Send your prayer to the right address

If you want your pipes fixed, you call a plumber. If you want to be rescued from a mugger, you call to the angels of protection. If you want a relationship fixed, you call to the angels of love.

Angels have different jobs. And they use energies of different frequencies (corresponding to different colors) to accomplish those jobs. In the following pages you will meet seven kinds of angels, along with the seven archangels who supervise them. You will also learn which angels to call to for which tasks.

The idea of seven archangels isn’t new. Neither is the association of angels with colors or with spiritual fire. As early as the third century B.C., Jews wrote about seven archangels. And they believed that the angels were surrounded by spiritual flames and appeared in a variety of colors.

You can become more closely connected with the angels when you call to the archangel whose angels specialize in handling what you want done.