


TO THE Five who are my beloved sisters of writing: Penn, Lea, Tamm, and Jenn. And to my darling siblings in love and coffee: Lisa, Ren and Ree.

So many thanks and wow, love outpourings to Elizabeth North and the rest of the Dreamspinner Press staff who make me stand up, pull up my socks, and brush my hair so I look decent in public.

A special shoutout and heartfelt hugs to Grace and everyone she throws into my editing pool, because each and every one of them rocks so hardcore you can feel the bass in your teeth.

A rocking thank-you covered in chocolate and caramel to the Crewe, my beta readers, and the Dirty Ford Guinea Pigs. Oh, only the Gods in Heaven, Hell, and Starbucks Temples everywhere know how much you all endure my word spew and jerking you around with my plotting. Love you all. So damned much.