great with friends because you’re texting them and ignoring everyone and everything else you’re responsible for interacting with on a daily basis.

When we put our attention on developing our spirituality and our connection to the Divine, we are fulfilling part of our purpose on the earthly plane. Spiritual transformation can be brought about by nurturing our attention to our spirituality, letting it become such an integral part of our beings that even when our attention is elsewhere, there is still a large degree of our attention subconsciously focused on the Divine. When this happens, you awaken on a spiritual level. You become aware that you are part of the universal consciousness, part of the whole. Once awakened, you’ll have passed into a more aware state of mind where you understand the importance of putting your attention on the things in life that will enhance your being, ensure your success, and transform you spiritually.

Where you place your attention can make or break you. It is powerful and strong. Become aware of the things and people to whom you’re giving your attention. If you are putting your attention on the wrong things, now is the time to make a change and redirect your attention back to the priorities in your life.

Try It Now

You may not even be aware that you’re giving negativity your attention. To see if you are or not, call up a close friend and have a conversation. Don’t tell them that you’re doing it but make sure you pay attention to what you’re saying and if something you say comes across as negative, jot down a little note about it or even record your side of the conversation. After you hang up the phone, look at what you’ve written down or play back the recording of yourself. How could you have said things differently so they came across positive instead of negative? Do you notice a pattern? Is there something worrying you subconsciously that came across in the conversation that you didn’t even realize was bothering you? This is a good way to get a handle on how you’re speaking and what you’re giving your attention during a conversation. The more aware you are, the easier it will be to notice when you’re putting your attention in the wrong place. Once you’re aware, then you can correct the behavior.

Practical Application Tips

See Also Chapter 6: The Law of Intention
