When scientists from the planet Bravenna create humanoid creatures called Replimoids, with superhuman abilities of regeneration and immortality, the Bravennans (whom the Replimoids refer to as the Parents) teach them that their work is to use their superior powers to help the human race. With this purpose, the Bravennans send the Replimoids—Kapetria, Garekyn, Derek, and Welf—to planet Earth with the secondary purpose of destroying their greatest creation, Amel, whom they have genetically enhanced with similar superhuman abilities and who the Bravennans claim is hurting the human race. The Replimoids soon discover that the Bravennans are nefarious liars with ulterior motives. They ally with Amel and refer to themselves as the People of the Purpose, because although the Bravennans have lied to them about many aspects of their purpose, their fundamental responsibility remains the same: the betterment of humanity. Amel and the Replimoids decide that they will be the people whose purpose is to help the human race achieve splendor and security, beauty and balance. The People of the Purpose will never harm humanity but will do everything they can to ensure the survival of Earth’s fragile creatures.
The People of the Purpose appear in Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis (2016). For more perspectives on the People of the Purpose in the Vampire Chronicles, read the Alphabettery entries Amel, Bravenna, Bravennans, Derek, Garekyn, Kapetria, Parents, Replimoid, and Welf.