
When Christian carried her through the front door of their cliff-top home, Fiona’s heart flipped.

“You’ve framed Jan’s letter! Chris—that’s too public.”

He set her down, but kept an arm around her waist.

“I’ve had it framed for Nicky. We’ll hang it in her room once she’s old enough to read it, but in the meantime it’ll stop a few tongues from wagging.”

Silently they read the loving words that had set the seal on their golden future together:


My darling Christian,

I can’t bear to say goodbye with your lovely eyes watching me.

You’ll find these letters when the time is right, and know that I love you totally. You know that anyway. You and Nicky have made me complete. I’m so happy to have had you both in my life.

Things are getting bad now, and I need to say this while I still can. I’ve had lots of time to just lie here and think. I’m thinking about you and Fiona. You love her I’m sure. You’ve been careful to stay away from her and not hurt me. Thank-you for doing that. Your sense of honor is so strong.

I want to give you both my blessing. She’s my sister, my blood, my best friend. She would love Nicky as though she was her own. When I’m gone, you must build a new life. If Fiona is your choice, that will be perfect.

Show the people who need to see this.

Show Fiona.


All my love always,

Your Jan.






Like to read more about Christian and Fiona? My Christmas novella ‘Santa Claws’ gives you a peek at their life together.
