The Law of Love

chapter ornament

Today I am true to my spiritual essence;
I am a beacon of love. It radiates from deep
within me to touch all I encounter.

Love is one of the purest frequencies. According to many different religions, the origin of love goes back to the beginning of time, to the act of creation and the love that the Creator felt for what was created. You cannot see it, touch it, or contain it. You can only experience, observe, and feel its effects. With your heart filled with love you can reach the highest levels of spiritual awareness and growth. It is unconditional, purifying, immense, and all powerful. It has the ability to heal, cleanse, and is the power of creation. Love can bring people together, turn an enemy into a friend, mend relationships, and elevate your Spirit. Love is dynamic. The more you love, the more that love grows in depth and strength. It expands to encompass all that is around you, above and below you. It can grow to unlimited proportions until you feel as if you’re a being of love, which you are.

Sometimes on the earthly plane we tend to forget we are love. It’s more than just an emotion we feel, more than just romantic love, the love we feel for family and friends, or love for the things we enjoy doing; it’s who we are as spiritual beings. It is our nature to love everything we encounter; from other people to plants, animals, our environment, and the things we enjoy doing. The list can go on and on because love is infinite. They say the eyes are the window to the soul so let the love in your soul shine through for all to see. You don’t need to say anything because love is radiant and will be acknowledged and understood by other spiritual beings for what it is. Sometimes words can be confusing, they can place restraints on love or cause uncertainty. Instead, send your love infused energy to another to convey your feelings. Sometimes a loving look says it all.

Love improves our lives and gives more meaning to our existence. It is a state of consciousness that, when shared, can elevate those around us to be more in tune with their own spiritual existence and the essence of love within them. As we share our love with others and they share their love, then the world becomes a more peaceful and loving place. Exponential growth is possible through love and the participation of the masses can heal the world.

Don’t think that by showing love to others you won’t have enough for someone else. When you share love, it grows and enhances your life. The supply of love within you, within the universe, is infinite and inexhaustible. It will never run out. It will only increase the more it is used.

Learning through Love

The Law of Love gives us the opportunity to learn through loving others. When things don’t work out in a romantic relationship you may feel brokenhearted but if you love yourself, that self-love will heal you and see you through the situation. Love should never cause you distress. In every relationship there will be times of ups and downs. It’s how you handle the situation that’s important. If you view the difficult times with love, then the two of you can work together to resolve problems so your relationship will grow stronger. Love should never cause anyone physical or emotional pain, or make someone feel belittled or less than the wonderful Spirit that they are. In these kinds of situations, rely on the love you feel for yourself. Decide if the relationship is based on the real essence of love or if there are conditions. Love is unconditional. Sometimes love means letting go and moving forward to learn the lessons needed to grow spiritually.

Fear of not being loved by others or of being alone can cause people to stay in relationships that aren’t balanced, positive, and in forward motion. When you release this fear the power it holds over you disappears and you’ll see life clearer and from a loving perspective. What you give freely and unconditionally to others will return to you in abundance. The more you give love, the more love you’ll have to share with others. It is your gift to give.

Love is not about what you will receive from another person so you feel valued. You don’t need someone else to validate your worth. Love is about the feelings of joy and happiness you can give to another without expecting anything in return. This doesn’t mean you must take care of their every need. If you do then they may begin to feel dependent upon you and eventually resent your help because they may feel as if they’re not being all they can be as a person. They may want to break free of the relationship to seek out their true self again. Love means giving, supporting, and encouraging someone while letting them be their own person.

Love and Acceptance

The Law of Love means to let your actions speak for you. When you love another person without expecting them to love you back, then your actions are showing the person how much you care and that there are no conditions on how you feel about them because you love them for themselves, not who you want them to be. The Law of Love means total acceptance of another person or situation. This means you are accepting of the person’s differences, faults, quirks, likes, and dislikes even if they are totally opposite from your own. When you accept someone through the higher consciousness of love and appreciate them as a spiritual being, you’re living the Law of Love. The same thing applies to situations you find yourself involved in; if the situation is one you find challenging or stressful, look at it with love to reduce the stress and help you to see the best steps to take to meet the challenge. The Law of Love can help you in many different ways; all you have to do is approach the people and situations in your life with love instead of fear, defensiveness, hatred, or charged emotions.

Move Ego out of the Way

How are you supposed to practice the Law of Love when there are so many egos you will encounter on a daily basis? Some people may be boastful, proud, troublemakers, instigators, or have other negative aspects to their personality and a sense of self-worth that is in direct conflict with your ideals and your own self-esteem. You start with yourself. Put your own ego aside, feel the love inside you, let it grow and spread throughout you until it is flowing out of every pore in your body. Imagine yourself as a stream of consciousness that is pure love. Allow this essence of yourself to wash over those around you, sharing your love with them. Now look at the people around you, find the loving essence within them and connect to their Divine Spirit instead of the personality they are projecting on the earthly plane. Do not judge them or try to change them, instead send them unconditional love. Oftentimes, this helps ease interactions with difficult individuals. Once you do this, you’re living the Law of Love and encouraging your own spiritual growth. Loving yourself does not mean you become so full of self-love that you’re gloating about yourself, become a braggart, or think you are the be all and end all of humanity. Don’t let your own ego get inflated.

Sometimes letting go of ego is easier said than done. I’ve been on the spiritual path for many years. I always try to do the right thing and send love and positive energy to others. But I have to tell you, there were many times when I was challenged quite a bit. There have been plenty of times when I have had to bite my tongue when someone was acting negatively toward me. I don’t always win this battle and neither will you. It’s part of human nature. But as long as you’re trying to live the Law of Love and you’re succeeding more often than not, you’re on the path of spiritual soul growth. Sometimes it’ll be two steps forward and one step back. Just keep moving.

Love is all around you, it’s an integral part of the universe we live in, let it live in you.

Try It Now

If there are ever times when you feel lost and like you’ve gotten off track from the Law of Love, take time to re-center yourself. You can do this by visiting an elderly person in a nursing home. The appreciation of having a visitor, someone to talk to, to tell their life stories to, will be reflected in their eyes. Or look into the eyes of a baby, who hasn’t experienced any of the negativity of the world yet, you’ll see love in their eyes too. Or look into the eyes of an animal. There’s love there as well.

Practical Application Tips

See Also Chapter 1: The Golden Rule
