About the Author

Neil A. Wynn was born in 1947 to British parents stationed in The Hague, Holland. When the family returned to Great Britain, he completed his education in Edinburgh, Scotland, where he also attended university from 1965 to 1969. Following his graduation with an M.A. in history, he went to the Open University in England to undertake research for his Ph.D. After four years, including a year as a graduate assistant at State University of New York at Buffalo, Wynn was awarded the first Ph.D. in history at the Open University in 1973 for his thesis on “The Afro-American and the Second World War.” In 1979, Wynn was awarded a fellowship by the American Council of Learned Societies and spent a year engaged in research in Washington, D.C.

In 2003, after teaching for 30 years at the University of Glamorgan in Wales, as a senior lecturer, principal lecturer, and reader in history and American studies, he took the appointment of professor in twentieth-century history at the University of Gloucestershire. He has taught on international programs at Central Missouri State University and at the Maastricht Center for Transatlantic Studies in the Netherlands, where he is a director.

Wynn is the author of Historical Dictionary from the Great War to the Great Depression (2003); The Afro-American and the Second World War (1976, 1993); From Progressivism to Prosperity: World War I and American Society (1986); chapters on “The 1940s” and “The 1960s” in Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika [The United States of America] (1977), and various articles on African American and American history and culture. He also coedited America’s Century: Perspectives on U.S. History since 1900 (1993) and edited “Cross the Water Blues”: African American Music in Europe (2007). From 1990 to 2003, he reported on events in the United States for the Annual Register and has often broadcast on local BBC radio on American current affairs.