Primary Sources

Many of these tales and sagas are available online in various editions and formats from websites such as the Icelandic Saga Database or Project Gutenberg. You may find it helpful to add “English” to the search term, since editions in the original Old Norse, or in modern Scandinavian languages or German, are common. Quotes in this book from the Poetic Edda are from the translation of Henry Adams Bellows, which is available online.

Bellows, Henry Adams. The Poetic Edda (The American-Scandinavian Foundation, 1923)

Byock, Jesse, trans. The Saga Of King Hrolf Kraki (Penguin Books, 1998)

The Saga Of The Volsungs (Penguin Books, 1990)

Evans, David, ed. Havamal (Viking Society for Northern Research, 1986)

Hollander, Lee, trans. Old Norse Poems (Columbia University Press, 1936)

The Poetic Edda (University of Texas Press, 1962)

The Skalds (University of Michigan Press, 1968)

Larrington, Carolyne, trans. The Poetic Edda (Oxford University Press, 1996)

Lassen, Annette. Hrafnagaldur Odins (Viking Society for Northern Research, 2011)

O’Connor, Ralph, trans. Icelandic Histories and Romances (Tempus Publishing Ltd., 2006)

Orchard, Andy, trans. The Elder Edda: A Book Of Viking Lore (Penguin Books, 2011)

Palsson, Hermann and Paul Edwards, trans. Gautrek’s Saga And Other Medieval Tales (New York University Press, 1970)

Seven Viking Romances (Penguin Books, 1985)

Penguin Group. The Sagas Of The Icelanders: A Selection (Penguin Books, 1997)

Ryder, G. Frank, trans. The Song Of The Nibelungs (Wayne State University Press, 1962)

Saxo Grammaticus. The Gesta Danorum (also titled The Danish History) (various editions available)

Sturluson, Snorri (Arthur Brodeur, trans.). The Prose Edda (Pacific Publishing Studio, 2011)

–Byock, Jesse, trans. The Prose Edda (Penguin Books, 2005)

–Faulkes, Anthony, trans. Edda (Everyman, 1987)

–Hollander, Lee, trans. Heimskringla: History Of The Kings Of Norway (University of Texas Press, 1964)

–Young, Jean, trans. The Prose Edda: Tales From Norse Mythology (University of California Press, 1954)

Tolkien, Christopher. The Saga Of King Heidrik The Wise (also known as the Hervarar Saga) (Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1960)

Secondary Sources

Abram, Christopher. Myths of the Pagan North: The Gods of the Norsemen (Continuum International Publishing Group, 2011)

Acker, Paul and Carolyne Larrington, eds. The Poetic Edda: Essays On Old Norse Mythology (Routledge, 2002)

Adam of Bremen (Francis Tschan, trans.). History of the Archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen (Columbia University Press, 2002)

Andren, Anders, Kristina Jennbert, and Catharina Raudvere, eds. Old Norse Religion In Long-Term Perspectives (Nordic Academic Press, 2006)

Auld, R.L. “The Psychological and Mythic Unity of the God Óðinn.” Numen 23 (1976), 145–60.

Bayerschmidt, Carl and Erik J. Friis, eds. Scandinavian Studies: Essays Presented To Henry Goddard Leach (University of Washington Press, 1965)

Carpenter, Humphrey. The Letters Of J.R.R. Tolkien (Houghton Mifflin Company, 1981)

Chadwick, H.M. The Cult Of Othin (Cambridge University Press, 1899)

Chadwick, Nora. Anglo-Saxon And Norse Poems (Cambridge University Press, 1922)

Clover, Carol and John Lindow, eds. Old Norse-Icelandic Literature: A Critical Guide (University of Toronto Press, 2005)

Clunies Ross, Margaret. Prolonged Echoes, Vol. 1: The Myths (Odense University Press, 1994)

Davidson, H.R. Ellis. Gods And Myths Of Northern Europe (Penguin Books, 1964)

The Lost Beliefs Of Northern Europe (Routledge, 1993)

Myths And Symbols In Pagan Europe: Early Scandinavian And Celtic Religions (Syracuse University Press, 1988)

The Road To Hel (Cambridge University Press, 1943)

DuBois, Thomas. Nordic Religions In The Viking Age (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999)

Dumezil, Georges. Gods Of The Ancient Northmen (University of California Press, 1973)

Fleck, Jere. “Odinn’s Self-Sacrifice – A New Interpretation: I. The Ritual Inversion.” Scandinavian Studies 43 (1971), 119-42; “II. The Ritual Landscape,” 385-413.

Glendenning, R.J. and Haraldur Bessason, eds. Edda: A Collection Of Essays (University of Manitoba Press, 1983)

Jakobsson, Armann. “A Contest of Cosmic Fathers: God and Giant in Vafthrudnismal.” Neophilologus 92 (2008), 236-277

–“Odinn as Mother: The Old Norse Deviant Patriarch.” Arkiv för nordisk filologi 126 (2011), 5-16

Kershaw, Kris. The One-Eyed God: Odin And The (Indo-) Germanic Mannerbunde (Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph No. 36, 2000)

Lassen, Annette. “Odinn in Old Norse Texts Other Than The Elder Edda, Snorra Edda, and Ynglinga Saga.” Viking and Medieval Scandinavia, Vol. 1 (Brepols Publishers, 2005), 91-108

Liberman, Anatoly. “A Short History of the God Odinn.” Nowele 62/63 (October 2011), 351-430

Machan, Tim, ed. Vafthrudnismal, 2nd edition (Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 2008)

McKinnell, John. Essays On Eddic Poetry (University of Toronto Press, 2014)

McTurk, Rory, ed. A Companion To Old Norse-Icelandic Literature And Culture (Blackwell Publishing, 2007)

Owen, Gale. Rites And Religions Of The Anglo-Saxons (Dorset Press, 1985)

Polomé, Edgar, ed. Old Norse Literature And Mythology (University of Texas Press, 1969)

Rankine, David. The Isles Of The Many Gods (BM Avalonia, 2007)

Raudvere, Catharina and Jens Peter Schjodt, eds. More Than Mythology: Narratives, Ritual Practices, And Regional Distribution In Pre-Christian Scandinavian Religions (Nordic Academic Press, 2012)

Schorn, Brittany Erin. “ ‘How Can His Word Be Trusted?’: Speaker and Authority in Old Norse Wisdom Poetry.” Diss. Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge, 2012.

–“RE: Wisdom Poetry and Vafthrudnismal.” Message to the author. May 29, 2014. E-mail.

Starkey, Kathryn. “Imagining an Early Odin.” Scandinavian Studies 71 (1999), 373-392

Turville-Petrie, E.O.G. Myth And Religion Of The North: The Religion Of Ancient Scandinavia (Holt, Rhinehart, and Winston, 1964)

Nine Norse Studies (Viking Society for Northern Research, 1972)

Retellings of Norse Myths

Colum, Padraic. The Children Of Odin (Macmillan, 1920)

Crossley-Holland, Kevin. The Norse Myths (Pantheon Books, 1980)

Guerber, H.A. Myths Of The Norsemen (George G. Harrap & Co., 1909)

Reference Sources

Lindow, John. Norse Mythology: A Guide To The Gods, Heroes, Rituals, And Beliefs (Oxford University Press, 2001)

Orchard, Andy. Dictionary Of Norse Myth And Legend (Cassell, 1997)

Simek, Rudolf. Dictionary Of Northern Mythology (D. S. Brewer, 1993)

Online Resources

Germanic Mythology:

Icelandic Saga Database:

Norse Mythology Online Library (part of the Norse Mythology Blog):


Viking Society Web Publications: