A long list of people deserve thanks for their invaluable help and insight into this project, including Martin Anderson, Leon Aron, Karlyn Bowman, Mark Burson, Michael Deaver, Stephen Entin, Newt Gingrich, Clark Judge, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Michael Ledeen, Derek Leebaert, Edwin Meese III, Daniel Oliver, Senator Robert Packwood, Al Regnery, Peter Robinson, Peter Schramm, R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr., Michael Ullmann, Jeff Van Schaick, Peter Wallison, Gus Weiss, and Martin Morse Wooster.
Special thanks are owed to Ron Robinson, Floyd Brown, Andrew Coffin, and the good people at the Young America’s Foundation and the Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara. My three research assistants at AEI, Ryan Stowers, Kathryn Boateng, and Abigail Haddad, provided crucial research help and fact checking; AEI librarian Gene Hosey always came through with my requests for obscure materials. A succession of interns eagerly chased down sources and factoids: Daniel Fichter, Erin Hertog, Lauren Jones, Sean McGregor, and Tom Rickeman.
I could not have carried out this ambitious project without the unfailing support and encouragement of AEI’s immediate past president, Christopher DeMuth, and the intrepid leader of the Pacific Research Institute, Sally Pipes. Special thanks are also owed for financial support from the Earhart Foundation and the Searle Freedom Trust.
My editorial team at Crown Forum, Jed Donahue, Julian Pavia, and Nathan Roberson, labored mightily and contributed numerous refinements that greatly improved the final manuscript. This installment includes more footnotes than the first volume, chiefly to satisfy Professor Elizabeth Spalding, who has a well-known footnote fetish. General readers can safely skip them.