What’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had?

A Message for Mary

Luke 1

In the town of Nazareth lived a young woman named Mary. She was engaged to marry a man named Joseph when God sent the angel Gabriel to her with a message. “Hello, Mary,” said the angel. “God is pleased with you, and he is with you.”

What could the angel mean? Mary didn’t know.




“Don’t be afraid, Mary,” the angel said. “God has a wonderful surprise for you. You are going to have a baby! Give him the name Jesus. The baby will be God’s Son. God will make him a king like David. He will lead God’s people forever.”

“I don’t understand,” said Mary. “How can I have a baby? I’m not married yet.”

“God will make this happen,” said the angel. “Nothing is impossible with God.”

“I serve the Lord,” Mary said. “Whatever God wants, I will do.”



The angel went away. Mary hurried to the hill country to visit her relative Elizabeth. “Hello, Elizabeth!” she called as she went inside the house.

God told Elizabeth about Mary’s baby. “What a wonderful surprise!” Elizabeth exclaimed. “What joyful news!’

Then Mary praised God for all his goodness. “He has done great things!” she said.