Hi, I’m Reshma. I’m the founder of Girls Who Code, where we teach middle- and high-school girls how to change the world by writing code and creating digital games, apps, websites, and more.
One of the most exciting things we work on—and one of my favorite topics—is robots! Robots can do all sorts of things. Girls in our program have built a robot that helps sort and recycle garbage, one that can be used as a personal assistant and provides weather, news, and music recommendations, and one that helps kids with learning disabilities. The possibilities are endless!
In this book, you’ll read about Sophia and her BFFs in coding club. Together, they enter a hackathon—a marathon day of coding with other kids—and learn what it’s like to code a robot. But things don’t always go as planned, and they find out what it means to be there for one another—sometimes without even asking.
In addition to robots, this book is about another favorite topic of mine: sisterhood. A sisterhood is a supportive group of friends who are always there for you when you need them—it’s one of the most important things we teach in our programs at Girls Who Code. Sisterhood is about working together to solve a tough problem, giving one another courage to try new things, and asking for help when you need it.
If you like what you read in this book, I hope you’ll join one of our free coding clubs—and maybe even go to a hackathon and create your own robot! We’re building a sisterhood of tens of thousands of girls across the country and the world—and we’d love for you to join us.
Happy reading—and coding!

Reshma Saujani