The Law of Forgiveness

chapter ornament

I release negativity by forgiving those who have
hurt, offended, or upset me and send them love.

The Law of Forgiveness is based in love and refers to releasing anger, resentment, hatred, bitterness, or other negative emotions toward someone or something; to pardon them for any wrongs done to you, whether known or unknown to them. Forgiveness is a key component in many religions, including Judaism, Buddhism, and Christianity to name a few. Forgiveness is also an important part of relationships and human interactions.

Every person can choose to live by the Law of Forgiveness. When you forgive someone, you’re allowing love to overcome negative feelings thereby releasing any animosity you have toward the other person. Forgiveness isn’t about accepting someone’s bad behavior or excusing it away or saying their actions were right. It’s about letting go of any negative feelings within yourself caused by their actions so they don’t have a negative long-term effect on you and no new karma is created. It doesn’t matter if the wrong done to you was done purposefully or was an honest mistake if your feelings are hurt. You’re releasing your feelings when you forgive someone, which in turn will affect their feelings. Some people will be relieved you’re no longer angry or upset with them. Others will care less what you think or feel because they don’t care if you forgive them or not. The faster you can break any type of connection with them through forgiveness the better.

I know this is easier said than done. Forgiving someone isn’t always an easy choice to make, especially if they’ve hurt you. Forgiveness can take you through some very complex emotions that help you heal yourself so you’re able to forgive without repressing anything regarding the situation or falling into self-judgment. But once you reach that point and you’ve worked through the emotions for yourself, you’ll be able to forgive. You will have grown spiritually and the negativity will no longer be part of you.

Steps to Forgiveness

When you forgive, you’re letting go of future karma. You’re acknowledging that the situation affected you and you’re forgiving the actions of the other person so this particular lesson won’t be repeated in your future lives. That doesn’t mean there isn’t some kind of karmic debt to be repaid on the part of the other person unless they forgive themselves for their actions too. As spiritual beings we are all part of the whole, we are all one. So when you forgive another person, aren’t you really forgiving yourself too?

There are several steps involved in the process of forgiving someone who has hurt you. Forgiving someone isn’t for them, it’s for you so that you can let go of negative emotions surrounding the experience and move on with your life. Address your feelings by identifying who hurt you and how you felt about the experience. You may feel anger, hatred, disappointment, and other similar emotions as you go back to the source of the event. In order to forgive, these emotions must be faced and worked through. Be sure to include why the actions are not okay for you. Understand that withholding forgiveness is only hiding your pain away and repressing it. Until you face it, the pain will always be held within you. It takes time to heal as you work through the process of forgiveness. Instead of replaying the experience over and over in your mind and experiencing the pain of the hurt repeatedly, think of a positive goal you can achieve based on the experience and work towards that goal. When you forgive and move on with your life, you remove the power that the person who hurt you has over you. When you focus on feeling more joy and happiness in your life, you can move the event into the past. Most importantly, always make an agreement with yourself to do whatever is required so that you can feel better and move forward. You should always be kind to yourself because forgiving someone is difficult work. It’s going to take you time and space to get to the point where you can say that you truly forgive the person.

Forgiveness Heals

Forgiveness is a high frequency emotion. It empowers, heals, and releases karma for the person doing the forgiving, if you really mean it. If you haven’t forgiven the person in your heart and let go of all negative emotions associated with the situation and their actions, then you really haven’t forgiven them, regardless of how many times you say you have. Forgiveness has to be complete. Any little niggling piece of animosity will fester into a boil if it’s not completely released when you forgive. Forgiving someone also means looking at and taking responsibility for your part in the situation too. Have you done something you need to apologize for in addition to forgiving the other person? Do they need to forgive you as well? When you forgive yourself for your part of the situation, let the love you have for yourself replace any negative feelings you may be holding about your part in the event and forgive yourself.

Have you ever told someone you’ve forgiven them but you’ll never forget what they’ve done? That’s not true forgiveness. If you’re going to always remember the transgression, then it’s still a part of you, eating away at you at some hidden level. When you forgive, you also have to forget.

When negative feelings about someone else build up inside of you because you haven’t yet forgiven them, it causes you harm. You may be upset all the time, easily frustrated, or you might even make yourself sick or depressed. To regain your positive state of mind, forgive them and yourself while releasing the emotions associated with the situation or person. If you’re not sure if you’ve been successful at forgiveness, just take a moment to think of a past situation where someone did you wrong. How do you feel after remembering the event? Did you tense up or get mad or frustrated at them all over again simply by thinking about the situation? If you did, you haven’t really forgiven them. If you think about the situation and don’t feel anything negative but see it as something that happened to you that you’ve moved past, then you have really given your forgiveness to the other person involved, the situation itself, and yourself.

Forgiveness as Transformation

Forgiveness is an integral part of spiritual transformation. Your spiritual energy can’t move into higher frequencies if you’re holding onto anger towards someone you should forgive. But once you’ve forgiven, those emotions are released and your spiritual self can move forward. Imagine your spiritual self trying to push through a fence of ropes. The ropes have some give to them when you press forward, but they put pressure on your energy and no matter how hard you try, you can’t push through. But when you identify the situation the rope represents and forgive, the rope snaps, giving you more freedom and helping your inner self to heal. When all the reasons have been identified, every rope will have snapped, allowing you to continue your soul growth. If you can’t see what’s holding you back, try meditating about it, using creative visualization during your meditation to discover what the ropes represent. You may be surprised to find something you thought was long past is still holding you back.

Practicing forgiveness brings change. It can help mend relationships, heal broken hearts, and put you back on the path you’re traveling if you’ve wandered off that path. Forgiveness is powerful, it is of the light, and necessary for life to flow with peace and harmony. When you’re called on to offer forgiveness to another, you’re not only forgiving them, but you’re forgiving yourself, releasing any power they held over you when you lacked forgiveness. Being able to forgive enables you to reach higher frequencies and gain spiritual empowerment.

Try It Now

Let’s talk about forgiving yourself for a moment. It’s really difficult to forgive yourself, isn’t it? When that little chatterbox gets going in your mind, replaying what you could have done differently (especially if you were in the wrong), it’s not easy to quiet it down. Your higher self is in there too, trying to help you forgive yourself but that chatterbox can talk a mile a minute and be very loud, sometimes talking right over your higher self in an effort to take all your attention and tell you all of the negative aspects of what happened and how you could have behaved differently. When you realize this is happening, stop whatever you’re doing and focus inside your mind on getting the chatterbox to quiet down. I often say shhhhh or hush in my mind and then try very hard to hear what my higher self is saying. When you stop giving the chatterbox your attention, you will be able to hear your higher self clearly. So when the chatterbox is having a field day in your mind, divert your attention and let go of the negativity keeping you from loving yourself enough to forgive yourself for whatever needs to be forgiven.

Practical Application Tips

See Also Chapter 10: The Law of Unity
