The vastness of the universe is filled with many wonders that are all interconnected and governed by natural laws that keep the universe functioning in smooth, organized, forward motion. These natural laws include both physical laws dealing with scientific studies and spiritual laws, which deal with spirituality, vibrational energy, and consciousness. We are each affected and governed by these natural laws, which are not independent of one another, but work together in harmony. In fact, we are an integral part of the universe and are interconnected to everything else within it. In Believe and Receive I am focusing on the spiritual aspects of natural laws and how you, as a spiritual being that is part of this universal energy, can use these laws to help you along your path.
Spiritually, you are one with all that is, all that has been, and all that will be. You are a fundamental part of the universe, of time and space, connected to its all-knowing consciousness, its energy, and intricate workings where physical reality is created. You will feel this connection at a soul level once you develop deeper connections with the essential universal laws and apply them to your daily life.
Are you tapped into your universal power? Do you remember the natural laws of the universe at a soul level? Do you feel at one with everything within the universe? Sometimes we all need reminders to get back to our core connection to all that is. It is my hope that Believe and Receive will serve as a reminder and a catalyst to reawaken your memory on a soul level. The universe wants you to get everything you ever wanted and obtain your heart’s desires. The natural laws keep the universe functioning, making sure it has everything it needs to work, from the tiniest atom to the largest galaxy. Learning to use the natural laws will help you achieve everything you’ve ever wanted in life. When you’re in harmony, balanced, and clear on your path; when you know the truth of the laws and of yourself, you can obtain everything you seek. The universe isn’t going to simply hand you success on a silver platter though, it takes work on your part, but if you truly want something, and are willing to work with positive intention toward your goal, then you will achieve your desired results in time.
There may be times where it seems like you’re not having success, even though you’re trying your hardest, which can be frustrating or irritating. If you feel like this is happening to you, consider using a slightly different approach or give what you’re doing more time to come to fruition. Sometimes what you’re trying to achieve may not be in your best interest at that particular moment in your life. Don’t think you’re doing something wrong—you’re probably doing everything correctly but the time isn’t right for what you’re trying to achieve. Sometimes you may have to put what you’re reaching for on the back burner and let it go for a while to come back to it at another time. And that’s perfectly okay.
Believe and Receive is a reference book that examines the natural laws of the universe through a realistic approach and practical application. The opening lines of each law (in italics under the law’s name) can be used as a daily affirmation. You can repeat these affirmations to yourself first thing in the morning to get your day started and use them throughout the day for a boost in your frequency or to feel positive empowerment. I don’t expect you to memorize every one of these laws, nor do I expect you to try to put all these laws into use at one time. That would be very overwhelming. Instead, use this book to refer to the laws as often as needed. You can choose to work with laws that have meaning to your current situation or select a law that you’d like to put to use in your life. Start with one and when you feel that one is working well for you, move on to another one.
While manifestation using the Law of Attraction is a very popular and potent part of the process, it works together with the rest of the natural laws and is only one law among many. There are literally hundreds of natural laws that will help you reach your goals. In Believe and Receive I address forty of them. I tried to select laws that I feel are very beneficial to soul growth and living a successful, abundant life. I also selected laws that may not be as well known as some popular laws. The forty laws included in Believe and Receive met these criteria and have been helpful to me so I chose them for inclusion. My purpose is to help you find the law that works for you through explanations that will elevate your understanding of the law, sharing my own beliefs and experiences of how the laws have worked for me, and by giving you practical tips for daily applications you can use in your own life. I believe it’s easier to learn through examples instead of having someone tell you to do this or do that to achieve results, so this book is very conversational in tone. It’s written to urge you to think, to consider new angles, and to take action when you feel a connection to the natural law that will help you on your own path.
I have also included the origin of the law whenever it is known. In many cases the law was passed down from word of mouth and an exact origin isn’t known. If that’s the case, I point out other places where the law is used or similarities between the law and other similar concepts. You’ll find that four of the laws stem from The Kybalion, so I would like to explain it here. The Kybalion is described by its authors as a “collection of maxims, axioms, and precepts” that were handed down by word of mouth throughout the centuries until organized in written form in 1908 by Three Initiates, author(s) who wanted to remain anonymous. The Kybalion is based on the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, an archetypal figure from the second and third centuries CE based on the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth.
Working with the natural laws of the universe will bring about changes in the way you look at and react to situations in your life, and it will instill a positive mental attitude within you. The natural laws enable you to learn to see the positive possibilities in everything instead of assuming the worst or looking at the negative, allowing you to feel and be one with all existence, to understand you are part of universal power. In everything you do, every person you meet, every action you take, there are lessons and opportunities presented to you. Learn to recognize them and grow from them. The greatest spiritual growth comes from owning these experiences and lessons, making them an integral part of your being, and moving forward in positivity because of the experience.
It’s important to remember that to be happy with your life with all the things you may want to achieve, you must first be happy with yourself at a soul level. You have to know and love the real you, feel confident in the truth of your nature, and reach out to attain your goals. Happiness comes from within, from connecting to the truth of self, from knowing that, regardless of what happens, you will always be happy and content just being you. If you understand that material items will not make you happy but will enhance the happiness you already feel, then, when you achieve your greatest desires, the success will be that much sweeter.
There are six important things to remember as you walk this path:
I want you to be successful, to see your dreams become reality. I want you to soar! If you open your heart and spread your wings, you can elevate yourself to the greatest heights imaginable. You can do it! I have faith in your belief in yourself, your desire to achieve difficult goals, and your ability to see the path through to the end. I know you’re not going to give up because you truly want to obtain the things you need and want in life. Use the natural laws to ask the universe for what you want, work steadily toward that goal, and eventually it will come to you. To obtain a new result, you must walk a new path. Change is an important part of getting what you want.
Now is the time to embrace your universal power. Recognize that your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, attitude, and expectations are all integral parts of your core essence that, when combined and focused with positive energy and working through any negative energy, will allow you to be all you ever wanted to be and achieve all you’ve ever wanted to achieve. Now is the time to learn how to find the natural laws that will work for you in any given situation. Most importantly, enjoy the journey as you grow into your own awesomeness by becoming one with your universal power.