The translator and publisher gratefully acknowledge Knut Boeser (ed.), The Elixirs of Nostradamus. Nostradamus’ Original Recipes for Elixirs, scented water, beauty potions and sweetmeats (Wakefield, RI, 1996) for an extract of that translation (from pp. 87–8) with modifications; also the French emblems website ( for its translation of one of Guillaume de La Perrière's Latin tetrastichons from La Morosophie; also Peter Lemesurier for an extract of his translation of Nostradamus’ prologue to the Hiéroglyphes de Horapollo, located at They thank Sophie Bajard-Manchette, editor at Éditions Payot, Paris for her invaluable assistance in making this translation possible. The translator is grateful to an anonymous reviewer for suggestions to improve the translation, and to Paul Young at Polity for his patience in awaiting the delivery of the final version.