HarperCollins Publishers




“What’s up, doll? You sound kind of frosty.”

Lucy resisted the friendly tone. “We’re about to have a big-deal dinner.”

Ariana kept her voice calm, friendly, inviting. She had to keep the girl talking. That information had to flow. “We?”

“The housemates. John-Michael got some really good news yesterday so he cooked us a fancy dinner. We’re all dressed up. . . . I gotta go.”

“You, dressed up? Now that’s a picture. You wearing a pretty dress?”

“As a matter of fact I am.”

“Sugar, take a photo and send it to ol’ Ariana.”

“Maybe later. Sorry, Ariana. I really got to go. John-Michael made Cajun snapper and some fancy French strawberry cream cake for dessert. We got wine and everything.”

“Wine! That boy sure sounds like a talented fellow. What’s his news?”

Lucy’s tone seemed deliberately dismissive. “Oh—a health thing. He had a blood test and, well, he’s got the all clear.”

Ariana didn’t miss a trick—whatever was going on, Lucy was playing it down. “Poor kid. He been hooking up a lil’ too much?”

There was an awkward pause. “Ariana, he’s calling me. I got to say good-bye.”

“I’m glad you’re getting along so well with those guys. You don’t miss home, your folks?”

“We message our moms all the time. Except John-Michael—his mom’s dead.”

“Poor kid. He’s the one whose dad died?”

“Yeah. Killed himself. . . .” Lucy took a deep breath.

“Ah! That why the police were at your house?”

“I guess.”

“Least now you know his secret.”

“What secret?”

“Last time we spoke,” Ariana said, “you said he had some kind of secret? He must have been thinking about the blood tests.”

“Oh. Yeah. Maybe so.”

“Well, Lucy, honey, you have a nice night with your buddies. We’ll talk another time.”