I’m happy to acknowledge the imaginative, prompt, courteous, and professional efforts made by each of the contributors to this volume and the depth and range of their enthusiasms and expertise which have made the project both conceivable in the first place and such an enjoyable and rewarding challenge in its coming to fruition. The intellectual resources of the international community of James Joyce studies never ceases to impress and many of the perspectives offered in this volume represent intellectual obligations and much-valued, friendly working relationships that have been established over several years of conference-going, editorial work on the James Joyce Broadsheet, and so on. I should offer special thanks to David Wright and the Department of English at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, for their hospitality and assistance in allowing me to open a genuinely antipodean vantage-point on the project during its early phase. I am grateful to my colleagues in the School of English at Leeds for the semester of study leave which allowed its completion. I’d also like to thank Emma Bennett and Karen Wilson at Blackwell for their advice, patience, and support at various stages in the making of the book, and David Williams, John Gaunt, and Jackie Butterley for hard work in the production of a complex text.
Material from some chapters has previously appeared in more or less different versions. Chapter 15 was delivered as the first A. N. Jeffares Memorial Lecture in the School of English at the University of Leeds in 2006. A version of Chapter 12 was originally read at the International Conference on the East-Asian Reception of James Joyce, held at Songsil University, Seoul, Korea, on November 4, 2006. Chapter 11, an earlier version of which appeared with the title “Joyce in the postcolonial tropics” in the James Joyce Quarterly, 39:1 (2003): 69–92, is included with the permission of that journal.
Harold Pinter kindly granted permission for the use of material in his possession and the quotation of copyright material in Chapter 19. Richard Prince, Miroslav Balka, James Coleman, William Anastasi, and Davide Cascio granted permission for the inclusion of images of their work in Chapter 20. David Wheatley agreed the publication of his poem in Chapter 21.
Editing a volume like this can make a range of demands. I’d like to thank my wife Jane and William, Charlotte, and Arthur for keeping me going with, and offering me occasional relief from the task.