The Law of Prosperity

chapter ornament

Today I will feel joy, happiness, and elation for prosperity experienced by those I know and myself.

The Law of Prosperity states that when one person prospers, we all prosper in direct proportion to the happiness you feel for the other person’s prosperity or your own. The Law of Prosperity means embracing universal abundance and leaving behind an attitude of lack. Prosperity is a wide-reaching term. It’s origins in Buddhism and Christianity connect it with spirituality and collectivism. In business it’s connected with earning a profit and being financially successful. Most people automatically think of money when they think of being prosperous but it’s much more than that; it is success and good fortune in any aspect of life. If you can feel positive emotions about someone else’s success then that’s prosperity. The Law of Prosperity means feeling happy for another’s good fortune regardless of our own situation.

Sounds simple, right? It is as long as you don’t let negative emotions such as jealousy and envy intrude on your feelings about the other person’s happiness with their success. Anytime you’re successful, your frequency elevates. You’re filled with feelings of happiness, joy, and fulfillment because you accomplished what you set out to do. When you’re happy for someone’s success, your frequency matches their own, which in turn will bring prosperity to you.

How Emotions Affect Prosperity

The opposite—feeling happiness for someone else—also follows this law. If you are jealous of the other person’s success, if you create scenarios in your mind based on how you think the other person may act because of their newly found success, increase in money, or new purchase; you’re creating negativity for yourself. Or if you’re taking pleasure in another person’s failures, that’s blocking your own prosperity potential. Both reflect fears, a sense of lack, or jealousy. Once you address these types of issues within yourself, you can feel joy for another’s accomplishments. Prosperity doesn’t mean taking from another, it means enjoying the abundance the universe gives to you and everyone else. Allow yourself to take pleasure in the success of others so you can draw prosperity to yourself and feel happiness for your own success when it comes.

It’s important to be aware of your emotions when you experience prosperity. If someone else is trying to make you feel guilty or undeserving of your success, don’t let them. If you achieve it, own it; be proud of your accomplishment and yourself for being able to obtain success and prosperity. If someone doesn’t like it, that’s their problem, not yours. It’s not your responsibility, nor should you feel bad about the positive things you are able to achieve in life.

Not everyone strives to achieve more and more in life. If you’re happy, content, and satisfied with the way your life is at this moment in time, then the universe rewards you by giving you more of the things that keep you happy in your prosperity. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to do well and achieve more, but at some point you have to experience contentment and satisfaction, otherwise you’re just a hamster on a wheel, never stopping to enjoy the things you’ve achieved. When you do, and appreciate what you have, then you’ll discover even more abundance comes your way.

When you are generous and giving, you will always be prosperous. You can give of your time, money, creativity, you can give things to others that you no longer need, you can give unexpected surprises (always fun), or lend an ear or shoulder. By being open to share your true spiritual nature with others in a positive way, you’re opening space in your own life to receive something new to fill that space and increasing your frequency to match the abundance coming to you.

Prosperity and the Subconscious Mind

Our subconscious mind picks up on key words to manifest what we desire, so we must make sure our primary thought is one of prosperity. Keep words like don’t or can’t out of your vocabulary because your subconscious mind will grab hold of that negative word and block whatever it is you want from coming to you. For example, if you said “I don’t have enough money for that car” then your subconscious mind will agree and keep you from obtaining enough money for the car. But if you say, “I’m going to own the car soon because I’m saving money for it” then your subconscious mind agrees and will bring more money to you so you can save to buy the car. Having a prosperity consciousness means thinking in the positive with powerful words, which will bring you what you need. Your thoughts must be clear and concise.

Sometimes you’re not exactly sure what it is you want or how you’re going to achieve it. If you’re meandering from one thing to another without set goals or a plan of how you will achieve those goals, your subconscious mind can’t manifest your desires. If one or the other of these is missing, there isn’t enough forward focus and you end up doing your daily activities instead of striving toward a prosperous goal. If you are in this type of rut, it’s a good time to really think about what prosperity means to you. What do you really want to achieve? How can you bring it into your life? Decide and then put a plan into action. Your subconscious mind will be happy to help you get to where you want to be and attain what you want but you must know what that is first.

Sometimes you may not feel that you deserve the prosperity you want to attain. This can be from guilt, listening to someone who doesn’t want to see you succeed, or because you feel you’re always spinning your wheels and getting nowhere. Maybe money was always hard to come by in the past. When there isn’t enough money, you worry about spending too much or how you will ration it to make it last longer. So when you are earning more money, if you don’t adjust your mindset along with the increase, then you end up blocking yourself from making even more money. Instead of worrying about what other people will think when you’re earning more, or if they will change how they interact with you, just feel blessed in your achievements and don’t treat them any differently than you do now. If they choose to act differently to you, then you can deal with it at that time. By worrying about something that hasn’t happened yet, you’re setting up blocks to prevent you from achieving the success you want.

Prosperity Brings Change

Prosperity in any form always brings some kind of change with it. Be willing to flow with the change in order to be truly prosperous. Will you make new friends and leave old ones behind? Maybe, maybe not. You can’t let fear of change hold you back from being all you want to be. If you let fear rule you then you’re not living your true purpose. Put fear of change and how others will react to the changes happening to you aside while focusing on your path to prosperity. This takes bravery and a thick skin. It will strengthen your character and you’ll see who really likes or loves you for you and who lets their own fear affect how they treat you.

Gaining prosperity in your life can be hard work. For some, the required time, energy, devotion, and amount of work may be too much, such that ultimately these people decide they don’t want to make their lives any different than it is right now. It’s easier to sit back and take life as it comes instead of going for the gusto. And that’s completely fine. To be financially prosperous, you might have to put in long hours at your job to move up the career ladder. If you start your own business, it’s up to you to make it a success, requiring dedication, conviction, and an unfaltering belief that you will be successful. When all your work pays off and you’re making an excellent income and enjoying the things in life that financial prosperity can bring, you’ll look back on the road traveled and know it was worth it if earning more money is one of your goals.

Only you can decide how much prosperity you want in your life and what you’re willing to do to achieve it. If you want more money, more happiness, or more of anything, then you must reach out and get it instead of sitting back and waiting for it to come to you. Always remember that the happiness you feel for another person’s success will bring prosperity back to you tenfold.

Try It Now

To determine how you feel about prosperity think of the last time you received something good in your life. How did you feel? Were you happy but then started to feel undeserving or guilty for receiving prosperity? Or did you welcome it with open arms never feeling guilt or other negative emotions? Be honest with yourself. If you felt any negative
feelings associated with receiving good fortune, then you need to determine why you felt that way so you can address it and release it. Now think of someone else you know who experienced prosperity in their lives. How did you feel about it? Were you happy for them? Or were you secretly irritated and annoyed they got something that you didn’t? If so, address these feelings to move to a more prosperous state.

Practical Application Tips

See Also Chapter 16: The Law of Success
