Inexpressible thanks go to Victoria Wilson, my editor, for taking on this project and for her exceptional direction; to Father Joe Cocucci for his priestly guidance; to Naomi Davis, my agent, for advice on the manuscript and for overseeing contractual details superbly; to Mark Geyer for his perfect illustrations; to my family for their support; to the People of the Page and my Facebook family for their loyalty; to Rosy Avila and Veronica Martinez for their inspirational kindness; to Karen O’Brien for her brilliant proofreading; to Christopher Rice for his kindness and encouragements; to Anne Rice, my friend, my teacher, for asking me to write the Alphabettery, my homage to all the blood and tears that she herself poured into the Vampire Chronicles. I am also thankful for my wife, Stina, for her encouragement and unconditional love. Ultimately, I thank God for…everything I have, everything I am.