


Some things are best left buried.

Rachel remembered her mother used to always say that, but she’d never really given it much credence. Until now.

Regardless of whether Jasmine was her half sister or not, Rachel was now just fine with that information staying buried. After Jasmine threw her out like she was common trash, Rachel was livid. Jasmine had the nerve to call her a liar and literally push her out the door. As if Rachel would lie about something like that. As if she really wanted to be related to Jasmine.

Nope. As far as Rachel was concerned, that move was the final straw and her frenemy had officially reverted to being her outright enemy.

The question now was: what in the world would she tell her father?

“Sister Adams, you hear me?”

The sound of the elderly woman raising her voice snapped Rachel out of her thoughts. Rachel had zoned out ten minutes ago when the woman first began rambling on and on. They were in the dining hall of the church for a private reception following Lester’s sermon.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” Rachel replied. She really hadn’t meant to be rude, but the woman’s incessant babbling was nerve-racking.

“I was just saying that Pastor Adams really showed out today.” The woman glanced over at Lester, who was talking with some of the church elders. She had a totally inappropriate look on her face—like if she was thirty years younger, Rachel would definitely have to check her. But this woman and her sagging, wrinkled skin and snow-white hair was no threat. Besides, Rachel had bigger issues taking up space in her head.

“I mean, we got to get him back here soon because he is definitely God’s messenger,” the woman continued.

Rachel nodded, although she couldn’t tell you two words Lester had said during his sermon. She could tell he’d done a good job, though, based on all the hooting and hollering going on in the sanctuary. Lester had come a long way from the red-mop-headed little boy who had a crush on her. Being a pastor had given him confidence. Being the president of the American Baptist Coalition had given him juice. And although sometimes she longed for the old Lester, the one who did anything she said, there was something about the confident Lester that she found attractive. He could check her with ease, yet give her just enough space to do her thing. Some people felt he was still a pushover, but she liked that he had found a balance.

“Just know that you all are welcome at Greater Macedonia anytime,” the woman said, still looking at Lester like he was the gravy and she was the biscuit.

“Thank you so much for having us, but I must get going.” Rachel flashed an apologetic smile and quickly made her escape. She was so ready to get out of there and get home. When Jasmine had put her out, Rachel had wanted to hop on the first thing smoking and get home. But Lester had managed to calm her down and convince her to attend the service. Still, she was leaving this evening on a five o’clock flight and she was set to go.

“Excuse me, may I steal my husband away?” Rachel said to the group of men standing around Lester. “Just for a moment.”

They all nodded as Rachel draped her arm through Lester’s and led him to a corner.

“Are you okay?” he asked, pushing a tendril of hair out of her face.

“I am,” Rachel replied. “I just want to go. And the car should be here.”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to come back with you? I know you’re trying to act like this whole thing isn’t bothering you, but I can see in your eyes that it is.”

She feigned a smile. “I’m good. Just tired and need to figure out what to say to my father. But hopefully I’ll come up with something between now and the time I get home.”

“Well, you call me if you need anything and I’ll see you on Tuesday.” He leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Love you and make sure you let me know you got on your flight.”

Ten minutes later, Rachel was settled in the backseat of the town car, replaying the whole scene at Jasmine’s. Her cell phone vibrated, jolting her out of her thoughts. Rachel smiled when she saw her brother’s name pop up on the screen.

“Hello,” she said.

“Hey, li’l sis,” Jonathan replied. “I was just calling to check on you. See how everything went. David filled me in and I was really worried about you. I can only imagine what you’re feeling.”

Rachel released a heavy sigh. Jonathan was much more levelheaded than David and she really could talk to him about what she was truly feeling. But what was the use? Jasmine had refused the test. And now they were officially no longer friends.

“What did you find out?” Jonathan asked when she didn’t say anything.

“I found out we aren’t going to find out anything,” Rachel finally replied. “Jasmine is being her usual difficult self and it’s just not even worth it.”

“So, you couldn’t get her to take the DNA test?”

She slid her Gucci sunglasses on. Her real Gucci sunglasses. A few years ago, it would’ve been nothing for Rachel to wear some knockoffs. But that was one thing she’d picked up from Jasmine, how she was worthy of the real thing (even though she still bought her designer stuff at a discount, unlike Jasmine, who paid exorbitant costs for everything). “Nope, but it’s for the best anyway,” Rachel replied. She needed to stop letting her mind wander to anything positive Jasmine had brought to her life, since she would no longer be in it. “I need to just shut this down with Daddy and move on.”

“You know he’s going to want to talk to her and convince her to take the test himself.”

“I know. That’s why I’m thinking of telling him that we took the DNA test and confirmed that he was not her father.”

“So you’re going to lie?”

“I’m not going to lie. I just want to protect Daddy. Jasmine doesn’t care about anybody but herself.”

“I imagine this can’t be easy on her,” Jonathan said.

“Yeah,” Rachel acknowledged. As mad as she was, and as much as she didn’t want to admit it, she hadn’t lost sight of that fact. “I know. I actually get that. If she turns out to be Dad’s child, there would be so many questions. Her whole life would’ve been a lie.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know.” Rachel felt some of her anger seeping away. What would she do if someone showed up talking about Simon not being her father? She’d probably throw them out of her house, too.

“How are you taking it?” Jonathan asked.

She shrugged like he could see her, then when she realized he couldn’t, she said, “I’m cool. I wanted to know for sure, but she threw me out of her house, and after the ugly way she acted, I don’t even care.”

He laughed. “You know you care. But I’m proud of you. The old Rachel would’ve been ready to turn things up if someone threw her out.”

“I know, right?”

“I really am proud of you.”

“Thank you, Jonathan.” Rachel leaned back in her seat and smiled. She might not have any sisters, but her brothers had always shown her unconditional love. Even when they were bickering, they had her back. Her whole family—even her crazy extended family—was full of love. If Jasmine didn’t want to be a part of that, then it was her loss.