Index of Terms

Ackerman, Diane

The Adjustment Bureau (film)


“Afterthoughts by the Author”

Agent Orange

Alien (film)

Altman, Robert

Amendola, Giovanni

Anaheim, California

Arbor House (publisher)

Ashbless, William

Atwood, Margaret


Bach, Johann Sebastian

Bacigalupi, Paolo

Baird, John Logie

Ballard, J.G.

Barjo (film)

Barnouw, Erik

Batten, Barton, Durston & Osborn (advertising agency)

Bee, Robert

Beethoven, Ludwig van

Beresford, Bruce

Bergman, Ingmar

Berkeley, California

Bernardo, Susan M.

The Bible

Bierce, Ambrose

Birch Society

Bishop, Michael

Black Flag

Blade Runner

Blade Runner (film)

Blade Runner 2049 (film)

Blaylock, James

Blue Jay (publisher)

Bogen, Joseph E.

Bohr, Niels

Boon, Marcus

Borges, Jorge Luis

Bradbury, Ray

Brando, Marlon

Brautigan, Richard

Brea, California

The Broken Bubble

The Brown Derby

Bruce, Lenny

Bukatman, Scott

Burroughs, William S.

Butler, Andrew M.

California State University, Fullerton (CSUF)

Cameron, James

Capitol Pictures

Carmel, California

Carpenter, John

Carquinez, California

Carr, Terry

Carroll, Lewis

Cassidy, Joanna


Chakrabarty, Dipesh

Chandler, Raymond

Chicago, Illinois

Clans of the Alphane Moon

C.L.A.W. (film)

Cleveland, Ohio

Cold War

College of San Rafael


Conan Doyle, Arthur

Confessions of a Crap Artist

Conway, Erik M.

Corey, Irwin

Corroboree (publisher)

Costa Mesa, California

Costello, Elvis

The Crack in Space

Cramp, Cliff

Crumb, Robert

Cronenberg, David

Cronkite, Walter

Crutzen, Paul


Dangerous Days (documentary)

The Dark-Haired Girl

Davis, Erik

Deeley, Michael

De Laurentiis, Dino

De Lauzirka

Dennett, Daniel

Derrida, Jacques

Descartes, René

Dick Hackett, Isa



The Divine Invasion

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Dr. Bloodmoney


The Dune Encyclopedia

Dylan, Bob


Einstein, Albert

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

“The Electric Ant”

Encinitas, California

Englund, Matt

Erickson, Steve


Evernden, Neil


“The Exit Door Leads In”

Eye in the Sky

Fahrenheit 451

Fairchild, John

“Faith of Our Fathers”

Fancher, Hampton

Farmer, Philip José

Farnsworth, Philo T.

“The Father Thing”

Festival de Metz

Fitting, Peter

Flack, Steven

Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said

Ford, Harrison

Foreman, Carl

Frasca, Gabriele

Fullerton, California

Galactic Pot-Healer

The Ganymede Takeover

Gazzinaga, Michael S.

Gibson, Mel

Gibson, William

Giger, H.R.

Gill, David

Gilliam, Terry

Glen Ellen, California

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

“The Golden Man”

Graouilly d’Or

Groening, Matt

Gryphon Bookstore

Gunderloy, Mike

Haber, Katy

Hammerstein, Oscar

Hansen, James

Haraway, Donna

Hartwell, David

Hayles, Katherine

Heine, Heinrich

Heinlein, Robert

Heise, Ursula

Herbert, Frank


Hibbleton Gallery



“How to Build a Universe That Doesn’t Fall Apart in Two Days”

Hubbard, L. Ron

Hugo Award

Hume, David

Humpty Dumpty in Oakland

I Ching

“If You Find This World Bad, You Should See Some of the Others”


“Introduction to The Golden Man

Jackson, Pamela

Jameson, Fredric

Jaynes, Julian

Jesus Christ

Jeter, K.W.

John W. Campbell Memorial Award

Johnson, Lyndon B.

“Jon’s World”

Jouanne, Emmanuel

Joyce, James

Kennedy, Jacqueline

Kennedy, John

Kennedy, Robert

Kern, Jerome

Kibbee, Roland

King, Martin Luther

Kinney, Jay

Kleier, Gerry

Knott’s Berry Farm

Kozyrev, Nikolai

Kunstler, John Howard

La Habra, California

Last Wave (fanzine)

Le Guin, Ursula

Lem, Stanislaw

Leslie, Laura

Lethem, Jonathan

Lewis, C.S.

The Library of America

Lincoln, Abraham

Linklater, Richard

“A Little Something for Us Tempunauts”

Los Angeles, California

Mackey, Douglas

“Man, Android and Machine”

The Man in the High Castle

The Man in the High Castle (TV)

The Man Who Japed

The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike

Martian Time-Slip

Marx, Karl

Mary and the Giant

A Maze of Death

McKee, Gabriel

McKibben, Bill

McNelly, Willis

McPherson, Aimee Semple

Meillasoux, Quentin

The Middle Class

Milne, A.A.

“Minority Report”

Minority Report (film)

Minority Report (TV)

“The Mold of Yancy”

Monroe, Marilyn

Mulligan, Robert

Murakami, Haruki

Mussolini, Benito

Nagel, Thomas

Naked Lunch (film)

Nazism and the High Castle

Nelson, Ray

New Line Cinema

New York Times

Next (film)

Nick and the Glimmung

Nietzsche, Friedrich

Nixon, Richard

Now Wait for Last Year


Oakland, California

O’Bannon, Dan

O’Brien, Flann

“On a Cat Who Fell Three Stories and Survived”

Orange County, California

Oreskes, Naomi

Ornstein, Robert E.

Orwell, George

Our Friends from Frolix 8

The Owl in Daylight

Pagetti, Carlo

Palance, Virginia

Palmer, Christopher

Panter, Gary


Paycheck (film)

The Penultimate Truth

Persona (film)

Peterson, Peter George

Peyton Place (TV)

Philip K. Dick, A Day in the Afterlife (BBC documentary)

The Philip K. Dick Conference

The Philip K. Dick Festival

Philip K. Dick in Orange County (website)

The Philip K. Dick Society (newsletter)

Piltdown Forgery

Placentia, California

Planck, Max

“Planet for Transients”


Porter, Cole


Pournelle, Jerry

Powell, Ivor

Powers, Tim

Presley, Elvis

Prestinary, Patrisia

Prischman, Paul

Puttering About in a Small Land

Pynchon, Thomas

Radio Free Albemuth

Radio Free PKD (zine)

Rawlings, Terry

Reeves, Rosser

Reynolds, Whitman

Rickman, Gregg

Robinson, Kim Stanley

Rodriguez, Spain

Roell, Sophie

Rolling Stone

Ronstadt, Linda


Rossi, Umberto

San Diego, California

San Francisco, California

San Francisco State University

Sandner, David

Santa Ana, California

A Scanner Darkly

A Scanner Darkly (film)

Schwarzenegger, Arnold

The Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA)

Scott, Ridley

Screamers (film)

“Second Variety”

“Service Call”

Shainberg, Lawrence

Shakespeare, William

Shaw, Greg

Shaw, Suzy

Shelley, Mary

Shusett, Ronnie

Simak, Clifford D.

The Simulacra

Sladek, John

Smith, Clarke Ashton

Solar Lottery

“Some Kinds of Life”

Social Distortion

Sonic Youth

Spiegelman, Art

Spielberg, Steven

Spinoza, Baruch

Spinrad, Norman

Stamp, Terrence


Star Trek (TV)

Star Wars (film)

Sterling, Bruce

Stevenson, Adlai

Stoermer, Eugene

Sturgeon, Theodore

Sunset Gower Studios

Sutin, Lawrence

Suvin, Darko

Ted Bates (advertising agency). 36

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre

Terminator (film)

They Live (film)

Thorpe, Charles

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch

3 Women (film)

Tichi, Cecelia

Time magazine

Time Out of Joint

Tiptree, James, Jr.

Total Recall (film)

The Transmigration of Timothy Archer

Tsing, Anna

Tustin, California


Ubik (screenplay)

Universal Pictures

University of California, Berkeley

University of California, Irvine

The Unteleported Man


VALIS (opera)

Vancouver, British Columbia

Van Vogt, A.E.

“The Variable Man”

Verhoven, Paul

Verne, Jules

Village Voice (newspaper)

Vint, Sherryl

Vintage (publisher)

Voices from the Street

Wagner, Richard

Warner Brothers

Warning: We Are Your Police (teleplay)

Warrick, Patricia

Watson, Andy

We Can Build You

“We Can Remember It for You Wholesale”

Wells, H.G.

Wenner, Jann

Wessel, Karl

West, Nathanael

“What’ll We Do with Ragland Park?”

Wigan, A.L.

Wilde, Oscar

Williams, Paul

Williams, Robert

Williams, Sloan

Wilson, Daniel H.

Wilson, Maer

Winfrey, Oprah

The World Jones Made

Wyman, Angela

Wyndham, John



Yorba Linda, California

Zap Gun

Ziesing, Mark
