
Much appreciation and thanks to…

Troy, Gracie, and Kate for being the sweetest part of my life.

My mother for inspiring this story. Many years ago she told me that she was nearly a grown woman before she ever saw a black person up close. She and my father, Archie, grew up in Greene County, Tennessee, and many of their childhood tales of walking down railroad tracks, milking cows, growing tobacco, and spending time in small country stores like Henry’s are reflected in these pages.

Jennifer Gates and Esmond Harmsworth for reading this book over and over and then over again. It wouldn’t be the book it is today without your input!

Jennifer Enderlin for believing in Morgan Hill and inspiring that belief in others! Welcome, June!! Thanks to Sally Richardson, George Witte, Matthew Shear, John Karle, Matthew Baldacci, Mike Storrings (for the beautiful cover), and the entire sales staff at St. Martin’s for making it happen.

My aunt Geraldine Culbertson for being my chauffeur as I traveled through Greene County. Thanks to my aunt Maxine Harrison and her husband, Merrill, for providing a place to stay and lots of great meals!

I met Rhonda Julian in her home as her four small children played nearby. Rhonda invited her father, Jack Lawson, and uncle Tom Lawson over to talk about raising tobacco in the 1940s. She was kind and gracious, and it was obvious her children adored her. Leukemia took her from this world much too early (her father also passed away during the writing of this book), but I’m grateful for the spirit in which she welcomed me and the belief she had in this story.

James “Spud” Ailshie, a former general store owner (and tobacco farmer!) from the 1940s who made Henry’s store come to life within these pages.

My pastor, Chris Carter, and everyone at the Orchard Church in Franklin for friendship and continued inspiration.

I started writing this book a few years ago at the log cabin home of Johnny and Janet Hunt, Raymond and Glenda Pumphrey, and Jim and Kathy Law. Thank you all for the ideal setting!

“Miss” Karen Parente, “Miss” Carole Consiglio, and “Miss” Kelly Long at Little School for your heart!

And again, to Bailey, who does whatever he can to always be by my side.