Chapter Nine
Stu Wants a Milkshake
“Ha,” Tom said, “that’s four in a row. One more and I win.”
Tom and Johnny were in the science room during a break between classes. They stood at the back of the room next to a table with a glass of water on it. Tom had a metal funnel tucked into the front of his pants.
“Hey,” Stu said when he walked in for science class. “What’s the game?”
“Watch,” Johnny said.
Tom took a penny out of the funnel and leaned his head back. He placed the penny on his chin. Then he dropped his chin. The penny slid off his chin and straight down.
Ting! The penny landed in the funnel.
“Five in a row,” Tom said. “Johnny, now you owe me a milkshake.”
“A milkshake?” Stu said. “A milkshake?”
More students walked into the classroom.
“Yeah,” Tom said, “a large chocolate milkshake.”
“Can I try?” Stu said. “I’d love to win a milkshake.”
“Okay, but if you don’t get at least five in a row,” Johnny said, “you have to buy Tom a milkshake.”
“I won’t lose,” Stu said. “Not when it comes to food. I’ll do almost anything for food.”
Stu grabbed the funnel. He tucked the bottom of the funnel into the front of his pants.
“Give me the penny,” Stu said. “Hurry. Before the rest of the class gets here.”
Stu leaned his head back. He put the penny on his chin. He dropped his chin. The penny slid off his chin and straight down.
“Ha,” Stu said. “That’s one. You don’t mess with me when it comes to free food.”
“I guess not,” Johnny said. “You’ll do almost anything for food.”
“Johnny’s right about that,” Tom said.
Stu grabbed the penny again. He leaned his head back. As he put the penny on his chin, he didn’t see Tom grab the glass of water off the table. Tom hid the glass behind his back.
Stu dropped his chin. The penny slid down into the funnel.
Stu was in a hurry to win before the teacher came into the room. He grabbed the penny from the funnel. He leaned his head back. He put the penny on his chin.
While he was looking up at the ceiling, Tom poured the glass of water into the funnel. All the water ran into Stu’s pants.
“Aaaaack!” Stu said. He jerked his head. The penny fell to the floor. Johnny grabbed the funnel and pulled it out of Stu’s pants. He put the funnel back with the rest of the science equipment. Tom put the glass back on the table.
“Aaaack!” Stu said. He looked down at his pants. The water had soaked through the front of his pants. It looked like he had wet himself.
That’s when Connie walked into the room with Eldridge.