Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
Aboriginals, 20; Aboriginal Welfare Board, 1, 2, 195n8; art and, 18, 19, 40–41, 51, 54, 55, 55–56; civil rights and, 1–2; Lake Tyers Aboriginal Reserve, 6, 195n8; Ngaanyatjarra people, 19; painting and, 18–20, 42–45, 59–60, 185; with religion, 7, 8, 13, 59; Yuendumu Aboriginal Reserve, 204n9. See also Warlpiri people
About Looking (Berger), 194n7
Abramović, Marina, 148, 149, 155; family life, 149–50, 151, 153, 156; pain and, 150–51, 152; public realm and, 157–58
Aciman, André, 6, 33
Adorno, Theodor, 84, 128, 144–45, 146, 193n4
Agnatic kinship, 13, 163
Ai Weiwei, 174
Albrecht, F. W., 59, 61
Alcoholism, 117–18, 209n102
Alienation, photography and, 145–46
Allegories of the Wilderness (M. Jackson), 100
Alter-ation, process of, 3
Altyerre, 13–14
Anang people, 104
Ancestors, 4, 5, 40, 46, 53, 115; Dreaming and, 44, 48, 56, 57; rituals, 16, 154
Anderson, Patricia, 71
Animals: animal spirit, 107; rituals to multiply, 16, 17
Anthropomorphism, 63–64
Antiapartheid, 107–8
Appropriation. See Maori people
Arendt, Hannah, 120
Aristotle, 196n24
Arnold, Matthew, 196n17
Arrernte people, 13, 39, 57, 67, 205n22
Art, 45, 203n117; Aboriginal people and, 18, 19, 40–41, 51, 54, 55, 55–56; “the art field,” 23; birth and, 28, 30, 40, 53–54; Buber on, vii; culture and, 23, 67, 201n86; death with, 153, 156; defined, 80; Dewey on, vii, xiv; with life, escape from, 139–47; life and, xvi, 95, 200n64; with life sacrificed, 134–35; narcissism with, 31; possessiveness, 181; reality in, 88, 127; as religion, 12–14, 18, 198n3; religion and, 10–11, 23–24, 54, 108, 119–20, 161–63, 184, 188–89, 196n17, 199n47; ritual and, 67, 153, 167–70; role of, xiv, 3–8, 10, 18, 19, 33, 40–41, 42–44, 66, 77, 81, 83–84, 90, 116–17, 120–21, 122, 171; solitude of, 68–72, 101; two lives of, 4–5, 21, 23–24, 32
Art as Experience (Dewey), vii, 194n7
Art galleries, as reverential space, 11
“Art Is My Life” (P. Clairmont), 102
Artist Is Present, The (Abramović), 149, 157
Artists, 60, 101; with art to escape life, 139–47; public realm and, 157–58; social situation of, 23; world and, 36–38
Art objects: with class and culture, 23; maker with, 4, 7, 8, 27–28, 104; mystery of, 27–28, 32; in public realm, 4–5
Ascriptive approach, to religion, 10
Assembly Line (Li Xiaofei), 175
At Home in the World (M. Jackson), 203n3
Atrocities, 25, 66, 91
Auden, W. H., 136, 138
Augustine (Saint). See Saint Augustine
“Axes of bias,” 32–35
Bacon, Francis, 19, 21, 95, 116
Bail, Murray, 71, 206n44
Balinese people, 23
Bamana people, 103–4
Barnes, Julian, 34–35
Barris, Craig, 158, 160, 161, 162, 164–65
Bascom, William, 104
Baskets, 100, 162, 194n9
Baxter, James K., 119–20, 123, 126
Being-in-the world, 5, 12, 14, 76, 129
Benjamin, Walter, 27, 82, 117, 146
Berger, John, 23, 88, 141, 144, 194n7
“Berlin Childhood around 1900” (Benjamin), 82
Beuys, Joseph, 26, 84, 85, 108, 166; Everyman and, 24; religion and, 14; Tartars and, 25–26, 201n90
Bias. See “Axes of bias”
Bible, The, 36, 61, 90–91, 117, 161, 162
Biesenbach, Klaus, 157–58
Big Yam. See Yarlakurlu
bin Mohammad, Mahathir, 84
Biographical objects, 194n9
Birth, 15; art and, 28, 30, 40, 53–54; childbirth, 30, 31, 114; Maori people and, 113; postpartum sadness, 181
Black Notebooks (Schwarze Hefte) (Heidegger), 161
Blake, William, 206n47
Blak like me (Deacon), 8
Blood, 16, 18, 32, 51, 113, 115, 119
Body, 151, 152, 153; body painting, 18, 200n62; with surface adorned, 3
Bonnard, Pierre, 11
Border situations, 12
Bosch, Hieronymous, 137, 188, 188
Botticelli, Sandro, 61
Bourdieu, Pierre, 23, 170, 193n2
Bourgeois, Louise, 67, 108, 166; with art, role of, 33, 66; art and life, xvi; art as religion, 13; on Bacon, 95
Bracefell, David, 93
Brasch, Charles, 190–91
Breathing In/Breathing Out (Abramović and Ulay), 156
Bromberg, Philip, xv
Brown, Gordon, 117, 211n145
Brown, Norman O., 72
Bruegel, Pieter, 135, 136–37, 138, 139
Bryans, Lina, 72
Bryce, John, 124
Buber, Martin, vii
Butler, Samuel, 79, 80, 106, 189
Cabaret Voltaire, 73
Cage, John, 10
Camus, Albert, 133, 184
Cantwell-Smith, Wilfred, 196n15
Capitalism, 92, 216n97
Carbon Copy (Gill), 84
Carrey, Jim, xiv
Carroll, Lewis (Dodgson, Charles), 80, 87, 106–7
Carter, Kevin, 145–46
Caspar Wolf and the Aesthetic Conquest of Nature, 35
Catholic Church, 120, 136, 137, 159, 187, 206n35, 217n112
Central Land Council, 39, 43, 49
Ceremonial dramas, 16
Cervantes, 95
Cézanne, Paul, 23, 93, 108, 129, 130; being-in-the world and, 129; family life, 133, 134; love letters and, 131; nature and, 127–39; objects and, 133–34
Chagall, Marc, 11, 183
Chiasmus, 78–79, 80
Childbirth, 30, 31, 114. See also Birth
Christ Bearing the Cross (Titian), 189
Christ Mocked (The Crowning with Thorns) (Bosch), 188
Christus (Faller-Barris), 159
Cinema, 88
Civil rights, 1–2
Clairmont, Orlando (son), 101, 108–9
Clairmont, Philip, 98–99, 99, 100, 102; alcoholism and, 209n102; antiapartheid movement and, 107–8; legacy, 108–9; objects and, 101–2, 105–6; on painting, role of, 102–3; suicide, 107, 108
Clark, John, 82
Clark, Lygia, 32
Class, art object with culture and, 23
Classification, Aristotle and, 196n24
Cocteau, Jean, 11
Cognition, “primal unity” of, 19
Cole, Bindi, 7, 8
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 196n17
Collective consciousness, 9
“Come out” (wilibari): Dreaming with, 15–16; “go in” and, 14–20
Coming into existence. See Tupu
Commune exhibition, 174, 175–78
Conrad, Joseph, 81, 82
Consciousness, 9, 21, 22, 23–24
Convict and Mrs Fraser (Nolan), 94
Cook, James, 114
Cookery book, 170
Corinth, Lovis, 188
Cosmology, 14, 18, 23, 112, 113, 196, 196n18
Country. See Walya
Creative process, 38; approaches, 23, 32; “dream thinking” and, 21; Everyman and, 24; natality and, xvi, 30, 53
Crowning with Thorns, The. See Christ Mocked
Cultural Revolution, 174, 178, 179
Culture: art and, 23, 67, 201n86; Everyman with, 24; human culture as progressive, 196n18; loss of, 58–59; nature and, 80
Cyclical: life as, 29, 47; time as, 23
Dadaists, 73
Dance, 17, 72, 90, 103–4, 166
Dante, 63
Dark Night Walking with McCahon (Edmond), 126
Darwinism, 58, 196n18
Dasein, 166
Davies, James, 12
Deacon, Destiny, 6–7, 8
Death: with art, 153, 156; Dreaming and, 58; “go in” or yuga and, 16; “passing away,” 15; spirit after, 57; suicide, 107, 108, 146, 217n115
De Certeau, Michel, 137
de Guillebon, Jeanne-Claude, 168, 171, 172
Depression, 106, 158–59, 179, 181–82
Derrida, Jacques, 96, 197n33
Dewey, John, vii, xiv, 194n7
Dilthey, Wilhelm, 205n19
Dionysus, 206n47
Disaster. See Environmental disaster
Dissociation, xv, 141
Divination baskets, 194n9
Dodgson, Charles. See Carroll, Lewis
Domestication, 1, 2, 139
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 95
Douglas, Mary, 152, 153–54
Dream, The. See Reiora, Te
Dreaming, 3, 57, 184; “come out” and “go in” with, 15–16; death and, 58; “dream thinking,” 21; dream work, 151; Hare Wallaby Dreaming, 46, 48–49; men and, 42–44, 46; role of, 14–15, 18, 19, 45–47, 51, 199n51; Two Kangaroo Dreaming, 48, 56; Warlpiri people and, 204n12; women and, 15, 20, 43. See also Aboriginals
Dreyfus-Best, Richard, 36
Dreyfus-Best, Ulla, 36
Drugs, 99, 117–18, 209n102
Duchamp, Marcel, 10
Durkheim, Émile, 8–9, 22, 39, 163, 196n15
Durrell, Lawrence, 202n102
Duvignaud, Jean, 18, 194n7
Earth. See Walya
Ecce Homo (Corinth), 188
Ecclesiastes 4:1–8, 117
Eco, Umberto, 182
Edmond, Martin, 57, 86, 108, 126; antiapartheid and, 107; on Clairmont, Philip, 98–99, 105
Egypt, 5, 120, 161
Eickelkamp, Ute, 20, 51
Eigenwelt, xv, 163
Ekeberg Asylum, 35
“Elemental,” 163, 196n15
Elementary Forms of Religious Life, The (Durkheim), 8–9, 39
Elsewhere (somewhere other), xv, 13
Emin, Tracey, 66
Emotions, 10, 19, 154–55. See also Fear
Emptiness, 20, 118, 122, 131, 182, 185
Enchantment, 27, 140
“Energy of action” (nyama), 103–4, 202n98
Engberg, Juliana, 89
ENOLA (Norrie, S.), 208n81
Entbindung (Faller-Barris), 160, 161
Environmental disaster, 88–91
Epilepsy, 86–87
Episteme, 193n 3, 194n 7
Erewhon (Butler), 80, 106
Essays in Radical Empiricism (James), 203n112
Étranger, L’ (Camus), 133
Everyman, 24
Excrement, 18, 32
Existentialism, 8, 57, 109, 113, 116; existential chiasmus, 79; existential transfiguration, 3
Exodus (Faller-Barris), 161, 167
Experience, as “double-barreled world,” 20. See also Inner experience; Outer experience
Exteriority, 3, 37, 182
Failure. See Heroic failure
Fairburn, A. R. D., 211n138
Fairweather, Ian, 68, 69, 70–72, 108; living conditions, 206n44; White and, 206n42
Fairweather, Rose (sister), 68
Faller-Barris, Carola, 158–60, 159, 160, 165, 167; family life, 164, 166; intersubjectivity and, 163; religion and, 161–63
Fall of Icarus, The (Bruegel), 136
False Existence Appearing Real (Idagi), 7
“False self,” 149
Family life, 101; Abramović, 149–50, 151, 153, 156; Cézanne, 133, 134; Faller-Barris, 164, 166; Gauguin, 144; Maori people, 114–15; mothers and infants, 147–49, 195n2; Song Dong, 178–79; Turrell, 172–73
Family of Love, 136
Faulkner, William, 94–95, 139–40
Fear, 33, 66, 94, 97, 134, 151
Fiction: realistic fiction, 147; “supreme fiction,” 140
Fiquet, Hortense, 131, 133
Flaubert, Gustave, 7, 34
Flying termites (pamapardu), 16–18
Fomison, Tony, 106, 187, 191, 209n102
Forest, 112, 137, 161, 182, 198n42
Forest (Gill), 78, 79, 82
“Forgotten Dialectic of the Heart, The” (Gilbert), 96
Forking Tongues (Gill), 75
For Your Eyes Only, 36
Fountain (Duchamp), 10
Frame, Janet, 183
Franco, Francisco, 141
Fraser, Douglas, 210n122
Fraser, Eliza (wife), 92, 93, 94, 97
Fraser, James (Captain), 92
Freedom: civil rights and, 1–2; human rights and, 2, 87, 174; in life, 2, 30, 35, 195n14
Freud, Lucian, 14, 33, 34–35
Freud, Sigmund, 15, 30, 31, 152, 165
Galah, 7
Gao Rong, 176–77
Garcia, Joshua, 145
Garden of Earthly Delight, The (Bosch), 137
Gauguin, Paul, 108, 142–43, 144
Geertz, Clifford, 22–23
Gell, Alfred, xiv, 24, 27, 204n16
Gender, role reversals, 30, 31
George, Kenneth, 11
Gethsemane (Fairweather, I.), 206n42
Ghirlandaio, Domenico, 61
Gilbert, Jack, 96
Gill, Simryn, 75, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84; with being-in-the world, 76; as outsider, 73–75; on “particular present,” 77–78
Gillen, Francis, 39
Giotto, 94
Gleneagles Agreement, 106
“Go in” (yuga): “come out” and, 14–20; death and, 16; Dreaming and, 15–16
Gola people, 27–28, 104
Goldsworthy, Andy, 171, 172
Golski, Kathy, 65–66, 67, 178
Golski, Nadya (daughter), 65–66
Goya, Francisco, 144
Great Leap Forward, 178
Great Wall of China, 157, 178
Ground. See Walya
Guernica (Picasso), 141, 144
Guillaume, Paul, 210n115
Guilt, 52, 87
Hanson, Pauline, 84
Hare wallaby, 204n10
Hare Wallaby Dreaming, 46, 48–49
Hau (spirit), 103, 104, 182
Havoc (Norrie, S.), 88–89, 90
Head of Christ (Clairmont, P.), 108
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm, 128
Heidegger, Martin, 103, 161, 166
Heisenberg, Werner, 95
Hemingway, Ernest, 95
Heroic failure, 92–95
Hirota, Dennis, 216n89
Hoarding, 179
Holocaust, 146–47, 160
Homer, 164
Homes: homelessness, 2, 6, 78, 88, 98, 127, 161; homesickness, 15, 58
House with the Cracked Walls, The (Cézanne), 129–30, 130
Hubert (Saint). See Saint Hubert
Hughes, Robert, 85, 144
Human Being (Li Wei), 177
Human rights, 86–87, 174; police and, 2; politics and, 88–91
Humans: human culture as progressive, 196n18; as imperfect, 178; life imperatives, 4–5, 6, 14
Hunters in the Snow, The (Bruegel), 135, 136–37
Huntting, Nancy, 135
Husserl, Edmund, 161
Idagi, Ricardo, 7, 8
“Idea of Order at Key West, The” (Stevens), 127
Ilyas, 170–71
Imperfect, humans as, 178
Indeterminate space. See Spaces
Infants, mothers and, 147–49, 195n2
Inner experience: “axes of bias” and, 33–34; indeterminate space and, 13; into outward form, 5–6, 17, 18, 21, 33, 36, 65
Insanity, 35, 43, 71, 90, 141, 170
“Inside Is the Outside, The” (Clark, L.), 32
Interiority, 3, 37, 51, 101, 182
Intersubjectivity, 6, 20, 163, 164. See also Abramović, Marina
Ireland, Kevin, 217n110
Islamic art, 11
Jackson, Freya (daughter), xiii
Jackson, Heidi (daughter), xiii
Jackson, Michael, 12, 13, 100, 203n3
Jackson, Pauline (wife), 110, 126
Jacobs Ladder (Himmelsleiter) (Faller-Barris), 159
Jain, Kajiri, 84
Jakamarra, Zack, 41, 56
James, William, 20, 21, 202n109, 203n112; creative process and, xiv; with objective and subjective perspective, 9; “radical empiricism” and, 15, 186
Jangala, Jerry, 54–56, 55, 59, 205n22
Jangala, Jimmy, 48
Jangala, Shorty, 45–47
Japaljarri Sims, Paddy, 43, 44
Japaljarri Stewart, Paddy, 43, 204n6
Jaspers, Karl, 12
Javacheff, Christo, 168, 171, 172
Jesus, 13–14, 205n22
Jiang Jian, 177
Jonah (Faller-Barris), 162
Jones, W. T., 33
Joyce, James, 22, 24–25, 28–30
Jung, Carl, 15, 21, 29, 199n51
Jupurrula Nelson, Paddy, 45, 47–50, 108; Hare Wallaby Dreaming and, 46; Warlukurlangu Art Centre and, 42, 43, 44–45
Kafka, Franz, 88
Kawharu, Hugh, 110
Keats, John, 97–98, 132, 138
Kelly, Ned, 93, 94, 97
Khan, Naveeda, 11
Kinship, 13, 16, 163, 215n83
Kirda. See Patrikin
Kleinman, Arthur, 145
Kleinman, Joan, 145
Kngwarreye, Emily Kame, 67
Knowledge, Warlpiri people and, 41–42
Kodi people, 194n9
Krohg, Christian, 33–34
Kuninjku people, 19
Kunstmuseum Basel, 35–38
Kuranko people, 107, 163–64, 215n76
Kurdungurlu. See Matrikin; Uterine kin
Labor: division of, 30; ritual labor, 13, 18, 46, 198n40. See also Birth
Lacayo, Richard, 4
Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Lawrence), 29
Lake Tyers Aboriginal Reserve, 6, 195n8
Land, 39, 43, 49; forest and, 112, 137, 161, 182, 198n42; landscape, symbolism, 212n146; Maori people and, 123–25; rituals, 47; unappreciated, 122–23
Lanzmann, Claude, 146
Large Pine Tree and Red Earth (Cézanne), 129
Last Judgment, 36, 61
Last Judgment (Michelangelo), 205n35
Law. See Tywerrenge
Lawrence, D. H., 29
Lazarus Emerging from the Wardrobe (P. Clairmont), 108
Le Corbusier, 11
Lee Kuan Yew, 81
Letters on Cézanne (Rilke), 132
“Letter to Gershom Scholem on Franz Kafka” (Benjamin), 82
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 76, 109
Life, 8, 9, 39, 102, 132, 138; art, two lives of, 4–5, 21, 23–24, 32; art and, xvi, 95, 200n64; art to escape, 139–47; art with sacrificing of, 134–35; as cyclical, 29, 47; freedom in, 2, 30, 35, 195n14; human imperatives in, 4, 5–6, 14; public realm, 4–5; with Warlpiri worldview, 15–16. See also Family life
Life of Dialogue, The (Buber), vii
Lightsource (Clairmont, P.), 99
Lin, Michael, 177–78
Lintels, 109, 113, 210n122
Lipchitz, Jacques, 209n94
Lirrara (Lowe), 17
Living in the Maniototo (Frame), 183
Li Wei, 176, 177
Li Xiaofei, 175
Lorimer, Francine, 39, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49
Love letters. See Cézanne, Paul
Lowe, Pat, 17
Lowry, Bob, 217n115
Luca Antara (Edmond), 86
Lugwani (Tanzanian wood-carver), 104–5
Lungkarta, Shorty, 58
Luvale people, 194n9
Macbeth (Shakespeare), 79
Maenads, 171, 206n47
Maetzig, Ernst, 121
Magic, 57, 91, 106, 165, 178; art, magical properties, 24; magical action, 154–56
Majapahit kingdom, 90
Maker. See Art objects
Maman (Bourgeois), 166
Mansfield, Katherine, 191
Maori people, 106, 212n154; appropriation of Maori imagery, 143; birth and, 113; family life, 114–15; hau and, 103, 104, 182; land and, 123–25; pare and, 109–16, 111, 112; worldview, 210n128
Mao Zedong, 174, 176
Marble, 63–64
Market forces, 23, 32, 141
Marriage at Cana (Fairweather, I.), 68
Marsden, Maori, 112
Martu people, 20, 184–85
Martyrdom, 52, 93, 120
Marx, Karl, 175, 209n105, 216n97
Masks, 37, 74, 149; mask carvers and ritual, 104; as “supernatural being,” 27
Mate (passing out of existence), 110, 112, 113
Matisse, Henri, 3–4, 11
Matrikin (kurdungurlu), 18, 42
Maughan, Bill, 110
Maus (Spiegelman), 147
Mawurndjul, John, 19
Maya people, 107
McCahon, Colin, 97, 108, 124, 125, 126, 188; alcoholism and, 117–18; on art, 116–17, 120–21, 122; Fairburn on, 211n138; on land, unappreciated, 122–23; on landscape, symbolism, 212n146; religion and, 119–20
McCahon, William (son), 120, 211n145
McLean, Charles, 195n8
Melbourne Now exhibition, 6
Mémoire des Camps, 146
Memory, 80, 179, 204n5
Men: ceremonial dramas and, 16; Dreaming and, 42–44, 46; role reversals and, 30, 31
Menstrual blood, 18
Mental illness. See Insanity
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 2–3, 23, 40–41, 132, 198n39
Metamorphoses, 15, 23, 52, 71, 159, 162
Metamorphosis (Faller-Barris), 159
Métis, 193n3
Michelangelo, 61–64, 62, 116, 205n35
Miller, Henry, 29, 202n102
Miners, 63–64
Mitwelt, xv, 163
Mme. Cézanne in a Red Dress (Cézanne), 132
Modigliani, Amedeo, 209n94, 210n115
Monastery (Fairweather, I.), 68, 69
Mondrian, Piet, 116
Monet, Claude, 33
Montale, Eugenio, 4–5
Moore, Henry, 206n39
Moscoso, Pio de Tristan (Don), 143
Mothers, infants and, 147–49, 195n2
Mulgan, John, 122, 190–91
Munch, Edvard, 33–34, 34, 35
Munn, Nancy, 15, 16, 199n53, 200n62
Museums: Kunstmuseum Basel, 35–38; as reverential space, 11
Musharbash, Yasmine, 42, 203n3
Musicians, 19, 186
Myerhoff, Barbara, 80
Myers, Fred, 20, 58–59, 199n46, 200n62
Mystery, 4, 24, 27–28, 32
Myth of Sisyphus, The (Camus), 184
Nakamarra, Liddy, 48, 49
Namatjira, Albert, 57
Napanangka, Daisy, 49
Narcissism, 31, 98, 149, 156, 183
Natality, xvi, 30, 53, 54
Natural History (Pliny), 63–64
Nature, 35; Cézanne and, 127–39; culture and, 80; environmental disaster, 88–91; Goldsworthy and, 171, 172
Nazis, 25, 109, 147
Necessary Protection paintings (C. McCahon), 123
Negative capability, 84, 132
Nelson Jakamarra, Harry, 40–41, 43, 48
Ngaanyatjarra people, 19
Ngata, Apirana (Sir), 115
Nicholson, Ben, 206n47
Nicolson, Bronwen, 142
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 162
Nightsea Crossing (Abramović and Ulay), 156
Nolan, Sidney, 93–94, 94, 97, 208n85
Norrie, Richard (brother), 86–87
Norrie, Susan, 86–91, 208n81
Norrman, Ralf, 79
“Not Included in the Footnotes” (O’Sullivan), 217n112
Numinous, 28
Nussbaum, Martha, 193n3
Nyama. See “Energy of action”
Oakeshott, Michael, 170
Objective perspective: “axes of bias” and, 35; subjective and, 2–3, 9–10, 32
Objects, 19, 199n53; biographical objects, 194n9; Cézanne and, 133–34; Clairmont, Philip, and, 101–2, 105–6. See also Art objects
Oeuvre, L’ (Zola), 131, 134–35
Oluwuro, Owoeye, 104
“On First Looking Into Chapman’s Homer” (Keats), 97–98
Onians, Richard Broxton, 19, 215n83
Oppression, 8, 14, 52, 118, 122, 143; body and, 152, 153; of postpartum sadness, 181; violence and, 85
Oratory (Faller-Barris), 159
Orphan Files (Jiang Jian), 177
Ortelius, Abraham, 136
O’Sullivan, Vincent, 186, 188–89, 191; Catholic Church and, 187, 217n112; Sydney and, 180–81, 183
Other. See Elsewhere
Other Criteria: Confrontations with Twentieth-Century Art (Steinberg), 203n117
Otto, Rudolf, 28
Outer experience: “axes of bias” and, 33–34; indeterminate space and, 13
Outward form. See Inner experience
Pain, 150–51, 152
Painting, xiv, 102–3, 123; Aboriginals and, 18–20, 42–45, 59–60, 185; body painting, 18, 200n62; Martu women and, 184–85; Munch and, 33–34, 34; sandpainting, 18, 40; Warlpiri people and, 18–19, 42–45, 54, 55
Paleolithic cave, 3
Palm at the End of the Mind, The (M. Jackson), 12, 13
Pamapardu. See Flying termites
Pandolfo, Stefania, 170–71
Panels (C. McCahon), 122–23
Pare. See Maori people
Parihaka, 123–25
Parihaka Triptych (C. McCahon), 124, 125
“Particular present,” 77–78
Passing out of existence. See Mate
Patrikin (kirda), 18
Paul IV (Pope), 205n35
Pearls (Gill), 82, 83
“Pearls” (Taussig), 83
Pensée Sauvage, La (Lévi-Strauss), 76
Performance, rituals and, 155
Perkins, Hettie, 8
Perspective. See Objective perspective; Subjective perspective
Perugino, Pietro, 61
Pessoa, Fernando, 161
Petrarch, Francesco, 63
Photography, alienation and, 145–46
Picasso, Pablo, 11, 23, 93, 141, 144
Picture of Dorian Gray (Wilde), 107
Pieta (Michelangelo), 62, 63
Pink, Olive, 55
Pintupi people, 20, 58, 199n46, 200n62
Pirous, A. D., 11
Playing and Reality (Winnicott), 195n2, 203n112
Pliny, 63–64
Police, 1, 6, 93, 121, 161, 174; human rights and, 2; violence, 108, 126
Politics, human rights and, 88–91
Pomare, Maui, 124
Poro masks, 27
Postpartum sadness, 181–82
Pound, Ezra, 72
Power, Rachel, 101, 105, 209n102, 210n115
“Primal unity,” of cognition, 19
Primitive, 37, 143, 155, 165, 196n18, 197n33
Production, reproduction and, 28–32
Protestant Reformation, 137
PT Lapindo Brantas, 88
Public realm: artist and, 157–58; art object in, 4–5; “the art field” and, 23
Purity and Danger (Douglas), 152
Qin Shi Huang (Emperor of China), 5, 174
Quintilian, 78
Racism, 107, 121, 124–25
“Radical empiricism,” 15, 186
Reality, 7, 195n2, 203n112; in art, 88, 127; dissociation and, xv, 141; realistic fiction, 147
Reed, John, 93
Reed, Sunday (wife), 93
Reid, Barrie, 93
Reiora, Te (The Dream) (Gauguin), 142–43
Relation in Time (Abramović and Ulay), 156
Religion, 202n109, 216n89; Aboriginals with, 7, 8, 13, 59; art and, 10–11, 23–24, 54, 108, 119–20, 161–63, 184, 188–89, 196n17, 199n47; art as, 12–14, 18, 198n3; ascriptive approach to, 10; Catholic Church, 120, 136, 137, 159, 187, 206n35, 217n112; classifications, 196n24; conditions for, 4; Family of Love and, 136; primitiveness and, 197n33; Protestant Reformation, 137; role of, 7, 8–10, 56, 96; with spirit after death, 57. See also Bible, The
Re-membering, 80, 179
Report on Experience (Mulgan), 122
Reproduction, production and, 28–32
Rescue Sled (Beuys), 26
Ricoeur, Paul, 202n97
Rights: civil rights, 1–2; human rights, 2, 86–87, 88–91, 174
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 132, 133
Rimbaud, Arthur, 206n47
Rings of Saturn, The (Sebald), 85
Rituals: ancestors, 16, 154; animals, multiplying, 16, 17; art and, 67, 153, 167–70; land, 47; mask carvers and, 104; narcissism with, 31; performance and, 155; ritual labor, 13, 18, 46, 198n40; role of, 3, 20; sexual imagery and, 16
Roden Crater, 171, 172, 173
Roheim, Geza, 30–31
Role reversals, gender, 30, 31
Rothko, Mark, 10–11, 108
Rua Kenana, 123
Rubuntja, Wenten, 13–14, 18, 19, 203n1, 205n22
Ruskin, John, 140
Sacred object. See Tywerrenge
Sadness. See Postpartum sadness
Saint Augustine, 95, 206n47
Saint Hubert, 137
Sand drawing, with storytelling, 16
Sande masks, 27
Sandpainting, 18, 40
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 154–56, 195n14
Schapiro, Meyer, 133
Schwarze Hefte. See Black Notebooks
Scott, James, 193n3
Scream, The (Munch), 35
Seated Peasant (Cézanne), 132
Sebald, W. G., 85
Self Portrait (Van Gogh), 37, 38
Self Portrait as the Ayatollah (P. Clairmont), 108
Semen, 18, 30
Sense of Sight, The (Berger), 194n7
Sen Sotan, 169
Sermon (J. Jangala), 55
Sex: sexual imagery, 16, 29–30; sexual intercourse, 15, 16, 28; sexual symbolism, 29
Shakespeare, William, 79, 83
Shape-shifting, 58, 107
“Shield of Achilles, The” (Auden), 138
Shields, David, 88
Shoah (Faller-Barris), 159, 159
Shoah (film), 146
Siegel, Eli, 135
Silence, 3, 165
Silva, Sónia, 194n9
Simmel, Georg, 54, 60, 61
Smith, Jonathan Z., 10, 196n24
Social injustice, with freedom in life, 2
Sociality, 4, 31, 42, 137
Social situation, of artist, 23
Sociology of Art, The (Duvignaud), 194n7
Solitude, 3; of art, 68–72, 101; insanity and, 71
Somewhere other. See Elsewhere
Song Dong, 178–80
Sooke, Alastair, 176
Sound and the Fury, The (Faulkner), 95
South Australia Museum, 43
Spaces: indeterminate, 5, 13, 32; of pain, 150–51, 152; reverential, 11; transitional, 3, 33, 80
Spencer, Baldwin, 39
Spiegelman, Art, 147
Spielberg, Steven, 58
Spirit, 210n126; animal spirit, 107; after death, 57; hau, 103, 104, 182
Sports events, racism and, 107
Staircase Night Triptych (P. Clairmont), 102
Standing Still exhibition (Gill), 77
Steinberg, Leo, 203n117
Stevens, Wallace, 127, 138, 140
Still Life, Flask, Glass and Jug (Cézanne), 138–39
Still Life with Ginger Jar and Eggplants (Cézanne), 132
Stirling Castle (ship), 92–93
Storm, The (Munch), 33, 34
Storytelling, 3, 16
Strathern, Marilyn, 204n16
Sturzhäche des Lauentales im Vorfrühling, Die (Wolf), 36
Subjective perspective: “axes of bias” and, 35; objective and, 2–3, 9–10, 32
Subversion, 8, 31, 63, 77, 137, 141, 178
Suicide, 107, 108, 146, 217n115
Sullivan, Jillian, 180, 186, 187
“Supernatural being,” masks as, 27
“Supreme fiction,” 140
Survivor guilt, 87
Sutton, Peter, 199n54
Swain, Tony, 205n24
Syddick, Linda, 58–59, 199n46
Sydney, Grahame, 181, 183–85, 187, 190; Ireland on, 217n110; postpartum sadness and, 181–82
Syntaxis, 162
Tamatea, Patoromu, 142
Tanami Desert, 17, 39, 44, 46, 58
Tane-mahuta (father of the forests), 112
Tapaya, Tjunkaya, 20
Tartars, 25–26, 201n90
Tattoos, 160, 191
Tatz, Colin, 195n8
Taussig, Michael, 82, 83
Taves, Ann, 10
Tawhai, Te Pakaka, 110, 113, 115–16
Tawhiri-ma-tea (father of winds and storms), 112–13
Taylor, Nola, 20
Tea ceremony, 168–69, 216n89
Techné, xiv, 193n3, 194n7
Te Heheu (Taupo chief), 115
Tempest, The (Shakespeare), 83
Tempest, Walter, xiii
Tenggerese people, 88–91
Te Ua-Haumene, 123
Te Whatahoro, Hoani, 114–15
Te Whiti-o-Rongomai, 123, 124, 125
“Thing, The” (Heidegger), 103
Third of May 1808, The (Goya), 144
Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (Carroll), 80, 106
Time: as cyclical, 23; Dreaming and, 46–47
Titian, 189, 189
Tito, Josip Broz, 149
Tjapaljarri, Giles, 19
Tjapaltjarri, Clifford Possum, 13, 59, 61
Tohu Kakahi, 123, 124, 125
Transcendence, 5, 8, 9, 35, 54, 108; art transcending culture, 67; Clairmont, Philip, and, 106; tea ceremony and, 168, 169; Van Gogh, Vincent, and, 53
“Transformation of Subjects Into Objects in Walbiri and Pitjantjatjara Myth, The” (Munn), 199n53
Transformative process: fear and, 66; Matisse and, 3–4
Transitional space, 3, 33, 80
Trial, The (Kafka), 88
Tronick, Ed, 147, 148
Tropic of Cancer (Miller), 29
Tu (god of war), 210n126
Tuhoe people, 126
Tu-matauenga (father of fierce human beings), 113
Tupu (coming into existence), 110, 112, 113
Turner, Brian, 180–81, 182–83, 187, 188, 190
Turner, Victor, 116
Turrell, James, 171, 172–73
Turtle and Gong (Fairweather, I.), 68
Two Kangaroo Dreaming, 48, 56
Tywerrenge (sacred object, law), 19
Tzara, Tristan, 73
Ulay, 156–57
Ulysses (Joyce), 22, 24, 28–30
Umbilical cord, 163, 215n76
Undertow (S. Norrie), 88
“Unpacking My Library” (Benjamin), 82
Untitled (Faller-Barris), 160
Unvanquished, The (Faulkner), 140
Up-On-The-Downs (Sydney), 181
Urethral blood, 18
Urewera Mural (C. McCahon), 125, 126
Urine, 18, 32
Uterine kin (kurdungurlu), 13, 16, 163
Van Gennep, Arnold, 116
Van Gogh, Theo, 52
Van Gogh, Vincent, 26, 37, 58, 108; creative process and, 23, 38; influence, 84–85; martyrdom and, 52; transcendence and, 53
Varieties of Religious Experience, The (James), 202n109
Vermeer, Johannes, 183
Village Wedding Feast (Bruegel), 139
Violence, 85, 155; Catholic Church and, 137; family life, 150; police, 108, 126
Vivisector, The (White), 71, 206n42, 206n47
Vos, Kee, 52
Voyeurism, 140, 144, 145
Walya (earth, ground, country), 19, 21, 40, 41, 47
Wang Cheng, 178
Warlpiri Iconography (Munn), 200n62
Warlpiri people, 199n53, 203n3; Dreaming and, 204n12; with knowledge, 41–42; painting and, 18–19, 42–45, 54, 55; walya and, 40, 41, 47; worldview, 15–16
Warlukurlangu Art Centre, 42–45
Waste Not (Song Dong), 178
Watson Napangardi, Polly, 50
Weaving, 163, 165–66
Welles, Orson, 88
Wenders, Wim, 24
White, Patrick, 71, 206n42, 206n47
Wilde, Oscar, 107
Wilibari. See “Come out”
Wind in the Pines: Classic Writings of the Way of Tea as a Buddhist Path (Hirota), 216n89
Wings of Desire (film), 24
Winnicott, D. W., xv, 149, 195n2, 203n112
Within. See World
Without. See World
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 64, 196n24
Wolf, Caspar, 35–36, 36
Wolfe, Thomas, 94–95
Wolf in Sheeps Clothing, A (Cole), 7
Women, 28; Dreaming and, 15, 20, 43; Martu women and painting, 184–85; role reversals and, 30, 31
Wood carvers, 104–5
Wordsworth, William, 100
World, 20; within and without, 1–5, 14, 167; ancestors with world creation, 16; artist and, 36–38; being-in-the world, 5, 12, 14, 76, 129
Worldviews: Balinese people, 23; Maori people, 210n128; Warlpiri people, 15–16
World War I, 73, 86, 121
World War II, 81
Wrapping, 168, 171, 172
Writers: with “primal unity” of cognition, 19; role of, 95
Xia Xing, 174
Xue, Stephanie, 145
Yaka people, 163
Yao, Souchou, 74, 82, 174–75
Yarlakurlu (Big Yam) (P. Jupurrula Nelson), 44, 45
Yellow Christ (Gaugin), 108
Yolngu people, 19–20, 198n40
Young, Raymond, 6, 7
Youth (Conrad), 81
Yuendumu Aboriginal Reserve, 204n9
Yuendumu Doors project, 42–43, 204n6
Yuga. See “Go in”
Zein und Zeit (Heidegger), 161
Zhao Xiangyuan, 178–79
Zito, Angela, 180
Zoanni, Tyler, 138
Zola, Émile, 130–31, 134–35, 212n6