About the Author

ROBERT C. ATKINS, M.D., was the founder of The Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine in New York City and the chairman of the Dr. Robert C. Atkins Foundation. He received his medical degree from Cornell University Medical School in 1955 and completed a residency in cardiology. In 1972, he published his groundbreaking book, Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution, followed in 1992 by Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution. He authored many other books that promote nutrition and complementary medicine based on his experiences with more than sixty thousand patients. He passed away in April 2003.

MARY C. VERNON, M.D., C.M.D., is board certified in bariatric and family medicine and is in private practice in Lawrence, Kansas. Dr. Vernon is vice president of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians and a member of the Atkins Physicians Council. She has presented research papers on low-carbohydrate diets and their use in the treatment of the metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and obesity. She has been published in the American Journal of Medicine as well as Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders.

JACQUELINE A. EBERSTEIN, R.N., spent twenty-nine years at Dr. Atkins’ side and worked with him in all aspects of his practice, including management, protocol design, and training of medical staff. She is a nutrition counselor and has contributed to previous Atkins publications, lectured, and hosted segments of Dr. Atkins’ radio show. She is presently director of nutrition information for Atkins Health & Medical Information Services.

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