Whether up or down, I will flow with the
cycle of my life to become all that I am capable of
being and achieve all that is mine in this lifetime.
The Law of Cycles states the universe is made of energy that runs in currents, in cycles, ebbs and flows, vibrating at different rates at different times. Because of this nature of universal energy, events in life will also follow a regularly repeated sequence of events. Within every cycle there will be increases and decreases offset by times of stabilization in between. Times of increase have greater momentum and projects launched during those times have a greater chance of success. Scientifically, this is well-documented in nature, making the seasons a great case in point regarding the flow of cycles and is an example of how we can use cycles to aid us. Spring is a time of rebirth, warmth, growth, and increase that gains momentum then levels off during the summer and then starts decreasing in the fall until it levels off again in winter, a time of hibernation, dormancy, and cold. People have survived harsh winters because they had enough food by planting in the spring and harvesting in the fall throughout history.
The Law of Cycles is an easy law to take for granted. We see it every day and never think anything about it while enjoying the sunrise and sunset, the seasons of the year, the phases of the moon or the flow of the tides. Even our own heartbeat and breathing follows a cycle. If you look at anything in nature, you’ll find the rise and fall of cycles in the world. As a spiritual being you’ll go through cycles where everything is going great and then just as suddenly it seems like everything is falling apart. This is natural.
Recognition of Your Cycles
Recognizing the cycles in your life can help you take advantage of them as you aim for success. If you’ve just gone though a time of increase and are in the period of stabilization, then you know that a time of decrease is on the way and you can get ready for it. Awareness is critical when dealing with cycles. If you’re unaware of when a cycle is starting then you can’t plan accordingly. Have you ever gotten busy during a summer day and before you realize it, dusk has arrived and the mosquitoes are having a picnic on you? Because you were busy, you lost track of time, were unprepared for the change in the cycle from day to night, and the bugs that come out at night. Had you been aware and prepared, you could have applied mosquito spray prior to dusk and been protected from their bites.
As you make plans, wait until the most favorable part of any cycle in order to give it the best possible chance of success. Think of the retail industry. You’ll find clothing and products on sale that coincide with the seasons. You’re not going to find summer products in the middle of winter or vice versa because they simply aren’t going to sell. Specific product placement coinciding with the season guarantees more sales because that’s when the product is needed. If your goal is to sell something you created, pick the season where it will be used the most and launch the product then. Anytime a cycle is moving in downward motion or is in a time of decrease, wait until it moves back into a time of increase and rising energy for the best chance at success. Our frequency ebbs and flows just like the energy within the rest of the universe. When you’re able to get in tune with your own unique energy cycle, you can determine when your frequency is elevating and when it is decreasing. Being aware of your individual energetic flow can help you live in harmony with your spiritual self and universal energy. There is a time for everything in life. If you feel the time isn’t right, or that you should wait, then don’t jump the gun and move forward anyway. Listen to your intuition, instincts, and higher self and wait a while on whatever it is you planned to do. When the time is right, you’ll know it in your heart, you’ll feel it in your energy, and you’ll be drawn to take action by the pull of universal energy. There’s nothing wrong with waiting, even if others are urging you to take action.
Within your life you’ll encounter many types of cycles. In your career you may have many different jobs before settling on one that fits you just right, or you may have planned for a given profession and gone to school for it only to discover that you truly dislike the work, which brings about a career change. A hobby you love may turn into a multi-million-dollar corporation, or properties you owned and then sold turned a great profit for you. Personal changes often usher out the old while bringing in the new, allowing you to embark on a new avenue of your spiritual path. The Law of Cycles can help you flow with these changes, bringing enlightenment, new creativity, and harmony.
Cycles of the People in Your Life
People also cycle through your life. Over time, some of the close friends you had in high school may no longer be part of your life. Now you have new friends and you will have even more in the future. People come and go in our lives. Some friends are with you forever, and sometimes they’re only in your life for a short while before moving in a different direction. There are always reasons for their appearance in your life so enjoy their friendship and find the lessons that they will teach you when they are in it. We are all growing, changing, and moving through both the times of increase, decrease, and stabilization associated with the Law of Cycles. Everything and everyone changes. When you’re able to move in harmony with these changes instead of remaining stuck in the past then you’re in forward motion.
It’s how we handle the difficulties that enable us to experience strength of character, personal, and spiritual growth. Once things start to calm down for you, the next thing to expect is for everything to start looking up. So instead of complaining, crying, and whining when you’re in the decrease phase, think positively and start planning for the stabilization and increase part of the cycle. Instead, as difficult as it can be to do so during hard times, try to look past the current problems and remain positive, upbeat, and look forward to the great things that will come to you once this part of the cycle passes.
Growing up in a farming family, planting crops and harvesting them were done according to the change of seasons, when frosts were expected and the phases of the moon. By looking at the cycles in nature and knowing when things were expected to happen, we were able to plan accordingly to reap the most volume from the crops, which was then canned and stored for the cycle of decrease (Winter). That way, there would be food for the family during the dormant season. When you’re able to track a cycle like you do with planting and harvesting, it makes it easier to see the results of your efforts. You may work extremely hard during the time of increase but then you’re well prepared for the time of decrease. You can plan situations in your own life in the same way by examining them and determining where you are in your cycle. Is this a good time to start a new project or relationship? If you’re in the increase part of your individual cycle, then of course it is! But if you feel like you’re in the time of decrease, maybe it’s better to wait a bit to plant the seeds of a relationship when you know it will take root, grow, bloom, and produce fruit like plants do in the spring.
Knowing how the Law of Cycles works will enable you to make clearer plans for your life so you can achieve the most success possible. It may take a little work to have a clear vision of where you are in your unique cycle but once known, anything is possible.
Try It Now
To determine where you are in the cycle of increase/decrease examine what has been going on in your life lately. You may be able to automatically say, it’s going great or it’s going badly. If everything is going great then you’re in the increase part of the cycle, if things are problematic, then you’re in the decrease phase. If you’re uncertain because you’re experiencing both good and problematic situations, write a list of pros and cons to see where you are. You may be in the period of stabilization or on the cusp of the decrease phase to the increase phase or vice versa. Make notes to refer back to or start a cycle journal to help you determine your own cycles, how long each phase lasts, and the things that happen during each phase. It’s great information to have on hand if you take the time to create it. This will help you move with the cycles instead of against them.
Practical Application Tips
See Also Chapter 24: The Law of Sacrifice