Use the name of God

God is inside of you. And when you use the energy of God that is in you to direct the angels, they can answer you with all of the power of the universe.

When God spoke to Moses out of the burning bush, he revealed both his name—I AM THAT I AM—and the true nature of man. You are the bush and the fire is your divine spark, God’s fire that he gives to you as his son or daughter. It is the power to create in God’s name—and to command the angels.

Jesus used God’s name when he said “I AM the resurrection and the life.” Every time you say “I AM…,” you are really saying “God in me is…” and thus drawing to yourself whatever follows. When you say “I AM illumination,” you are saying that God in you is attracting to you more of the quality of illumination that you already possess. Many of the decrees and fiats in this booklet use the name of God, I AM THAT I AM. Try it—and experience the increased power of your prayers.