“Clarence Oddbody” is the alias Lestat has shortly before meeting with Raglan James, the Body Thief, in the book The Tale of the Body Thief (1992). When Lestat hands Raglan his passport, James makes a remark on the name. Lestat tells him that it is a private joke. Later, after James thieves Lestat’s body, Lestat searches for the alias “Clarence Oddbody,” but James has already changed it.
Clarence comes from the name of the angel in the 1946 movie It’s a Wonderful Life.
For more perspectives on the use of aliases in the Vampire Chronicles, read the Alphabettery entries Alexander Stoker, Baron Van Kindergarten, Benjamin the Devil, Eric Sampson, Isaac Rummel, Jason Hamilton, Lestan Gregor, Lionel Potter, Renfield, Sebastian Melmoth, and Sheridan Blackwood.