I am Divine light and love. As my light
shines into the world, it clears the way
for me to help others as we all strive to reach
our utmost achievements in this lifetime.
The Law of Light means that by transforming your consciousness and connecting to your own inner light, the light of the universe, and the light in one another, you’ll open yourself to empowerment, knowledge, and a deeper connection to your own awakened consciousness. Throughout time it has always been believed that light will defeat darkness. This concept that goodness will always triumph over evil has been an integral part of both wars and religion. The Law of Light means understanding and expressing yourself in a spiritual way through the Divine light of the universe. It means embracing your Divine radiance within and expressing it without.
Light reveals truth, uncovers that which isn’t easily seen, it guides the way in the darkest of times. It is an indication of higher consciousness, individual spiritual growth, and the illumination, understanding, and connection to your higher self. The Law of Light urges us to become one with our own inner light, through the process of accepting who we are, where we’ve been in this lifetime and past lifetimes, and acknowledging what we’ve learned in regards to our life lessons. As you embrace your inner light, you in turn will become a beacon to others. They will be drawn to your light and from you they will learn to embrace the light within themselves.
Higher consciousness develops in a methodical way. The more you learn, the more aware you are of your own inner light, the more you’re connected to the light of advanced perception. Once you’ve passed from the lower levels of self-consciousness into a state of awakened, higher consciousness, you are empowered by universal light. This empowerment is fundamental in your own awakening. Light is at the core of existence. People who have had near death experiences talk about walking into the light. It opens your awareness to concepts you may never have considered before now, raises your frequency, strengthens you, and can lift you to higher levels of enlightenment. Universal light is Divine.
Light for Protection
The Law of Light is strong and pure. Using the light from Source, God, and the universe, you can shield yourself from negativity. Using light for protection can help keep negative energies or emotions at bay. Its purity blocks impure energy. Most people use white light but you may find yourself drawn to other colors such as gold, blue, or purple. You can use light to protect your spiritual essence at any time. You don’t have to do a complex meditation ritual or set aside a specific time to protect your energy with light unless you want to. I generally have limited time available so when I use light as protection from negativity, it’s done in a matter of seconds, at any time during the day or night. I see it as a lightning bolt or beam of light entering through the top of my head, filling and surrounding me in an instant.
Creative visualization is how you’ll harness the power of light to keep negative energy at bay. In your mind’s eye imagine light flowing to you from the universal Source. Allow it to quickly flow over your head and seal itself underneath your feet. As it’s creating a bubble around you, give the light the intention to protect, strengthen, and serve your energy as needed to keep you safe from negative emotions, influences, or another’s energy. Then release the light to do its job. You can boost your energy shield as needed. You can expand your bubble of protection to include your vehicle and other people if you feel the need to do so.
Many people with empathic abilities use light to help keep the emotions of others at bay. This is because other’s emotions can be an energy drain to an empath. If you are an empath, as you develop and learn to control your empathic abilities you can also use light to help calm an emotionally distraught person or to help balance their energy by adding your light to their own to strengthen them. Since this use of light is more involved than protection from negativity, it is a good idea to always ask their permission before using light in this manner.
Lightness of Being
There is something I call Lightness of Being which is both part of your spiritual growth and a catalyst in drawing your desires to you. Spiritual light isn’t something you can see with your physical eyes but instead see with your mind’s eye. It is something you feel intuitively. When you’re connected with universal light, your whole being feels lighter, happier, buoyant, and at peace within yourself. This Lightness of Being carries over into every part of your life. Troubles are less troubling, problems are less problematic, solutions are found easily, and goals reached with ease. When you are filled with Lightness of Being, you become a magnet for high levels of positivity, which brings with it abundance in the form of your goals and desires which can manifest into your life. Lightness of Being means you’re no longer burdened by heavy emotions, negativity, restrictive thinking, or blocks along your path. When you’re filled with Lightness of Being you will laugh more often, experience less setbacks, see the world as a grand place filled with possibilities, you don’t dwell on the negatives in life and are more resilient. You no longer expect the worse. Instead you always expect the best possible outcome in every situation. When you do experience difficulties, they are resolved quickly and efficiently.
Light and Love
From a spiritual perspective, light is as unconditional as love. When we talk about unconditional love it means you feel the essence of love in everything you do without holding on to any preconceived notions of what it is or isn’t. You do not hold anyone to certain conditions or specifications when it comes to unconditional love. You either accept them as they are or you don’t. If you don’t, you leave them behind and they are no longer part of your life. It is the same with universal light. There are no conditions on spiritual light. It is there for you to connect to in order to come to a greater understanding of your own spirituality, to use without limitation for protection, and it can illuminate your pathway while on the earthly plane of existence so you can learn your life lessons, accomplish your dreams, and live a life filled with Lightness of Being.
Once you have unified your inner self to the light and love of the universe, it becomes an ingrained part of your inner essence that you’re not consciously thinking about. It is as much of a part of you as taking your next breath, which you’re often not aware of either. It becomes second nature in its existence within you, involuntary, and automatic.
As you become more enlightened and understand the importance of being of higher consciousness, make sure you’re staying grounded in the physical world even while opening to the wonders of universal light. It’s easy to get caught up in healing and working with light to help others and the planet while forgetting to take care of yourself. Maintain a clear focus and live in a practical state of realistic enlightenment. Accept the power within you, know you can be successful and feel at home with both your spirituality and your physical existence.
Try It Now
To open your senses to the universal light within you, close your eyes and feel the warmth and brightness of your inner light at the heart level. Imagine yourself looking at your energy, see how it vibrates around you. Now look deeper into your energy until you reach the level of your soul essence and feel the connection between it and your mind. Can you see your soul’s inner light in your mind’s eye. What colors do you see? Is it clear, white, or does it have colors within it? Allow your light to radiate from your center into every part of your spiritual essence, let it warm and invigorate you. Now feel your inner light move from your spiritual core essence through your frequency, the vibrations of your energy, until you feel it radiating within your physical being. Feel it flowing into your arms, legs, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Feel its high frequency and the quick vibrations as it moves through you. It gives you a sense of purpose, of being. You are at one with your spiritual self and the universe. Now open your eyes. See the light in everything around you. Let this feeling stay with you always.
Practical Application Tips
See Also Chapter 25: The Law of Responsibility