Answer 1: C. If you’re seeing fae, you’re living in Melissa Marr’s Wicked Lovely world. If a fairy realizes that you can see them, they’ll take your eyes!
Answer 2: According to Leonard Nimoy, it’s B. Trekkers. And we don’t argue with Leonard Nimoy!
Answer 3: A. Some Tribbles got into the grain and died, alerting the crew that it was poisoned!
Answer 4: C. You would be in the world of the television show Firefly! You would want to wear a brown coat and you would aim to misbehave!
Answer 5: Both A and C are correct. You’ve just encountered a weeping angel from Doctor Who. They can only get you if you blink or turn away. So don’t blink! And find the blue police box with the Doctor as quickly as possible. He’ll know what to do!