
Chapter 59




Ez had been taken to a local hotel. They hoped he would be able to return to his flat the following day once it had been made secure and they had completed their searches. He had so much to organise, but Jill the liaison officer said she would help him with the paperwork. He had no idea about officialdom, Zac had always handled that side of things. He needed to phone his grandparents they would be devastated. Before he could do anything he needed a drink. He left his hotel room and went down the road to a local 7-Eleven shop and bought a half bottle of whisky to numb the pain. He had no idea how long he would be able to stay in the flat, probably not long, he would have to move to some shared accommodation where he just rented a room. How on earth would he manage?



Piers and Brett walked into the office area where the staff, both chemistry and biology, plus support staff were assembled. They knew something grave was going to be announced. The tone would be so different to that of the last gathering when Brett was formally introduced to the company. Brett arrived carrying a small piece of paper. The room fell silent. Piers stood slightly behind Brett, giving him the floor.

‘Thank you, everyone, for interrupting your work,’ said Brett his face betraying signs of the gravity of the upcoming announcement. ‘I have something to tell you regarding our colleague Zac Milburn. I was today informed by the police that Zac’s body was found and that he had been murdered.’

The audience gasped, he could hear whispered comments such as “what”, “can’t be”, “shit”, “fuck,” and people started to shift from foot to foot nervously. A couple of people started to ask questions but he waved them down and asked to continue.

‘It appears that Zac had been using these premises to synthesise street drugs, phencyclidine, PCP, to be precise. Drugs were found on his body and traces at his flat. The police are working on the theory that it was the drug gang he’d been supplying which murdered him.’

This statement prompted no further questions, the staff were too shocked, they were still trying to take it all in. Piers stood stony-faced staring into the distance.

‘As this will soon be made known to the media we are encouraging all staff to finish early today so as to avoid any reporters which may arrive on site. I have asked security to maintain a presence so that staff are not harassed. Hopefully, we will soon have the lab returned to us and we will be able to carry on business as usual,’ at this point Brett consulted his piece of paper to check that he’d not forgotten anything. As it looked like Brett had completed his short speech Piers stepped forward and asked if he could add something.

‘Thank you, Brett, I would just like to say something regarding another employee, namely Nick Thomas,’ this produced murmuring amongst the assembled staff. ‘As you know the other day Nick was unfortunately arrested on suspicion of being the chemist operating an illegal drug factory. Of course, he was entirely innocent and I would just like to say that it was Nick’s sharp observations and diligence which ultimately led to the unravelling of this mystery, and Nick sadly suffered a severe assault. Whilst we commend Nick’s actions we would like to point out that we wish that Nick could have alerted the senior team to his suspicions rather than mounting a single-handed campaign. Personally. I cannot understand why Nick did not report his concerns to our CSO here.’

At that point he looked over to Brett who looked extremely uncomfortable, a noticeable reddening spreading up from his collar over his whole neck. He shuffled nervously on his feet.

‘No, Piers, that is a bit of a mystery to me as well. I would like to emphasise to everyone my door is always open if people have concerns.’ He looked over to Bob McKewan, did he detect a smirk on his face, or was that a bit of eye rolling.

‘Well I think that’s about all now, anything else Piers?’ added Brett.

‘No nothing thank you, oh just to say we don’t expect Nick to be back for a couple of weeks, but I’m sure some of you might like to make contact with him and show your support.’

So the meeting was over and the staff started to drift back to their desks still in a state of shock. Brett realised that Piers was right but it was still galling to him that busybody Nick received such glowing praise. Now it was time to wait for the news about Zac to be made public and wait for the fallout.



Giles Wentworth checked the BioQex share price and it was doing very nicely again, not surprisingly as there had been good volumes traded again today. He’d just had an alert arrive regarding the company. It was a press release concerning the murder of one of their employees who’d turned out to be rather a rogue one. Well, that was always a risk thought Giles, poor Brett he must be feeling the heat. This could be bad news for the share price if it knocked confidence but for him. it would be a win-win situation, time to make some serious purchases. After all. there was soon to be some good news coming out from the company and that should give the shares some significant upside.