Mia held her breath as Mum put her foot in the stirrup.
“Easy, girl,” Mum soothed. With one smooth movement, Mum swung her leg over Polly’s side and sat down on the saddle.
Polly shifted back a bit, her ears low, but she didn’t seem too upset by the funny weight on her back. She trusted Mia and Mum so much now, and she knew they’d never do anything to hurt her. Mia stroked her nose and offered her a bit of carrot from the bucket, trying to seem calm even though her heart was racing. Polly was doing so well!
Mia knew that over the last few weeks Mum had got Polly used to the saddle, and had even been out on a few short rides, but it was amazing to see it for herself. The horse in front of her looked so different from the one that had come to the RSPCA equine centre all those months ago. Her coat was thick and she was sleek and healthy – she even had a little tummy!
Now that Polly’s weight was back to normal, Mum had been doing more and more work with Polly. This weekend she had suggested a special treat: that she and Mia take Polly and one of the other ponies on a hack along the bridle path next to the centre.
Just then, Star, the pony Mia was going to ride, whinnied as if to say, “Don’t forget about me!”
“Don’t worry, Star, there’s a carrot for you, too.” Mia turned to where the little spotty Appaloosa horse was hitched up to the gate, and gave her a piece of carrot. Star had been at the centre for almost a year now, and was ready to be adopted. Mum and the other grooms were already looking for her perfect family. Star was so patient and kind-hearted that Mia was sure she’d find a home soon.
“Right,” Mum said. “Let’s get going!”
Mia untied Star, checked her stirrups and girth, then carefully climbed up on to her back. “Good girl,” she said, patting her on her neck. Mia had ridden Star lots of times before, but she still felt a tiny bit nervous as she looked over at Mum and Polly.
She wished that she could be riding Polly herself, but she knew that Polly was still learning. Horses had to learn how to be ridden just like people had to learn how to ride. When they were first taken out they could spook at loud noises and traffic whizzing past them, as well as other animals in nearby fields – even a flapping sheet on a washing line or a plane flying overhead could scare them. Today, though, it should be safe because they were only going down the bridleway.
“Ready?” Mum asked.
Mia nodded. Mum clicked her tongue and squeezed her legs to make Polly go. Polly moved over to the gate, but when Mum tried to get her to turn on to the path, the skewbald horse wouldn’t go. “Come on, Polly,” Mum said, holding the reins softly, but Polly still pulled against her, turning her head back to look at Mia, sitting on Star.
“Mia’s coming, too!” Mum laughed. “Look, she doesn’t want to go without you. You go first, Mia.”
Even though Polly was being naughty, Mia couldn’t help feeling pleased. All the grooms had commented on the fact that Polly loved Mia best, and it made her feel so special.
She clicked her tongue to make Star walk out of the gate, and this time Polly followed happily, walking smoothly.
Mum and Mia rode their horses side by side down the bridleway, the horses’ breath coming out in clouds and wintery sunshine filtering through the golden and red autumn leaves. Riding down the country track, feeling Star gently rocking her as she strode along and seeing Polly next to her, Mia felt happier than she could ever remember.
They moved into a slow trot, and for a while there was just the sound of the horses’ hooves and the birds singing in the trees.
“Shall we stop for a bit?” Mum said as they came to a stream. Mum slid off Polly’s back and helped Mia down. Mia gave Star a thank-you pat, then loosened her reins so she could bend down to the water to drink.
“Do you want to sit on Polly?” Mum asked.
Mia caught her breath as butterflies danced in her tummy. She wanted to ride Polly more than anything, but she felt nervous too. What if Polly didn’t like it? It had taken her so long to trust people, what if Mia messed it up?
Mum smiled as if she could read Mia’s thoughts. “Don’t worry. She’s been doing so well, and the two of you have a real connection. It’ll be fine.”
“OK,” Mia gulped.
Polly looked completely relaxed, her tail swishing gently from side to side. She huffed happily as she bent down to nibble some long green grass from the side of the stream.
Mum took Star’s reins and gave Polly’s to Mia. Mia slowly walked closer, murmuring to Polly as she stroked her neck. Then, taking the reins, she put one hand on the saddle and placed her left foot in the stirrup before carefully swinging herself up.
Polly gave a surprised huff, and swung her head round to look at Mia, as if she was thinking what are you doing there?
Mia leaned forward and smoothed Polly’s mane calmly, but inside she wanted to scream and shout. I’m sitting on Polly! she thought delightedly.
Mum nodded approvingly. “Good work, Mia!” she said. “Now, why don’t you try a little walk—” Mum was interrupted by the rev of an engine as a car went past nearby. Both horses jerked their heads up, their ears pricked forwards.
Star went back to drinking the water, but Polly’s eyes rolled and she gave an anxious squeal as she started to panic. Desperately, Mia reached forward and tried to soothe her with her voice and her hands. “It’s OK,” she murmured. “It’s just a noise. It’s far away, it can’t hurt you. I promise you’re safe, Polly.”
“Well done, keep talking,” Mum said softly.
Mia stroked Polly’s neck as the pony slowly settled down. Her breathing got steadier, and she stopped pawing the ground. She was still looking round worriedly, but she didn’t look like she was going to bolt away.
Mum came over and helped Mia down. Mia’s knees were all wobbly as she stood next to Polly. Even though she’d done lots of riding, nothing like that had happened before. She’d thought Polly was going to run away with her clinging on to her back! Worst of all, she hated the thought of Polly being scared.
“You were brilliant, Mia,” Mum said, giving her a quick hug. “Even experienced horses would have spooked – but you helped her stay calm.”
“We helped each other!” Mia said with a smile, as Polly whickered in agreement.