Words are powerful. They have the power to inspire, encourage, appreciate, heal, and turn the impossible into the possible. Throughout history, words have transformed societies, people, and relationships. Words have inspired us to put a man on the moon, advance racial equality, and heal after our greatest tragedies.
But can One Word really make a difference? We know that words are powerful when spoken in sentences and when included in inspiring speeches, but can One Word on its own really change your life?
One Word can make a difference.
Our answer is an emphatic yes. After nearly 15 years of doing this ourselves and taking others through the One Word process as part of our workshops, we’ve found that when you find your word for the year, it will change the way you think, the words you speak, the attitudes of your heart, your relationships, and even your actions.
Similar to buying a new car and suddenly seeing the same model everywhere you go, you’ll begin to see your One Word everywhere. One Word will give you clarity and focus for the challenges of a busy, stress-filled world. Just as a light focused becomes a laser that can cut through steel, a life focused with One Word becomes a force that can cut through the status quo. One Word is both simple and powerful. Simplicity, done right, will always bring impact.
One Word also creates powerful relationships. When those closest to you know your One Word, you can count on them sharpening, challenging, and stretching you to new heights. We often hear encouragement from our loved ones to maximize our word and live it out.
Your Stretch Team will fan the flames of impact.
We encourage you to share it with your inner circle—family and close friends. This group, your Stretch Team, will encourage, motivate, and celebrate your success.
People who believe the best in you will fan the flames of impact, because they truly want to make you better.
As One Word works its way into every aspect of your life, the concept will powerfully impact the six dimensions mentioned in Chapter 1: spiritual, physical, emotional, relational, mental, and financial. We know, because it happened to us.
Here are examples of how our words have brought transformation in each of the six areas:
The power of One Word is found in its narrow focus and broad impact. Less really turns out to be best. Simple is powerful. One Word can really make a difference! Now you just have to find your word.