Tucker stood next to the hot chocolate kiosk, wishing he’d never acted on his impulse to ask Sheila to meet for hot chocolate. She was a looker, no doubt about it, and her quick wit and confidence showed by the way she picked on him even though they didn’t know each other that well yet. The simple gesture seemed nice enough at the time, but now that he was standing here waiting on her, it felt pretty lame. It was also a giant waste of time, since she didn’t live around here.
The whole firehouse probably knew by now, since they’d heard him talking to Tommy about it. Was this some kind of subliminal desperate move for company over the holidays?
It wasn’t.
He liked being married to his job. Didn’t have a problem with it at all. It was rewarding keeping the people of Chestnut Ridge safe. He was never lonely. There was always something good cooking at the station house, and when he wasn’t with others, he enjoyed his own company just fine.
Why he opened this can of worms just to spend a minute with a woman who’d be gone in a couple of weeks, he couldn’t say. Just as he was regretting it and considering leaving, she stepped out from around the last aisle of trees and walked his way.
Her smile made him pause.
Her arms swung gracefully as she made her way to him in a deep forest-green top that hugged her shapely form. She was wearing her hair down, and he liked how it swept over her shoulders as she walked. She raised her arm and waved.
He acknowledged it with a lift of his chin. Stunning.
“How are you?” She walked over and gave him a quick hug. “I am having such a fun night.”
“Good. And the real festivities won’t even start for a week. This is just the pre-work.”
“I can’t wait to see the transformation as all the teams start decorating their trees. I’ve never heard of anything like this before.”
“I’m not sure why no one has stolen the idea for the Christmas Stroll. We’ve been doing it for as long as I can remember. It was one of the tree farmers who originally came up with the idea.”
“That makes sense. A way to get people excited about the trees.” She looked around. “It’s really clever.”
“Wait until all the trees are decorated, and everything is in full swing.” He pointed to the stands. “People fill the stadium. The view from up there is very different from when you’re walking among the trees.”
“I didn’t even think of that. I’ve always thought it was touching when they carol with everyone holding colored lights in the outline of a tree,” Sheila said. “Our band did that in high school. I haven’t thought of that in years.”
“From the stands the sound of the people caroling as they stroll through the trees rises like a fancy orchestral performance. Seriously, it’s like being in a holiday movie.”
She rubbed her hands up her arms. “I just got a chill. I can’t wait. It’s sort of romantic.”
“Very romantic,” he assured her. “There’ve been a few proposals during the event.”
“That’s so sweet.”
“It is. I think a Christmas proposal would be pretty special anyway, but here, oh yeah, it would be kind of magical.” All his anticipatory anxiety fell away. “What kind of hot chocolate can I tempt you with?”
“You mean I have choices?”
She licked her lips. “I do like mint.”
“We’ve got good old-fashioned kids’-style hot chocolate with or without marshmallows. We’ve got your peppermint. Gingerbread. Pumpkin white hot chocolate, and there’s a version with Kahlua available too. Then we’ve got the Mexican hot chocolate with the cayenne kick, and don’t you worry, we also have mulled-wine hot chocolate, and if you’re super daring, there’s a limited-edition moonshine hot chocolate with a one-cup limit and the required snickerdoodle cookie to go with it, because it’s a given that you can’t drink moonshine without the evening involving a little snickering.” He leaned over and whispered, “It might really have more to do with soaking up some of the alcohol in it, but whatever.”
“Moonshine hot chocolate with a side of snickering? Sounds dangerous.”
“Most definitely.” He shook his head. “I personally don’t recommend that one.” Especially on a first date, he thought, but withheld that comment. It wasn’t really a date, after all.
“Well, in that case…” She tapped her Christmas-red fingernail with the tiny silver bells on it against her glossy lips. “I think I’m going to stick with the kids’ hot chocolate with marshmallows.”
“What? Not even the peppermint?” He kicked his foot in the grass. “I had you all figured wrong.”
“Hardly. I want you to have exactly what you want.”
“Thanks. What’re you having?” she asked, and the way she pushed her hair over her shoulder made him swallow twice before he could answer. Was she flirting? Or was it his imagination?
“I’ll be having the pumpkin white hot chocolate.”
Her jaw dropped. “I totally had you pegged for the spicy Mexican.”
“I’m glad I surprised you.” He turned to the couple tending the hot chocolate bar. “I’m going to have my usual, and my friend here is going to have regular hot chocolate with marshmallows.”
They started whirring, pouring, and decorating, and then handed two red cups his way. “Enjoy!”
He dropped a twenty-dollar bill in the glass pickle jar for tips.
“You are an excellent tipper. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He took a sip of his drink. “You’re really going to have to try this before the event is over. I’ve had every flavor, and this is by far the best.”
She took a slug of hers, marshmallow sticky on her lips. “Mmm. This is really good too. This isn’t one of those little packets you mix with water.”
“No it is not. Here. You have to try mine.”
She shrank back, her face twisting in disgust. “I’m sorry, but pumpkin and hot chocolate, even with white chocolate, somehow just doesn’t go together.”
“I get it. I do. I was hesitant for a few years, but when I worked my way through the whole list, I had no choice but to finally try it for myself. I’m telling you, it’s surprisingly rich and delicious.”
“I’m pretty happy with this—”
“Come on.” He held out the cup.
She sighed. “Don’t let it be said that I won’t try new things.”
If only …
She took the cup and hesitated, before lifting it to her lips.
“Trust me,” he said.
“Famous last words.” She rolled her eyes and took a teensy sip.
Her eyes narrowed, then she took another sip.
She nodded slowly. “This is so good. Thank you.” She looked into his eyes.
“Thank you.” He cocked his head. “For trusting me.”
A quiet moment hung between them, and he wondered if she was feeling the same vibe he was.
She handed him his cup back. “Well, you prove to be trustworthy. Yeah, I’m definitely getting that next time.”
“I can get you one now.”
She bit her lower lip. “I think I’d kind of like to look forward to a next time.”
He smiled. She did feel it. It wasn’t his imagination. “Yes. I’d like that too.” He took a step and waved her to follow. “How ’bout you let me take you on a little walk through the stadium and give you the lay of the land.”
“Excellent.” She followed comfortably at his side.
“Right now it’s pretty stark. Just the trees, and only a smattering of folks get started as early as us … ya know, the overachievers.”
“The best!”
“Without question, but later this week, all of the street signs will mark the rows and aisles, only a few of them are in place now.” They walked along and he explained the different types of trees.
“How do you know so much about Christmas trees?”
“Not just Christmas trees, all trees really. We have several tree farms in the area and I did seasonal work for most of them over the years. I also worked as a forester and did some wildland firefighting when they needed extra hands over the years.”
“Like those smoke jumpers?”
“No, more like ground work with fire suppression and management. It was a great experience and I make sure all of my volunteers get that education as well. We need to protect our natural resources.”
“Isn’t that dangerous?”
“Yes, but the proper training and teamwork make it less so. But yes, it’s dangerous. I wouldn’t mislead you on that.”
“You know what you were meant to do with your life.” She seemed impressed.
“I do.” It was nice to see her positive reaction. Lots of women thought being a fireman was a childish hero dream. There was so much more to it. “Here we go. Look.” He pointed to the pole that rose from the intersection. “See, right now we’re at the corner of Candy Cane Lane and Winter Wonderland Way.”
“That’s cute.”
“There will be signs throughout and you can chart your walk on the maps they’ll be handing out. Some people download them early and they’ll break up the Christmas Tree Stroll into a few nights. While it’s open to the public, a different restaurant hosts each night. Folks can come and have dinner, stroll, watch from the stands, and the schools and churches have time slots where they sing from up in the bleachers. It’s pretty cool.”
“The whole town gets involved.”
“Yes, and every year it’s tweaked a little based on the previous year, so we continue to build engagement and it works.”
“That’s fun. I saw your tree when we came in,” Sheila said. “The biggest one here.”
“Oh yeah. I always call dibs on the biggest tree they can lay their hands on.”
“Bigger is better?” she asked.
“No. Size doesn’t make it a sure winner, but I have a lot of volunteers, so the bigger tree gives more people a chance to participate. It seems only fair.”
“Of course.” They continued to walk through the trees. “Look at these little trees. That’s pitiful.”
“People fight over who gets those little things. You couldn’t pay me to try to make one of those look festive.”
“The Charlie Brown tree will forever be a favorite.”
“With the one heavy ornament bending the top all the way over,” he teased.
“Yep. I once put one ornament on a peace lily in my office. I guess that was pretty much the same idea.”
“I don’t think I want to know that about you. That seems borderline grinchy,” he said.
“Me? No way.”
“Have you ever participated in a Christmas festival back in Richmond?”
She shook her head. “Well, not exactly, but that doesn’t make me a grinch.”
“Scrooge?” He raised his shoulders and gave her one of those are-you-sure looks.
“No. I’m not,” she tried to convince him. “In Richmond, we have a grand holiday light display at the gardens. Christmas lights never get old. I go every year. I usually get invited to join friends to see their kids in the Christmas pageant. The singing is horrible, and the instrument-playing even worse, but seeing the kids up there giving it their all … It’s so cute. I cry. Every single time, I cry. They are so precious.”
“You like kids?” he asked.
“I do.” The thought of not having children still made her stomach sink. She eyed him as if wondering if that was the answer he was looking for.
“Never had any?”
“No,” she said, avoiding the why. “How about you?”
“I’ve never been married. I’m old-fashioned. I want to get married first, then start a family. I like having a plan. So, the short answer is no. I’ve never had any children. Not yet.”
“But you want them?”
“Definitely,” he said, but he must’ve sensed the shift in her mood, because he leaned in, and for some reason she felt like she could share this with him. Something she never spoke about, but …
“It’s funny how people who don’t want children get pregnant all the time. And then those of us who want them … we’re not always blessed.”
“That’s true.”
“I was married. My husband and I both wanted children, but we never could get pregnant. We divorced, and less than a year later he remarried, to a woman he’d gotten pregnant.” She shrugged. “I’m happy for him. He’ll be a wonderful father.”
“That stings.”
“He swore us not having children had nothing to do with him leaving, but I’m not so sure. I don’t know why we couldn’t get pregnant. Everything medically seemed fine. Anyway, that’s too much information. I’m sorry.” She wrung her hands. What am I doing? “I’m sorry. I never talk about this.”
He touched her arm. “No. It’s fine. I’m glad you felt like you could share that.”
“So, I do what I can for the kids my friends have. If that’s all I’m ever meant to have, then I’ll be the best bonus aunt I can be. I get a lot of satisfaction in knowing I help parents find the perfect home in the good school districts for their families. It’s not the same, but it helps.”
“Natalie had told me about your success in real estate. That’s really cool. She said you’re married to your work.”
Sheila laughed. “Yeah, pretty much. Only better than my marriage experience.”
“I hear ya. People say I’m a workaholic, but it’s not the work, it’s the people involved and my little piece of the bigger community picture that makes it so special.”
“I get it.”
“We’re a lot alike in that respect it seems. I satisfy that missing piece of not having a wife and kids … yet … with my work with the junior firefighters. I offer safety discussions at the schools. They always invite me to the plays and Christmas pageant. I get it about the crying. It’s hard not to get emotional about the performance of a child. So unfiltered. Usually something funny happens.”
“Last year, the third graders were doing their little songs and the first few were carols. I don’t remember what they were, but then the music went up-tempo and this little girl who’d been standing there looking angelic through the first two songs suddenly starts shoulder popping and bebopping through ‘Jingle Bell Rock.’ I was laughing so hard I couldn’t see.”
“I can just imagine. We’d be a pair at that.” She could picture them practically in tears, trying to hold it together but the more she laughed the more he would. They’d be a hot mess together.
He smiled wide. “I hope you weren’t just being polite before when I mentioned going to the school pageant night with me. I would really like it if you’d come with me. If you’re not doing anything, assuming you’ll still be in town … I’m rambling. I’m a little out of practice here. I like your company. I hope you’ll come.”
Tucker wasn’t like any man she knew. He was virile, manly, and yet so tenderhearted. The tickling threat of tears made her blink. I can’t believe I met you, and that you live so far away. Why is it that the perfect ones are never within reach? But you’re here now. Just enjoy it while you can, Sheila. No harm in that.
“It sounds like a lot of fun,” Sheila said. “I’d like to attend with you.”
He took her hand. “Thanks. I’m looking forward to that.” He swung her arm, and then spun her around.
She giggled and stumbled over her own feet. “I wasn’t expecting that.”
He caught her, steadying her. “Sorry. I won’t do that again. Come on, I want to show you the fire department tree.”
She cocked her head to the side. “I don’t know. Will I get accused of stealing ideas from you?”
“Well, our theme is transportation, and we’re filling the tree with all kinds of trucks, cars, horses, skates, you name it. We’re calling it Ninety-nine Ways to Get Home for Christmas and at the end of it all, we’re donating every toy on the tree to kids around town.”
“Oh my gosh. That’s the best idea.” She bit down on her lip. “Is it horrible that I’m just now thinking I should suggest to Natalie that we donate our birdhouses to the senior center?” Her brows drew in tighter. “I’m sorry. It’s just such a good idea.”
“No harm. I think that you cheating off my paper is for the better good. We can call it a coincidence.” He playfully nudged her shoulder. “Are you gonna tell me about these amazing birdhouses of yours?”
She slapped her hand over her mouth. “Espionage! You just tricked me into telling you my idea.”
“No, I’m pretty sure you just stole the best part of mine.”
“We’re in cahoots now,” she said. “Might as well tell all.”
“Birds. Feathers. Birdhouses and natural things like pine cones, gold pine needle tassels, dried orange and cinnamon ornaments. It’s going to be so gorgeous. Did you know Natalie is an artist?”
“I do know that.”
“She hand-painted the birdhouses. Randy built a whopper of one for the tree topper.”
“Sounds interesting. I guess we don’t have to worry about stealing ideas from each other’s teams. The ideas are very different, and both are very well thought-out. It can be our little secret.”
“To being in the top five.” She lifted her cup to his.
“May the best team win.” He sipped. “Hoping it’s us.”
She almost spit out her hot chocolate. “I can’t believe you said that.”
“Got to be honest.”
“Well, Natalie does not like to lose, so don’t think she’s going to go down without a fight.”
“Right this way.” They strolled on and stopped at a festive kiosk in the center. “There are three of these. Two at the entrances and this one, where volunteers will hand out the maps of the stadium. Trees are sort of in categories, which is why mine is way over there and yours will be over here, with the trees that are nature-related, outdoorsy, and animal-related.”
“Reindeer Run Way.” She pointed to the street sign the men were straightening as they walked by. “And does that say Hunters and Habitat Highway?”
“Clever, right?”
“Then, over there are the ones that are traditional in style. Retro, to current, to like space exploration, sci-fi, or the stars and planets. You’ll be surprised at all the different ideas. I never tire of the Christmas Tree Stroll.”
“It is sort of wonderlandish. I’m enjoying this.”
“One year we got blanketed in six inches of snow.”
“Did they have to cancel everything?”
“No. We go on rain or shine. Or sleet and snowflakes? Whatever. We never cancel. Everyone just puts on their snow boots and weathers it. It changed the way everything looked, all coated in ice and snow.”
“I hope it snows.”
“You’d like that?”
“I’d borrow some warmer clothes and march right down every one of these lanes.”
“I’d treat you to hot chocolate.”
“That’s sweet.”
“Tell you what. If it snows, you promise me I can walk you through here.” He stopped and faced her. “Deal?”
“I’m gonna hold your hand and we’re going to have red noses and hot chocolate and mittens with icy fingers.”
“It sounds like the most perfect Christmas I could imagine.”
He walked, imagining with each step what it would be like to be hand-in-gloved-hand with Sheila. He liked the way her delicate hand felt in his. Tiny and soft.
He hadn’t pictured himself walking with anyone in a long time. At least six years.
His job and women, they just didn’t go together, and he wasn’t willing to compromise his dedication to his calling. Firefighting brought him joy. Not just the act of putting out fires, but everything that went along with it.
“Let’s walk over to the professional path.” He air-quoted “professional.”
“I see why you air-quoted the word now. Dentist, lawyer, bondsman, police, doctor, the bank, the pharmacy, and look, the biggest tree in the place. Yours.”
“Not mine, the Chestnut Ridge Fire Department.”
“Well, the way I see it you’re the heart and soul of that operation.”
“That might be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.”
“It’s well deserved.” Her tone was sincere. “You should be very proud of what you do.”
“I am.”
“Hey, I see Doris over there. I recognize a few of the others from Orene’s party too.”
“They were all there. No one misses Orene’s parties.”
“I can’t blame them. She’s a natural-born hostess.”
“Will you come back for them occasionally?”
“Her parties?” Sheila’s eyebrows shot up. “I wouldn’t miss them. I just hope I’m invited.”
“You know Orene will invite you.”
“Probably. She did threaten to put my name on my bedroom door since I stay there every time I come to visit Natalie.”
“Not the cabin type?”
“Not at all,” she admitted.
“Too bad. It’s nice up there.” He could imagine a very nice weekend with her in that cabin.
“I’m going to take your word on that, and reserve my right to my own opinion.”
“I do admire an opinionated woman.”
“That makes me sound a little bossy or something. I’m not sure that was a compliment.”
He raised his hand. “Nothing but compliments from me, my friend.”
“Oh, well in that case, I might have to come back more often.”
“I hope you will.” He stopped short of inviting her to stay with him if Orene didn’t invite her. “Orene must think you’re a pretty terrific guest. I mean, to offer to name a room after you and all.”
“I think I get extra points for being friends with Natalie. You know, because Jeremy was from here and all.”
“You both get extra points from me for that too.”
“Even me?” She looked surprised.
“Especially you.”
She blushed, and he resisted reaching for her hand. “There are so many different kinds of Christmas trees. I mean, not just short and tall, fat and skinny, but the species, colors, and everything.”
“Yes, and they all come from tree farms within a hundred miles of here. We like to help our neighbors. Some are donated. Some are purchased from county funds. We splurge with putting money back into our businesses’ pockets and skimp in other areas like concessions, but folks around here like doing all of that. It works.”
“What’s your favorite kind of tree?”
“The Norway spruce can handle heavy ornaments and are really aromatic.”
“That scores big with me.”
“Except their needles are sharp, and they drop their needles fast. So some of them will look a little Charlie Brown–ish by the time the judges come around.”
“Oh, is that experience talking?”
“It is. The Fraser and Canaan firs are really nice, and we almost always pick a big fir for our competition tree, but I get a white pine from Jesse’s brother’s farm for my house. It backs right up to Natalie’s cabin. I’m not sure if they are my favorite, or if it’s the tradition I like, but that’s what I do.”
“Have you already decorated your tree at home?”
“No. I do it a couple of nights before Christmas, sometimes even Christmas Eve.”
“I usually put my artificial tree up the day after Thanksgiving, but since I was coming here, I didn’t put one up this year.”
“My tree is your tree. Orene’s tree is your tree. Natalie’s tree—”
“I get it. I get it.” She dropped her empty cup in the trash can at the corner of Holy Night Circle and Mistletoe Lane.
He stopped and looked straight up. Above them, a mistletoe ball hung from the crossbar of the football goalpost.
She followed his gaze, and then her eyes darted toward him. He felt her arm tense.
“It’s tradition. I didn’t make the rules, but.…”
She took in a breath. Wanting a kiss, but also not wanting one. “I…” She wrinkled her nose, not wanting to say no, but knowing it wasn’t the time.
“Yeah. It’s just a thing. Silly. Come on.” He grabbed her hand and tugged her out from under the mistletoe. “But no sense taking a chance on ticking off the Mistletoe Adherence Committee.”
“We don’t have one of those where I come from.”
“You better stick close to me then.”
“You’re going to keep me safe?”
“Only if you stay very close.” He watched her swallow back whatever it was she was thinking. He hoped maybe she was thinking exactly what he was. That maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
Not moving a muscle, he waited until she finally looked down at her watch. “I better get back to Natalie and Amanda. We intend to pull an all-nighter and get our tree done so we can free up our schedules for the rest of the week.”
“All night?”
“That’s allowed, isn’t it?”
“Sure. The night shifts from the plant and the hospital will be here. There won’t be too many people overnight, but sure it can be done.” He liked the way her lips curved up at the corners. “Mind if I check in on you before I leave for the night?”
She paused, and for a moment, he regretted asking. “I think I’d like that.”
Sheila turned and walked away.
He inhaled deeply and, just before his fist pumped in celebration, she turned and smiled, waving to him. Almost busted.
He jogged over toward the fire department tree and saved his celebration for when he was out of view.
His heart pounded as hard as that day he made the sixty-yard run to the winning touchdown. A rush like no other that left him a little lightheaded.
You couldn’t put this feeling on a Christmas list.
This might be the best Christmas ever, and the big day is still a week away.