Expect to be surprised

The question occurs to just about anyone who has ever thought about angels: Why do the angels answer some prayers and not others?

Why does one person pray for ten years without getting what he wants while another gets it immediately? Why are some houses destroyed by fire or flood while others are left untouched? Surely the angels hear everyone’s prayers.

One reason is that the angels’ ability to respond to our prayers is based upon the cumulative effects of our past actions—our good and bad deeds from this and previous lifetimes, also known as karma. The angels are neither genies nor Santa Claus. They must play by the rules of karma. When we pray and give devotion to the angels, they can sometimes eliminate the effects of karma, but often they can only reduce them.

The angels hear all of your prayers. But in order for your requests to be granted, they must fulfill three conditions: (1) they may not interfere with God’s plan for your soul (or with your karma); (2) they must not be harmful to you or anyone else; (3) the timing must be right.

You could pray for years to win the lottery and not win. But you might get something you didn’t expect, like a higher-paying job that leads you in new directions. Perhaps the angels couldn’t answer your prayer to win the lottery because your soul needs to learn the lesson of earning a living. But they did answer in the way that was best for you.

If you follow the steps in this book and still find that you don’t get an answer, the angels may be trying to tell you something. It might be time to revise your prayer and try again. Keep praying, and know that the angels will give you the best answer that they can based on your soul’s needs. (See “A Call Is Answered” on the next page.) Prayer always bears fruit. You just have to know where to look.