Today I am open to asking for assistance with love
and positivity and accepting help when I need it.
The Law of Request states that if you need help you must ask for it, be ready to receive it, and you should not offer help unless it is requested by another. It originates in the early Christian religion in the Bible books of Matthew and James. Unrequested help doesn’t apply to random acts of kindness. It specifically means not interfering in someone else’s problems because you have an issue with their problem and think you can solve it better than they can. The Law of Request is about what the universe can do for you, not what you can do for another person.
Because we all have free will, the universe and the beings that live in the spiritual realm don’t just pop in and interfere with the lessons we’re learning on the earthly plane. While there are miraculous interventions that do occur, this is a random act of kindness, preventing something that’s not written in our charts from happening, and isn’t considered interference.
We have to ask for universal help when it is needed in order to receive it. Once we ask, assistance is freely given. Be sincere in your request: ask for what you need from a place of love and show gratitude for the help. Try not to be demanding nor assume you are entitled to get everything you want. There are times when you may ask for something but it’s not something you’d planned to receive before incarnating, or it may be something that if given, will interfere in your ability to learn the lessons you need to learn.
Signs in Unexpected Places
The help we receive doesn’t always come in the form of a direct answer or immediate action. I often tell people if they’re pondering a problem to ask their guides for assistance and then look for signs that point to the answer. There have been many, many times when I needed guidance and ended up in a bookstore. I would ask my guides to direct me to the book that would help me in my current situation. Then I would wander around, going up and down all the aisles until I felt drawn to a book. Often, it was a book that had nothing to do with the situation and it wouldn’t be self-help. The energy of the book would speak to me on a soul level, and once I picked it up and opened it, some part of the text would look like it was raised higher than the rest. Whatever the text was, it was always meaningful to my situation. So my guides answered my call for help by directing me to the text that would strike a chord within me regarding my problem. I am always thankful for the assistance.
The Law of Request also relates to everything outside of the spiritual realm as well. If you need help, other people can’t read your mind. They don’t know what is going on inside you and can’t help you unless you ask them to. Sometimes it means you have to open up and let them in before they can offer assistance. Fear of appearing weak or needy may hold you back but if you really, truly need help, let others offer a hand, shoulder, or the love that goes along with helping someone else in a difficult situation.
I worked in retail management for many years. Each and every time that I found myself looking for a new job, if it was a job that I felt would be a good fit for me and one I really wanted, I always asked the interviewer for the job. Sometimes it was a formal request if the interviewer was stern and if they were more laid back I’d say something like, “I’d like to work for your company. When can I start?” There were times when the interviewer would be surprised in their response to which I’d reply something along the lines of, “If I don’t tell you how much I want this job and ask you to give me a chance, then how will you know?” Other times the interviewer would tell me I had gumption and hire me on the spot. When you are going after things you want in life you often have to request them from other people. I wanted the job so I asked for the job. This is the Law of Request in action. The next time you need help or want something that will lead you toward your goal, ask for it with positivity.
Challenges on the Earthly Plane
Living on the earthly plane has many unique challenges. One of those challenges is when you want to jump in and help someone when they’re in a difficult situation without being asked. Of course you mean well, but sometimes meaning well can turn someone else’s situation into a bigger problem. Just like the universe doesn’t interfere with our learning experiences it’s not our place to interfere in another person’s earthly experience unless they specifically and directly ask for our help. That’s so hard to do isn’t it? Especially if they’re making decisions you know will be a mistake based on your own life experiences. But it’s their path. If they ask, you can advise. But if they don’t ask and you interfere with what you feel they should do about the situation, then not only are you hampering your own soul growth, you’re hampering theirs as well. They may feel like they’re being put in the middle between you and the person they’re involved with (if it’s a relationship issue), and that makes life harder for them. How can they decide what steps to take if you’re constantly trying to influence them with what you would or would not do if you were in their shoes? It can get very aggravating. If you think you might be doing this, stop and think about your actions. Are you trying to manage the situation because you were in a similar one where you were too controlling and got so emotionally hurt that you never got over it? That was a lesson for you, but it may not be the lesson for them. Maybe the lesson for them is to learn compromise where your lesson was to be less controlling. We all have different lessons, and inserting ourselves and our opinions into someone else’s lesson may just backfire on you, distancing you from the person you want to help. When they are ready to receive your help and want your advice, they’ll ask for it.
There are times when the answers you need are already within you. By looking within, you can often find those answers. If you’re in a job that makes you unhappy but it is a necessary step to achieve your ultimate goal of a specific career, then maybe that’s not the right career for you and you need to change your path. Or, it may be that you need to learn a life lesson through the experience of the job you dislike in order to appreciate your dream job when you get to it. Maybe you want to own a restaurant but to get the whole restaurant experience, you must work bussing tables and washing dishes, which you really dislike. But it’s part of what you need to know about restaurant operations to be a successful owner. You may have to jump into any job within the restaurant at any given time without notice, so you need the knowledge beforehand. You also gain insight from the dishwasher’s point of view and might even make changes that will help the restaurant run better because of the experience. It’s a stepping stone on your way to your ultimate goal or could be a game changer based on your experience.
Asking for help can be hard to do especially if you are someone who doesn’t want to feel like they owe someone something because they helped you. When assistance is given from the heart, you’re not going to feel like that, and you never know what wonderful things you will experience or the knowledge you will gain simply by asking for help with grace and love.
Try It Now
How can you make reaching a goal easier if you ask for help from someone? What will it cost you to ask for help? Will it hurt your pride, cause you embarrassment, or make you feel less about yourself because you needed help? We all need help at some point in our lives and we all give help when asked at some point. If you feel the cost is worth the assistance, then ask someone to guide you. Or, if you really want something in life, ask someone in a position to help you achieve it, to give it to you or open doors for you that will lead to the goal. If you’re having trouble deciding, write it down, work it out within yourself, and if you can’t find the answer inside, ask someone to help you. It’s not going to be the end of the world if you get help and you just might learn something new that you will carry with you for the rest of your life.
Practical Application Tips
See Also Chapter 14: The Law of Affirmation