Thirty minutes later, I was suspended. Never mind that Juarez had absolutely no proof that I’d faked the pics. Never mind that it would have been incredibly difficult to fake them in the first place. You’d have to be a genius with Photoshop—I didn’t even know how to use it. It was a teacher’s word against mine. Not even photographic evidence could make the difference in that contest.

As I drove home, I tried to figure out when my parents would hear from Juarez about my punishment. He could call them at work, which would mean they’d know before I even got to talk to them. But he’d said he would talk to them in the evening—and that I should prepare them for the call. If he kept his word, I should have a few hours to figure out how to make my case.

Then I remembered the news crew. The local news might just beat Juarez to the punch if Mom or Dad came home in time to watch it. Or if any of their friends saw it and called them to tell them. But that reporter didn’t know I’d been suspended. At least, I didn’t think he did.

And then I remembered one more thing: It was Friday. Marco’s big Halloween bash was tonight. Not that I felt like partying, but Nat had said she would meet me there. And this did not seem like the right time to stand up my girlfriend. Not after our conversation that morning.

The party didn’t start till seven, but my parents would be home way before then. I’d need to explain to them what had happened before they heard Juarez’s version. But if I touched base with Mom and Dad, there was pretty much no chance I’d be going to the Halloween party. My parents are reasonable, usually, but even if they believed my version of events, they’d want to know the same thing that reporter had asked: How had I ended up taking the photos in the first place? And why did I post them online instead of taking them to Juarez?

No matter what I came up with to explain my presence in that supply closet, I couldn’t see any way I’d avoid getting grounded, at least for as long as I was suspended from school. That would mean no party and no chance to see Nat, maybe for days.

Once I got home, I checked the website of the local news station that had been at school. They’d already posted a story. The headline made my stomach lurch: WILSON HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT DOCTORS PHOTOS OF TEACHER

My interview was there too, but the reporter followed it up by noting that school officials had taken disciplinary measures.

When my parents saw this, they would go nuts.

I made up my mind. No waiting around for the inevitable. This was my last chance to determine my own fate for a while.

I wrote my parents a note and left it on the kitchen table:

Mom and Dad,

Tonight you’ll hear from Principal Juarez about some things he claims I did. Please remember there’s another side to this story. I didn’t do anything wrong. Will explain when I get home later.

Love you both,


Then I threw my Halloween costume in the car and drove to a coffee shop. Three hours to go till the party, but I wasn’t taking a chance on staying home.