Now that you’ve learned about forty of the universal laws, it’s time to put them into action. Try the exercises, alter them to fit your needs, or create your own. Universal laws will always bring you success if you apply them to your life.
Being successful incorporates many things that you will be required to do along the path. You’ll need to stay positive. Being optimistic, even during difficult times, gives you the power to make things better in your life. Don’t give all your attention to the things that go wrong because then you’ll just put yourself into a pattern of negativity which can block your success. Everyone who has ever wanted to achieve something sets themselves to specific standards. If you fail to meet those standards, you may consider yourself a failure. Don’t. Everyone has moments when things don’t go according to plan, and it will not last. Remember the saying: This too shall pass. Failures are only temporary setbacks on the long-term path of success. In order to succeed, begin and try.
Being truly successful means achieving what you want while understanding, respecting, and empathizing with those you meet along the way. Everyone has dreams they want to achieve, and everyone experiences problems sometimes. When you see people as the spiritual beings they are, you honor their truth, respect their desires, act with compassion, and identify with them. We are all the same inside—Divine spiritual beings filled with love and light. When you can connect with others on these levels, you have achieved more success than any material possession can give you. Sure, having a nice house and car, plenty of money, and lots of fancy toys are signs that you’ve been successful in your career and are financially well off, but things are just that—things. It’s how you grow spiritually and the lessons you learn while on the earthly plane of existence that matter most. Financial success is something everyone would like to enjoy because it makes life on the earthly plane easier. Just don’t let it be the only type of success you strive to achieve in this lifetime.
You’ll also be required to ask for and receive help as you practice living in accordance with universal laws. You can’t go it alone; you’re not supposed to. Connecting and interacting with others is a major part of growth. Most of all, it’s important to keep your life in perspective. You know what success means to you and what you’d like to achieve in this lifetime. On a soul level, only you know the path and lessons you chose prior to birth. It doesn’t matter what other people think; they can’t live your life for you. Change what you can, and if something can’t be changed, deal with it as it is.
Living on the earthly plane is exciting, wonderful, and a great way to become more in tune with our true spiritual natures. It’s a way to learn and grow. The universe is there to help us every step of the way if we’ll only let it by cooperating through the implementation of spiritual laws in our lives. Success comes from the desire inside you. It’s not based on your circumstances, family, or anything else. The energy within you can create all you desire. It can shift negativity to positivity and manifest anything you want … and that’s the key. You must want it, be willing to work for it, and trust in the universal laws to deliver it. You are successful. You are Spirit. You are Divine.