When the Taltos Silas, the son of Ashlar and Morrigan, causes a rebellion on Ashlar’s secret island, capturing his parents and siblings and any other Taltos who will not follow him, he attacks a nearby island full of mortals, who also happen to be employees of a massive drug cartel run by Rodrigo. Rodrigo retaliates by attacking the Secret Isle, killing many Taltos and capturing those who make no resistance. After gunning down Silas, Rodrigo locks Ashlar and Morrigan in the large kitchen freezer on the compound on Ashlar’s island, where the husband and wife freeze to death, locked in each other’s embrace. Rodrigo controls the island for two years until the vampire Lestat arrives with his two companions, Quinn Blackwood and Mona Mayfair. The threesome attacks Rodrigo and his drug cartel, using their vampire gifts, namely the Mind Gift and the Fire Gift. Rodrigo attempts to escape as his men are being slain, and he falls from a balcony to his demise.
Rodrigo appears in Blood Canticle (2003). For more perspectives on Rodrigo’s character, read the Alphabettery entries Ashlar, Fire Gift, Lestat de Lioncourt, Mind Gift, Mona Mayfair, Morrigan Mayfair, Quinn Blackwood, Silas, and Taltos.