Regina Blackwood


Regina is the wife of Patrick Blackwood, younger brother of Gravier Blackwood, son of William, who is the son of Manfred Blackwood, founder of Blackwood Farm. Regina and Patrick have one daughter, Nanette. After Patrick falls from a horse and dies, Regina lives the rest of her life in Blackwood Manor. Although she does not need to, she is always working in the kitchen, as if she were one of the Kitchen Gang, frying and slicing and chopping. After she dies, her ghost is never seen haunting Blackwood Manor; it is believed that she is resting soundly with her late husband, Patrick, in the family crypt. Regina is the great-great-aunt of Quinn Blackwood.

Regina Blackwood appears in Blackwood Farm (2002). For more perspectives on her character, read the Alphabettery entries Gravier Blackwood, Kitchen Gang, Manfred Blackwood, Patrick Blackwood, Quinn Blackwood, and William Blackwood.