Bravenna is the home world of the alien race known as the Bravennans. More than ten thousand years before the Common Era, they discover that planet Earth can provide them with an invaluable source of nutrition and sustenance, as they feed on the psychic energy of human suffering. To increase this resource, Bravennan scientists abduct a mortal from Earth named Amel. They genetically enhance him to make him immortal, then they return him to Earth, with the expectation that he will aid their consumption of human suffering. Amel rebels and protects Earth. Bravenna then wages a small war against the planet, creating troops of humanoid soldiers called Replimoids to attack Amel. But he is able to stop them or convert them to help him protect Earth from Bravenna. With superior technology, Bravenna sends a meteor shower across the galaxy that pummels planet Earth, right on top of Amel’s greatest creation, the great city of Atlantis, and sinks the otherworldly metropolis into the sea, and Amel along with it.
Bravenna appears in Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis (2016). For more perspectives on the planet Bravenna, read the Alphabettery entries Amel, Bravennans, and Replimoid.