El Sueño arrived at the Herkimer dock, which was larger and sturdier than Gran’s, early the next morning.

Everyone gathered in silence, after muttered “good mornings,” to observe the boat’s slow approach into the cove. Elizabeth thought, We’re just like the birds that come to sit on the sand spit in the late afternoons.

They all came closer to the dock as a thin boy of fifteen or so moved quickly to tie up the boat and began to unload boxes and bags of groceries and bundles of mail. Old Jake Holborn would point wordlessly to a box. The boy would heft it and dump it from deck to dock.

Jake looked much older than Gran. A black watch cap covered his head. His dark blue sweatshirt was spotted with paint stains. Elizabeth noted the much-knotted laundry string that threaded the eyelets of his old-fashioned sneakers. An unlit cigarette hung from the corner of his mouth.

“I don’t see my eggplant,” complained Mrs. Herkimer.

“I couldn’t find none,” Jake said, the cigarette bobbing as he spoke. “Eggplant shortage all over the state of Maine.” Mrs. Herkimer looked offended.

Aaron darted to Elizabeth’s side. “Come and get me as soon as you can,” he said. “We’ll go to the cemetery.”

“When I’m able to,” she said with a touch of irritation. He would gobble up all her time if she let him. He was watching her face closely.

“Please,” he asked mournfully.

“Okay. In a while,” she said.

The Herkimers were trailing across the meadow with their supplies. Jake Holborn came over to Gran. “This is your grandchild?” he asked, staring at Elizabeth.

“Indeed she is,” Gran replied.

“Looks like you in a way,” he said. “Greeley, help these folks take their stuff to the cottage.”

“Would you like a cup of tea, Jake?” Gran asked.

“No time today, Cora. I’ve got two more islands. Some new people over at Staghead with what looks to be about twenty kids.”

“I’ve nearly finished the drawing of El Sueño,” Gran told him. “I’ll have it for you next trip.”

The old man’s face lit up with his smile, and the cigarette fell out of his mouth. He caught it with his spotty, gnarled hand. “That’ll be nice,” he said. “A comfort when winter comes.”

Later, after he and the silent Greeley had chugged out of the cove, and Gran was putting away groceries, Elizabeth asked to see the drawing. Gran went to look among her canvasses and sketchbooks. She found what she was searching for and handed it to Elizabeth.

Taped to a pasteboard was a drawing of El Sueño, Jake in his watch cap standing on the deck.

“Someone in Molytown actually owns the launch,” Gran explained. “But Jake can’t help but feel it’s his. He’s been running the service to the islands for thirty years. I know he’s scared about how much longer he can manage. He asked me to take a few snapshots of the launch. I decided to do a drawing, too.”

“Does he have children?”

“None. He’s alone.”

“Aaron asked me to go with him to the cemetery again.”

“Do you want to? You’re not obliged, you know.”

“I like him all right, but not feeling I have to spend time with him.”

“It’s up to you, Elizabeth. Maybe you can be a substitute sister. One of these days, Deirdre might stop being horrible. I’m going to work now. You can have a big lunch today. Fresh eggs, tomatoes, Swiss cheese, among other good things.”

Gran went across the room into her work territory. It was as if she had left the cottage.

Elizabeth went to her room and opened To Kill a Mockingbird. But she couldn’t concentrate. Her glance strayed to the windows. She caught sight of the sparkle of water, the dark vigorous green of pine boughs. She didn’t see how she was going to get through two novels before school began. She used to read all the time. This last year, something had changed. Every book was a heavy weight. She was struck by an idea. She could read one of them to Aaron.

After looking at the first chapters, she decided the Hemingway story might hold Aaron’s attention. Short sentences for short boys, she told herself.

After she’d made a sandwich and eaten it, she left the cottage. Gran didn’t look up as Elizabeth went out the door.

The island looked washed clean, as if the tide had risen to cover it briefly, then left it to dry in the sun. At the Herkimer house, Aaron was waiting for her, sitting on the ground, a sack of cookies balanced on one knee.

“You came! I’ve been waiting a hundred hours!” he cried.

Mrs. Herkimer came to the screen door.

“We don’t want to impose on you, Elizabeth,” she said. “My family never imposes. Are you sure you want to play with Aaron?”

“And be responsible for him,” Mr. Herkimer said as he joined his wife. “Is that too heavy a responsibility perhaps, even for a serious girl like you?”

“I’m light as a feather,” Aaron said.

“I want to,” Elizabeth said in what was nearly a shout. At the moment, she found the Herkimers unbearable and wished only to get away from them.

“For God’s sake! What can happen to him on this stupid pile of rocks and gull guano?” Deirdre’s exasperated voice came from somewhere above. Elizabeth looked up and saw her sitting in the crotch of a small oak, a book in one hand.

“Don’t speak so coarsely, Deirdre,” said Mrs. Herkimer. “Elizabeth will think we’re a low family.”

Aaron suddenly leaped up and took off to the back of the house, and Elizabeth followed, hearing the Herkimers calling Aaron’s name reproachfully. There was a mocking falsetto echo of their voices from Deirdre.

“Here’s a game,” Aaron said as she caught up with him beneath one of the white-barked trees. He stood with his arms circling the thin trunk. “In the cemetery, you can pretend to be an Egyptian mummy. I’ll dig you up—then you’ll tell me what it was like in those olden days.”

He let go of the tree and raced on ahead of her.

“I don’t know about mummies and Egypt,” Elizabeth cried after him. He paused and turned.

“Make it up,” he ordered. “You just need a little bit of a thing to start a story. Pretty soon, there’s everything!”

He jumped over a fallen branch and ran on. As she emerged from the woods, he streaked across the long meadow. When Elizabeth reached the little cemetery, he was reclining against a gravestone, chewing a stem of grass.

“Ready?” he asked.

Elizabeth lay flat on the ground and crossed her arms over her chest. She shut her eyes against the blue glare of the cloudless sky.

“I’m sure there’s a mummy here,” Aaron said loudly. “You assistants be careful as you dig! More to the left! There it is!”

Suddenly, his breath was warm against her ear as he whispered, “Now you have to sit up. Begin to talk.”

Elizabeth slowly raised herself from the waist.

“Look, men! The mummy is alive,” he cried.

Elizabeth stifled a laugh that was rising in her throat like a bubble in a bottle. She felt nervous, too, as though she had to speak a part in a play she hadn’t learned.

“I am an old Egyptian,” she began in a deep voice. “I live by the Nile River. In the mornings, the crocodiles come up to sun themselves on the banks.”

“What did you have for breakfast?” Aaron asked as he sat down on the ground in front of her.

“Cornflakes, burned toast, and blueberry jam.”

“Oh, Elizabeth!”

“All right … all right. I had coconuts and dates.”

“Good! And after, did you play with all your friends, the other mummies?”

“I played with all my friends,” Elizabeth intoned.

“What?” he asked impatiently. “What did you play?”

“Chariots,” she said. “We have toy chariots and we race them and the crocodiles watch. Then we do our schoolwork on papyrus sheets. Then we have lunch.”

“What’s papyrus?”

“It’s a kind of paper made from water plants.”

He had been watching her intently, but now his gaze grew unfocused. She could see interest fading from his face like light dimming in a room. He looked down at the bay.

“Could you take me out in our sailboat?” he asked. “I know what to do if a storm comes up. Daddy said you have to tie yourself to the mast and let the sail fly. That way you won’t be washed out to sea.”

“I don’t know how to sail,” she said.

“We could find a bigger island. We could get lost and build a shelter of branches.”

“I really can’t sail,” she said.

After that, they went toward the ridge. Elizabeth found still another path, this one with a few rough-hewn stone steps at the steepest part. Had those early settlers built them to be able to reach the sea more easily?

It was thrilling to go from the peaceful meadow, over the ridge, to the black rocks, to hear the boom of the water as it rolled across the stones, into coves, snaking into deep crevices and sending spray high into the air.

They drifted along the shore, sometimes together, mostly apart. For a long time, they sat at the edge of a tidal pool sunk into the middle of a large boulder. Through greenish scum, they saw tiny crabs move with mysterious haste, and tiny fish like grains of rice dart in and out of clumps of weed. The sun was like a hot towel pressed to their heads and shoulders. Abruptly, Aaron said he had to go home, he was hungry. They must have been together for hours by then.

A picture of the kitchen in her own home flashed in Elizabeth’s mind, and she felt restless, suddenly bored. She was glad to leave that harsh, glittering place.

When they came to the stone steps, Aaron asked, “Do you think stones can feel us walking on them?”

She replied that she didn’t know.

In the cottage later, she repeated his question to Gran. “Stones are inorganic, without life,” Gran said. “At least, as far as is known.”

“Aaron sees the smallest things. I get tired of so much noticing.”

“It’s a way of making a private world,” Gran said, and drank from her mug of tea.

“You said he liked the poem about Prudence Baldwin,” she said a moment later. “I’ve written down another by Robert Frost that’s even shorter. Maybe I’ll find a one-liner before you go home. Here.” She reached into a pocket and took out a scrap of paper that she handed to Elizabeth. The two lines were printed in pencil:

We dance round in a ring and suppose,

But the Secret sits in the middle and knows.

Elizabeth read it.

“Aaron’s a secret,” she said.

“Aren’t we all?” Gran asked in a weary voice. Elizabeth stared at her. Her head drooped. Her skin was pale. Gran looked back at her. “I’ll go lie down,” she said almost shyly. “I worked too long, I think.”

Elizabeth watched her as she climbed the stairs, one hand gripping the rope banister, the other pressed against the wall.

For a few minutes, Elizabeth sat motionless at the table, hearing again Gran’s words: “a one-liner before you go home.” She had been angry at home, and angry here on Pring.

She had wanted to bicycle away with Nancy to escape the grip of anger that woke with her in the mornings, and kept her awake at night when Stephen Lindsay’s cries sent her parents whirling through the house.

Though it was only the third day she had been on the island, the grip had loosened. As she gazed around the room that had, at first glance, looked so strange, even senseless, it seemed almost beautiful, almost like a person she had begun to love.

Some mornings, Elizabeth woke up before Gran. She had learned to start a fire in the stove. She heated water and let out Grace. She would stand in the doorway gazing at the rippling bay until the cat came back, meowing for her breakfast.

In the late afternoons, she watched the shadows of the columns lengthening on the floor until dusk had flowed into every corner of the room, and Gran began to light the lamps.

After breakfast, Gran sketched her, mostly referring to the Polaroid snaps she’d taken, but occasionally glancing at Elizabeth from her worktable, as though she were a tree. Elizabeth had lost her self-consciousness. She went about whatever she was doing, hardly aware of Gran’s hand moving over her sketch pad.

Gran often told stories about her own childhood, her elusive parents, the variety of jobs she’d had as a young woman who had to support herself, and about living in France for a year. She talked about discovering her desire to become an artist, and her early years with Elizabeth’s grandfather.

Now, when Elizabeth looked at Gran’s sketches of Will Benedict, she had the uncanny sensation that he was looking back at her, that—as she learned more and more about him—he was learning more about her. From under the brim of his rakish hat, he seemed to stare at her interestedly.

On some mornings, Gran was brisk, strong, and laughed often. There were other days when she was silent, grim, and moved with increasing difficulty as the hours advanced, until all at once, she would sink in a chair and stare down at her hands.

On one such morning, the few words she spoke seemed meant only for herself. “There are tribes that don’t let themselves be photographed,” she said. “They believe the camera can steal their souls. I’ve come to think your soul should be stolen, all of it used up by the time you leave the world.”

There were moments when Elizabeth wished Gran was only talking to herself. She would pounce on some casual thing Elizabeth said, for instance, when she described her math teacher as “really neat.”

“Do you mean tidy?” Gran asked irritably. “What on earth do you mean? Children say ‘really neat’ about everything—hamburgers, music, horror films.…”

On a morning when Elizabeth padded downstairs with the laces of her sneakers untied, Gran stared at them with a grimace. “For goodness’ sake, tie up your shoes,” she said. “You look like you’re unraveling.”

“Everybody in school wears them this way.”

“Everybody!” exclaimed Gran. “Don’t you want to be an individual? I saw a rock singer on television wearing a baseball cap backward. Next day when I went to the grocer’s, all the people I saw under twenty were wearing their caps backward. We’ve become a nation of sheep.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t watch TV,” Elizabeth said angrily.

Gran’s face softened. “I’m sorry,” she said. “You’re right. The world is so different now. But I do believe that when language shrinks, brains do, too.”

Elizabeth wondered, at those uncomfortable moments, what her father’s life as a child had been like. Had Gran spoken to him in that impatient way?

She spent a part of every day with Aaron. They met in the cemetery. For a while, he was agreeable to being read to, although he interrupted her with questions: Why is the old man so sad? What’s a marlin? Why do the other fishermen laugh at the old man? Until finally, she cried out in exasperation, “Aaron! You talk more than you listen.”

“I must know everything,” he answered. “Anyhow,” he said as he jumped up and began his dance around the gravestones, “I’m tired of that story.”

It was the end of reading The Old Man and the Sea aloud. But by then, Elizabeth had become interested and went on to finish the book by herself.

She recited the poem Gran had written down. Aaron seemed elated by it. “‘The Secret sits in the middle and knows,’” he repeated, shouting the words louder and louder until they seemed to fill the meadow and roll up to the foot of the ridge.

One afternoon, Elizabeth passed Deirdre sitting on the Herkimer dock.

“How come you’re not with my adorable little brother?” she called out.

Elizabeth halted. “He is adorable,” she said. “But you aren’t especially.”

Deirdre stood and looked at Elizabeth somberly. “You don’t know anything about me,” she said. “The truth is, I’m glad you’re here. I’m glad he follows you around like a dog!”

She walked past Elizabeth and through the meadow without a backward look.

On a rainy day, Aaron came to the cottage carrying a stained canvas bag full of cookie crumbs and a set of dominoes. Whenever he matched a domino of his with one of Elizabeth’s, he exploded into laughter, jumped up from the floor near the fireplace where they were sitting, and ran around the room. “Honestly, Aaron, cool off, will you? This is no fun,” Elizabeth protested.

Gran quickly painted a mask for him with watercolors. It was half lamb, half wolf. Elizabeth made two holes in it and passed a string through them. He stood humbly before her, his shoulders bent, as she tied it around his head. But at once, he began to growl and bleat. He refused to take the mask off until Elizabeth had made tea and filled a basket with cookies. Gran had gone upstairs for her nap.

“I like your house better than mine,” Aaron said, his mouth full. “Can I see your room?”

She took him upstairs. He peered into her room as though it were an exhibit in a museum with a velvet cord in front of the door.

“That’s your little bed,” he said. “You can look out at the moon from those little windows. And there’s the book you read to me.”

“The book you wouldn’t let me read to you.”

He grinned, and they went back downstairs.

“Your gran is an old hippie,” he said suddenly.

Elizabeth, startled, laughed. “What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked. He must have heard someone say it.

“I don’t know,” he replied vaguely. He wandered to Gran’s workplace. “Look at the launch!” he exclaimed. “And Jake’s there on the deck! I can’t draw a circle. How does a person draw anything?”

When Aaron had gone home, and Gran came downstairs to start supper, Elizabeth told her what he had said. Gran smiled broadly.

“It was your father who was the hippie,” she said.

“Daddy!” exclaimed Elizabeth.

“Oh, yes. For a year or two, his hair was down past his shoulders. The farmhouse used to thump with rock music.”

“I can’t believe it,” said Elizabeth. She didn’t know a great deal about hippies except what she’d picked up from movies. Lots of men had long hair now, lanky ponytails snaking down the jackets of their business suits.

“He wasn’t a serious hippie,” Gran said. “At least, not for long. Then he started law school … you came along. His mind just turned to other things.”

“Daddy, with long hair,” Elizabeth said wonderingly. “Wait till I tell him I know!”

Gran smiled. “He’ll get after me,” she said.

“But why did Aaron say you were a hippie?”

“Helen must have said it, though she’d never admit that. She likes to think she’s a woman of the world. I know that, secretly, she suspects artists are dangerous.”


Gran sighed deeply. Her mood seemed to change. “Because they are, I suppose,” she said almost curtly.

She put two bowls of thick soup on the table, muttered, “Bread … bread …” to herself, and reached to a shelf for a loaf, her fingers fumbling with the slippery plastic wrapper. After a moment, she managed to extract several slices and drop them onto a dish. She sighed again and sat down at the table, glancing at Elizabeth, who was holding Grace. For a moment, she looked blank, then smiled ruefully. “Little things can get you down,” she said.

Grace growled. Elizabeth realized she had been gripping her tightly. She put her on the floor and went to the table. They ate their soup in silence.

Who was this old woman who sat across from her? She had been the visitor on holidays, her father’s mother, someone who was nearly always at ease, who often irritated her own mother. Someone who once, when Elizabeth’s parents were out, had given her a lunch consisting only of ice cream. Elizabeth’s thoughts spun like a top. She struggled to make that pale old person, thinking her own thoughts across the table from her, the familiar Gran about whom she need not think.

There was enough on her mind. Mainly Aaron. He had begun to seem fragile to her, someone to be protected. But against what?

Yesterday, when he had ended their time together—as he usually did—by announcing that he was hungry and had to go home at once, she had paused at the screen door of his house to peer after him.

He hadn’t raced to the kitchen as she had imagined he would, but had gone straight to his mother, who was standing in the gloom of the hallway, polishing some object with a rag. He had clasped her about the waist, desperately, it had seemed to Elizabeth. Mrs. Herkimer had bent to enfold him in her arms. They had stood that way for long moments.

“Aaron is like one of those butterflies the wind blows about,” she said suddenly.

Gran looked up. “Or like someone born without a skin,” she said.

“Yes,” Elizabeth agreed, and felt a rush of affection for Gran that left her untroubled for a little while.

She taught Aaron to play blindman’s buff but discovered that when it was her turn to be blindfolded with the scarf she’d borrowed from Gran, she was afraid to let him out of her sight. She tore the scarf from her head.

After that, he had to be the blindman so she could keep watch on him. He didn’t seem to mind.

One afternoon, he ran away from her. She went to all the places where they played, her panic growing. After an hour, she ran to the cottage, wanting to tell Gran she had lost him before she had to tell the Herkimers.

He was there, talking with Gran on the path leading to the dock.

“Aaron!” she cried furiously. “How could you be so bad? You scared me to death!”

He grinned and shrugged. “You sound like Deirdre,” he said cheerfully. “I wanted to see if I could hand you the slip.”

“Give you the slip,” Gran corrected. She, too, appeared cheerful, untouched by Elizabeth’s upset.

“I’m not like Deirdre,” Elizabeth protested.

“Sometimes you are,” he said.

The westering sun made the sky glow. The worshiping birds were sitting in a line on the sand spit, their beaks gleaming.

“How beautiful it is,” murmured Gran.

Grace came around the house to them. Suddenly, she flattened herself on the ground. “Why is she doing that?” Aaron asked.

“She feels all that immensity above us,” Gran said.

“An eagle could fly down and snatch her away,” Aaron said, dropping to the ground beside the cat. Gran took Grace to the cottage. Elizabeth grabbed Aaron and lifted him up so that she was holding him close to her. She could feel his heart beating.

“No eagle will get you,” she said. It seemed as if her own heart would overflow with gratitude that he was safe.

“Let me go!” he cried out in a sharp, unhappy voice.

Aghast, she put him down. A stream of words burst from him.

“They’re always grabbing me, picking me up, shaking me. They’re always asking me where I’m going and where I’ve been and what I’m doing and what I’m thinking … and am I sleepy … and did I remember to put socks on … and did I wash my hands, and did I change my wet shoes, and when I come home from school, one of them is waiting so close to the road I think they’ll get run over by the bus … and Deirdre is always barking and yelling and telling me she’ll kill me if I go into her room. Her room! Yow! Her horrible room! And why don’t I look at this book and that book and every book, and do I feel hot or cold …” His voice trailed off. He was staring at Elizabeth as though seeing straight through her.

Gradually, he seemed to find her again. “Sometimes when someone hugs me,” he said softly, “I feel like an eagle has got me in its claws.”

“Talons,” Elizabeth muttered.

“Talons,” he repeated gravely.