- Abravanel, Judah Leon see Leo the Hebrew
- Adam
- as first astrologer
- sin of
- see also Fall, the; original sin
- Adamite language
- Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius
- celestial magic
- Uncertainty and Vanity of the Sciences
- Aix-en-Provence, plague
- Alciato, Andrea
- Alcibiades
- Alexander the Great
- allegory
- Almanac for the year 1554
- Almanac for the year 1555
- Almanac for the year 1557
- Almanac for the year 1561
- Almanac for the year 1562
- Almanac for the year 1563
- Almanac for the year 1566
- almanacs
- Anabaptist crisis of Münster
- anachronism
- ancient Egyptians
- Aneau, Barthélémy
- angst
- anima mundi
- animal symbols
- Antichrist
- Antoine, King of Navarre
- Antony, Marc
- aphorisms
- Apian, Petrus
- Apocalypse, the
- Book of Revelation
- Columbus and
- comet presaging
- Second Coming of Christ
- Vogelin on
- see also End-Time; Last Judgement
- d'Aquino, Beatrice d'Avalos
- Aristotle
- arts, the
- astrology
- attacks on
- evil and
- judicial astrology
- triplicity
- Augustus see Octavius, Gaius
- Avenara, Abraham
- Balmas, Enea
- banquets
- Barbaro, Ermolao
- Barthes, Roland
- Bayard, Pierre Terrail de
- Béhar, Pierre
- Bellenger, Yvonne
- Bérard, François
- Bernard, St
- bestiary see animal symbols
- Bèze, Théodore de
- Bible
- Acts
- 1 Chronicles
- 2 Chronicles
- Colossians
- 1 Corinthians
- 2 Corinthians
- Daniel
- Deuteronomy
- Ecclesiastes
- Ezekiel
- Ezra
- Garden of Eden
- Genesis
- Gospels
- Habakkuk
- Hebrews
- Isaiah
- Jeremiah
- Job
- Joel
- King Saul
- King Solomon
- Last Judgement
- Noah's Ark
- parables
- 1 Peter
- Proverbs
- Psalms see Psalms
- Revelation
- Romans
- St John's Gospel
- St Luke's Gospel
- St Mark's Gospel
- St Matthew's Gospel
- 1 Samuel
- Tower of Babel
- Bierlaire, Franz
- Billacois, François
- Bloch, Marc
- Blum, Claude
- Boccaccio, Giovanni, On Famous Women
- Bocchi, Achille
- Bonhomme, Macé
- Book of Miracles
- Book of Various Grease-Paints
- Bosch, Hieronymus
- Branchus
- Braudel, Fernand
- bread
- Briçonnet, Guillaume
- Brind'Amour, Pierre
- Brunsfels, Otto
- Brutus
- bubonic plague
- Budé, Guillaume
- De asse
- On the Study of Letters
- Calvin, Jean
- conversion of
- theocentrism
- candied lemon
- Cardano, Girolamo
- Carlstedt, Anna
- case-histories
- Cassian, Saint John
- Castoriadis, Cornelius
- Cathay
- Catherine de Médicis
- Saint Bartholomew massacre
- Catholic League
- Catholic violence
- Céard, Jean
- century, use of
- Champier, Symphorien
- charlatanism
- Charles de Bourbon, Constable
- Charles V, Emperor
- Charles IX, King of France
- Chastel, André
- Chatelain, Jean-Marc
- Chaunu, Pierre
- Chavigny, Jean-Aimé de
- Chevignard, Bernard
- chivalry
- Christ
- Erasmus on
- as godly fool
- liberty in
- as the mystery of God
- philosophy of
- Redemption
- resurrection
- Second Coming
- star symbol
- Thursday worship
- see also God; Word of God/Logos
- Christian liberty
- Christopher Columbus: Herald of and Apocalypse
- Chyren
- Cicero, Paradoxes of the Stoics
- civil war
- Coligny assassination and
- comet and
- Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis and
- republican Rome
- see also war
- clairvoyance
- Cloulas, Ivan
- cogito
- of Christian believers
- evangelist cogito
- of Nostradamus
- of silence
- Coligny, Gaspard de
- Colloquy of Poissy
- Columbus, Christopher
- comets
- commonplaces
- Conspiracy of Amboise
- Constantine
- conversion
- of Calvin
- Columbus and
- desire and
- end of the world and
- as liberation
- persecution and
- personal metamorphosis
- silence and
- violence and
- Cortesi, Paolo
- Cottrell, Robert D.
- Couillard, Antoine
- Cousteau/Coustau, Pierre
- creation, literary
- Creation
- antinomic order
- reason and
- unity of
- Crespin Nostradamus, Antoine
- Crinitus, Petrus
- Crouzet, François
- Crouzet-Pavan, Elisabeth
- Cumaean Sibyl
- cuttlefish
- Cyrus
- David
- Davis, Natalie Zemon
- Declaration of Villers-Cotterêts (1559)
- Defaux, Gérard
- Democritus
- Demonet, Marie-Luce
- Denis of Halicarnassus
- Denys the Areopagite
- on God
- on honey
- on Moses
- On Divine Names
- via negativa
- see also Pseudo-Denys the Areopagite
- d'Espence, Claude
- destabilization
- Diana
- Diogenes the Cynic
- Dionysian tradition
- Dionysus
- Diophanus of Nicea
- disorientation
- divine immanence
- divine light
- divine mercy
- divine Will
- dogs
- Dolabella, Publius Cornelius
- Dream of Poliphilio, The
- Drévillon, Hervé
- Druids
- Du Bourg, Anne
- Du Faur, Louis
- Dubois, Simon
- Dupèbe, Jean
- Dupront, Alphonse
- Duval, Edwin
- Edict of Amboise (1563)
- Edict of Nantes (1598)
- Edict of Rouen (1559)
- Egyptians see ancient Egyptians
- emblems
- Alciato's Emblematum Libellus
- books of
- encyclopedism
- End-Time/end of the world
- conversion and
- date of
- violence and
- see also Apocalypse; Last Judgement
- enigmas
- faith and
- human understanding and
- mirror and
- Ephemerides
- Epistle to King Henri II
- Erasmianism
- foolish wisdom
- Nostradamus and
- Erasmus, Desiderius
- Adages
- Adagia Collectanea
- Apology on ‘In the Beginning was the Word’
- Apophthegmata
- on Christ
- Colloquies
- Complaint of Peace
- exemplum fabulosam
- The Godly Feast
- Manual of a Christian Soldier
- On Language
- philosophia Christi
- Praise of Folly
- on writing and praxis
- Estates General (Orléans, 1560–1)
- eternity
- Eucharist
- Excellent and Most Useful Little Work
- eye, sun as
- Ezzelino da Romano
- Fabri, Claude
- faith
- enigmas and
- imaginary of Christian faith
- Justification by Faith
- Fall, the
- see also Adam; original sin
- fear
- Febvre, Lucien
- Ferdinand of Aragon
- Ferdinand I, King of Bohemia
- Ficino, Marsilio
- Commentary
- negative dissimilarity
- fish-hook
- Fontaine, Charles
- Fontaine, Marie-Madeleine
- food
- banquets
- bread
- honey
- jam-making
- milk
- preserving lemon peel
- foolish wisdom
- Fourquevaux, Raymond Beccarie de Pavie, sieur de
- François I, King of France
- François II, King of France
- fratricide
- Freud, Sigmund
- Gabriel de Lorges, Count of Montgomery
- Gaius Octavius
- Galen
- Galenist medical theories
- Garde, Paulin de la
- Garden of Eden
- Garencières, Theophilus de
- Gauricus, Lucas
- Gazeau, Guillaume
- Genesis of the French Reformation, The
- Geneva School of Literary Criticism
- Gesner, Conrad
- Gnostics
- God
- all in all
- of anger/violence
- Christ as the mystery of
- creator God
- Denys the Areopagite on
- divine immanence
- divine light
- divine mercy
- divine Will
- hidden treasure
- names of
- omnipotence
- prophecy as gift of
- signs from
- as silence
- Soli Deo (God alone)
- sun metaphor
- violence and
- see also Christ; Word of God/Logos
- God in his Realms: a History of the Wars of Religion
- Gospels see Bible
- Gouberville, Gilles de
- Goyet, François
- grease-paint see make-up
- Great Schism
- Grévin, Jacques
- Gryphe, Sébastien
- Guise family
- Guise, François de
- Hans, Jean de
- Haton, Claude
- Hebræus, Leo see Leo the Hebrew
- Hector
- Hecuba
- Helen of Troy
- Henri II, King of France
- death of
- Epistle to
- Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis
- Henri III, King of France
- Henri IV, King of France (Henri de Navarre)
- Heraclitus
- heresy
- Hermes Trismegistus
- hermeticism
- hidden treasure
- Hieroglyphes de Horapollo
- hieroglyphic language
- Hippocrates
- Epidemics
- Insomniæ
- Præsagia
- Prognostics and Prorrhetics
- Histoire ecclésiastique
- Holy Spirit
- Homer
- honey
- horoscopes
- Horus Apollon
- Huguenots
- Saint Bartholomew massacre
- humanism
- century, use of
- copia
- peaceful co-existence
- symbolic language
- Iamblichus
- Ice Age
- iconoclasm
- ignorant ruler
- Illyricus, Flacius
- imaginary
- of Christian faith
- magma of
- of Nostradamus
- of the Renaissance
- Innocent VIII, Pope
- Inquisition, the
- internet
- inversion
- Isabella of Castile
- Isabella Jagiellon
- Islam
- jam-making
- Jaubert, Etienne
- Jeanne de Navarre (Jeanne d'Albret)
- Jeanneret, Michel
- Jesus Christ see Christ
- Jews/Judaism
- Job
- John, Gospel of
- John XXIII, antipope
- John Zápolya, King of Hungary
- judicial astrology
- Justification by Faith
- Kabbalah
- Karanova, Olga
- Kerver, Jacques
- Kos medical school
- La Marck, Antoine de
- La Perrière, Guillaume de
- La Taille, Jean de
- Lagrange, Pierre
- language
- Adamite language
- hieroglyphic language
- humanism
- metaphorical language
- Nostradamian language
- predictive writing
- sacred language
- symbolic language
- Last Judgement
- Michelangelo
- St Mark's Gospel
- see also Apocalypse; End-Time
- Le Picart, François
- Lefèvre d'Étaples, Jacques
- Lemesurier, Peter
- lemon peel, preserved/candied
- Leo the Hebrew
- Leoni, Edgar
- Leonicenus, Nicolas
- Leowitz, Cyprien
- Lepidus, Marcus Aemilius
- L'Hospital, Michel de
- Lichtenberger, Johannes
- Licinius I, Emperor
- light
- divine light
- mirror and
- Scève's Desire
- literary creation
- Livy
- Logos see Word of God/Logos
- Louis XII, King of France
- Louis XVI, King of France
- Luca, Luciano de
- Lucian of Samosata
- Luke, Gospel of
- lunar eclipses
- Luther, Martin
- Lutheranism
- Lycosthenes, Conrad
- Mailles, Jacques de
- make-up
- Manilius, Marcus, Astronomica
- Manual of a Christian Soldier
- Manutius, Aldus
- Marczuk-Szwed, Barbara
- Margolin, Jean-Claude
- Marguerite de Valois
- Marguerite of Navarre
- ‘Comedy in the Desert’
- daughter see Jeanne de Navarre
- Heptaméron
- Mirror of the Sinful Soul
- Neoplatonism
- Marie-Antoinette
- Mark, Gospel of
- Martin, Jean
- Martin, Jehan
- Martinuzzi, Giorgio
- masks
- massacre of Saint Bartholomew
- Matthew, Gospel of
- Maurevert, Charles de Louviers, sieur de
- medicine
- case-histories
- medical history
- preventative medicine
- of the soul
- symptoms
- Menodotus of Nicomedia
- Michelangelo, ‘Last Judgement’
- Miernowski, Jan
- milk
- Millet, Olivier
- Milo of Croton
- Mirabilis Liber
- Mirandola, Pico della
- mirror
- Biblical connotation
- burning mirror
- in Lefèvre d'Étaples
- in Marguerite of Navarre
- meaning
- Word of God and
- modernity
- Monster of Abuse
- monstrous births
- Montaigne, Michel de
- Montmorency, Anne de
- More, Thomas
- Morel, Jean
- Moses
- Motteux, Peter Anthony
- Münster Rebellion
- Münster, Sebastian
- muscat soap
- Muslims
- nature
- inversion
- jam-making and
- make-up and
- see also animal symbols
- Navarre, Antoine de
- Neher, Rabbi André
- Neoplatonism
- Catherine de Médicis and
- God All in All
- Horus Apollon
- Jeanne de Navarre and
- mysticism
- negative dissimilarity
- perpetuum mobile
- pythagorean perspective
- Rabelais and
- Saint Bartholomew massacre
- theory of vision
- see also Ficino, Marsilio
- Neopythagoreanism
- Neostoicism
- New Almanac for the year 1562
- New Prognostication for the Year 1555
- New Prognostication for the Year 1558
- New Testament see Bible
- Nicolas of Cusa
- Noah's Ark
- Nolle, Ambrosius Leo de
- Nostradame, César
- Nostradamus the Younger, Michel
- Nostredame, Jean de
- numerology
- Octavius, Gaius
- Ognyon
- Old Testament see Bible
- ontological turn
- Oporinus, Johannes
- Oracle of Delphi
- Ordinance of Orléans (1561)
- Origen
- original sin
- original theology (prisca theologia)
- Orosius
- Orpheus
- Osiris
- Ottomans
- Ovid, Metamorphoses
- Papacy
- paradox
- Paraphrase of the Protreptic of Galen
- parricide
- ‘particularize’
- Paul, St
- 1 Corinthians
- 2 Corinthians
- Colossians
- Hebrews
- Romans
- pentagram
- perpetuum mobile
- Peter, St
- philautia see self-love
- Philip II
- Pietro Cara di San Germane Vercellese
- Pirenne, Henri, Mohammed and Charlemagne
- Pius IV, Pope
- plague
- Aix-en-Provence
- bubonic plague
- symptoms
- Plato
- Banquet
- Symposium
- Timaeus
- see also Neoplatonism
- Platonic theory of vision
- Pliny the Elder
- Pliny the Younger
- Plotinus
- poison
- Polizzi, Gilles
- polysemy
- Pontevès, Durant de
- Ponticus, Evagrius
- Poulet, Georges
- Prévost, Roger
- prisca theologia
- Proclus
- Prognostication ou Revolution, Avec les Presage
- Prognostication for the Year 1555
- Prognostication for the Year 1560
- prognostics
- Prophecies
- antimonies
- bleakness of
- century, use of
- hidden treasure
- human cruelty/folly
- injustice of life
- lack of order in
- language
- linguistic anarchy
- parables
- polysemy
- Preface
- quatrain, use of
- similarity/dissimilarity
- style of writing
- symbolic language
- time structure
- translations
- prophecy
- 1 Samuel and
- clairvoyance
- as gift of God
- meaning
- Proteus
- Psalms
- Psalm
- Psalm
- Psalm 50 (51, Vulgate)
- Psalm 58
- Psalm 59
- Psalm 65
- Psalm 86
- Psalm 89
- Psalm 90
- Psalm 93 (92, Vulgate)
- Psalm 107
- Psalm 138
- see also Bible
- Psellos, Michael
- Pseudo-Denys the Areopagite
- On Divine Names
- see also Denys the Areopagite
- Ptolemy, Geography
- Punic Chronicle of Joel
- Pythagoras
- Rabelais, François
- abbey of Thélème
- Antidoted Fanfreluches
- Gargantua and Pantagruel
- the Gospel and
- humour, use of
- Isle of Ruach
- Quart Livre
- Tiers Livre
- translations
- rainbow
- Ravisi, Jean Tixier de
- reading, act of
- Redemption
- Regiomontanus
- reincarnation
- Renaissance
- encyclopedism
- language
- metaphorical language
- nature
- pessimism
- spirit of intelligence
- symposia
- theurgy
- representation (Vorstellung)
- resurrection
- of Christ
- General Resurrection
- revealed inspiration
- revolud fatum
- Richard, Jean-Pierre
- Richet, Denis
- Roman Catholic Church see Catholic Church
- Ronsard, Pierre de
- rose
- Rosne, Antoine du
- Rotier, Esprit
- Rouillé, Guillaume
- Roussat, Richard
- Saconay, Gabriel de
- sacred language
- sacred mysteries
- Sadducees
- Sadoleto, Jacobo
- Saint Bartholomew massacre
- Saint-Denis, battle of (1567)
- Salminien, Renja
- San Salvador
- Sarrazin, Philibert
- Saul
- Sauvage, Denys
- Savonarola, Girolamo
- Compendium of Revelations
- Scaliger, Jules César
- Poemata
- Poetices libri septem
- science
- Screech, Michael
- Scriptures see Bible
- self-love
- Seneca, Deus temperans
- Serbelloni, Francesco Fabrizio
- Serres, Louis
- Sieburth, Richard
- Significations of the Eclipse, The
- Signorelli, Luca
- silence
- cogito of
- conversion and
- as expression of the Logos
- God as
- kingdom of Christ
- via negativa
- Word of God and
- worship in
- Simonin, Michel
- Skenazi, Cynthia
- skin-cream see make-up
- soap
- Socrates
- solar eclipses
- solar metaphor
- Solinus
- Solomon
- soul
- sports
- St-Jean cathedral, Lyon
- Starobinski, Jean
- Statius, Publius Papinius, Thebaid
- Stoeffler, Johannes, Ephemerides
- Stoic philosophy
- sugar
- Suleyman the Magnificent
- sun
- Suriano, Michel
- Surprise of Meaux (1567)
- symbolic language
- Tarquin the Elder
- Tende, Claude de
- Themistocles
- theocentrism
- theurgy
- Thursday as day of veneration
- Tornabuoni, Niccolò
- tornado
- Tournes, Jean de
- Tower of Babel
- tragedy
- transmutation
- treason
- Treatise on Jams
- tripod
- Trivulzio, Gian Giacomo
- Tubbe, Lorenz
- Turrel, Pierre
- Valerius Maximus
- Valéry, Paul
- Valleriola, François
- Vauzelles, Jean de
- via negativa
- Videl, Laurent
- Vigor, Simon
- Villermain, Louis
- violence
- Catholic violence
- Church and
- conversion and
- End-Time and
- God of
- Orléans pogrom
- politico-religious
- Saint Bartholomew massacre
- women and
- see also war
- Virgil, Polydore
- Virgin of the Cosmos
- Virgin Mary
- Vives, Juan Luis
- Vogelin, Johannes
- Wanegffelen, Thierry
- war
- wars of religion
- see also civil war; violence
- Warriors of God: Violence in the Time of Troubles over Religion
- Wind, Edgar
- wisdom
- Wolffhart, Conrad see Lycosthenes, Conrad
- women, violence and
- Word of God/Logos
- Agrippa on
- divine light
- eating/ingesting
- as honey
- ineffability of
- milk as metaphor for
- nature as mirror
- as revealed inspiration
- revealing of
- silence and