

Not to be confused with Akasha’s son, also named Seth, this Seth is one of the few remaining Taltos who live on the secret island owned by the ancient Taltos Ashlar. Seth loves the solitude on the island, especially going off into the vast jungles with his Taltos companions, Elath and Releth. A rebellion instigated by Ashlar’s son Silas ushers in a retaliatory attack by the drug lord Rodrigo and his soldiers. The Drug Merchants invade the island, and most of the male Taltos are shot and killed. Seth is among the slain.

The Taltos Seth appears in Blood Canticle (2003). For more perspectives on this character in the Vampire Chronicles, read the Alphabettery entries Ashlar, Elath, Releth, Rodrigo, Silas, and Taltos.