Wellington Series 2

Kris Pearson

ISBN 978-0-9941416-9-9



Book 1: The Wrong Sister

Can Christian and Fiona resist each other for six weeks? A brother-in-law romance where their mutual love for his dead wife holds them apart.


Book 2: Hot for You

Mel’s made him an offer he can’t refuse – or can he? Cody has been planning a hot little love affair with his best friend’s widow, and finds outrageous conditions are attached.


Book 3: Ravishing Rose

A naughty novella. Shy Francesca is swept off to an A-list party in a concealing mask, a decadent costume, and sex-shop panties. There she meets the pirate, Captain Cool.


Book 4: Out of Bounds

Jetta has inherited half a house. Big problem: she has to share it with co-owner Anton, and her past has left her terrified of men. Might he be who she needs to put her fears to rest?

For more information about me and my books, visit http://www.krispearson.com

Sign up here for my newsletter and receive two FREE novels – the first books in my Wellington and Heartlands series – plus my bear shifter novella ‘Sniffing Her Out’.


Love and thanks to Philip for the unfailing encouragement and computer un-snarling.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination, and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is co-incidental.


Copyright © 2017 by Kris Pearson

Cover design by Robin Ludwig Design Inc.



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