COLOR: White

ARCHANGEL: Gabriel, “God is my strength”

SPIRITUAL HOME: Between Sacramento and Mount Shasta, California


Spiritual gifts: guidance in creating your spiritual life; revelation of your life plan and purpose; dissolution of discouragement; joy, happiness and fulfillment.

Practical assistance: help in establishing discipline and order in your life: the organization of your emotional, mental and physical environment, including such things as home purchases and new directions in your education and career.

World service: help in organizing peacekeeping operations, distribution of food and medical assistance, relief for victims of natural disasters.

Gabriel and the angels of guidance will help you to understand and perform your life’s calling. In the Book of Daniel, Gabriel helps the prophet to interpret his visions and gives him wisdom and understanding. In Luke, Gabriel tells Mary that she will be the mother of the Son of God. Muslims believe that Gabriel instructed the prophets and dictated the Koran to Muhammad.

Gabriel and his angels will help you to understand the plan that you, your Higher Self and a board of spiritual beings worked out for your life before you were born. They will help you to remember what you need to do to fulfill that plan and to meet the people who can help you carry it out.

These angels will also help you to defend your life plan against whatever opposes it—things like discouragement, ridicule and lack of money and resources. They will help you to organize your life so that you are able to fulfill your daily obligations while working toward your larger goals.

The angels of guidance will speak to you when you make a point of listening to them. One of the best techniques for summoning angelic guidance is to ask the angels to transfer information to your mind while you sleep. In fact, they may already be doing this.

Have you ever awakened with a wonderful, positive feeling and a sense of direction? If you have, it’s a good bet that your soul has been in the angels’ spiritual homes while your body was asleep. Use the following technique to increase your nightly contact. And then hold on to those happy thoughts as you make your life happen with the angels of guidance!